《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 36: Secret


I dropped off my siblings home and returned to pick up Elliott at school because he stayed back to go to the library.

We'd enjoy our weekend together starting now. I was waiting for him at the parking lot when I see Elliott running away from school like he just saw a ghost.

"What happened? Are you okay?" - I asked him once he came closer to where I was parked.

Elliott was visibly shaken, distraught, nearly tearing up for some reason. He gets into my car and I did as well.

"I'm fine. I just saw something that freaked me out!" - He answered, voice faltering.

"What happened?" - I inquired, worriedly.

"I just saw Liv inside the bathroom topless with Blackburn." - He replied, shaking with nervousness. I gasped.

"Wait, what? Was she being held against her will?" - I didn't know what else to say, frankly.

Elliott glared at me.

"If she were, he wouldn't be alive anymore!" - Elliott's eyes glowed with anger.

Yeah, I didn't think so... I just had to ask.

"What the fuck! Are you sure it was her?" - I'm so gobsmacked at this.

"Yes, I'm fucking sure! I'm a werewolf, even if I was blind I'd recognize her scent anywhere! It's what got me to look inside the closed stall they were in the first place!" - He spat at me, livid.

I raised my hands in a "I surrender" stance.

"OK, I believe you. No need to bite my head off." - I said, sheepishly.

"Now I know why she was too ashamed to tell me about her new man. I mean, what the fuck!?" - Elliott shouted in disbelief.

I start the car, not knowing what to say or do. I'm too shocked to do anything else. Elliott keeps mumbling under his breath curse words and incoherent things.

This completely derailed the afternoon I had planned for us. I took him home and stayed until he calms down.

It took a really long while. By the time he was better, it's time for dinner at the pack house so I returned home. I invited him to come along, of course, but he said he wanted to be left alone.

Why would Olivia be with Ben again? What's she thinking? I get that he could be her mate, but still... I'm trying very hard to understand this but I can't for the life of me.

I didn't comment about this with anyone in my family because it's not my secret to tell. I just had a nice family dinner and turned in.

On Saturday morning after breakfast, I went over to the Lockwood house to visit my mate, check in on him. I sensed his turmoil yesterday, so I was curious to see if he's better.

Fortunately, he was. Though it's hard to get a grasp on her choice, it is hers to make and hers alone. He smiled at me after I entered.

I was also greeted by Mr. Lockwood, who's present on this Saturday. His mom is working. Elliott lead me to his room shortly after.

"Are you alright?" - I begin, once we're inside his bedroom alone.

"I am. I was just too shocked yesterday. But it's not my place to judge her. Maybe she has Stockholm Syndrome." - He snickered.

"That only happens in kidnapping." - I informed him in a serious tone.

He glared at me.

"I know, idiot. It's a joke." - He barked.

I laughed, then jumped him.

In a swift move, I used my larger body to tower over him and make him drop on his bed, with me following. I press my lips to his as my hands caress the back of his head.


After a few minutes, we parted lips for air.

"Damn, I thought you're gonna attack me." - He gasped in shock.

"I've been dying to do that since yesterday. So, I did attack you. Sorry, not sorry." - I smirked. We're lying on his bed side by side.

He laughed at this.

"I can tell. I'm sorry for not being a good mate to you yesterday. That really threw me off." - He apologized, feeling self conscious.

I caressed his face with my right hand, causing a shiver to run trough both our bodies.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I understand the shock. I am too. But there's nothing we can do but respect her choice." - I told him with a firm but understanding tone.

He smiled and kissed me for a good time.

We spend a good hour making out and touching each other inappropriately. I feel so confident around him that there's nothing I can't do when I'm with Elliott.

I invited him to have lunch at the pack house with me, but he doesn't want to leave his dad to eat alone. I told him I'd return later on. It's not a problem for me, our houses are practically a walking distance from each other.

Plus, what else am I supposed to do with my Saturday? Study? Right...

Some time later, I dragged Elliott out of his home because it's Saturday and we deserve a night out. Unfortunately, there aren't much options in a 20K people town, so I took him to a dinner for an early dinner. At least, we get the chance to talk some more.

"I know you're not in the mood for going out, but I think we owe it to ourselves to enjoy now before we have a pack to run." - I start, once we're sat at the table. We had already ordered some soft drinks to get us going.

Elliott smiled weakly at me.

"I'm fine, mate. No one died. You're right to take me out. I need to get over it, anyway. She didn't do anything wrong. Neither of them are mated, so she's not cheating on anyone. I may not approve of her choice, but it's not my place to judge. It's not my trauma." - He blurted in a resigned tone.

I let out an awkward laughter, not knowing what to say to that.

"Good. That's the spirit! Let's focus on us because at least she's dealing with it." - I said and reached out my hand to touch his. Every time our skin comes into contact it sends shivers down my spine. It's amazing and it never gets old.

He smiles and kiss me for a good time. Our drinks arrive and we order some food. The waiter is a student from our school, so we know him.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." - I speak, bashfully. He can sense I'm a little timid.

"Yes, you can Tuesday me if that's what you're gonna ask me." - He said with a naughty grin.

I got flustered.

"Thanks, but that's not what I was gonna say. I wanted to thank you for not saying anything to your friends, though it's stupid and I don't know why I'd care if you did." - I admitted, a little embarrassed.

He laughed at this.

"I get it. You think people might judge you because you're supposed to be the Alpha. Like somehow there's this set of expectations for you and anything other than that it'd be wrong. Even though it's nobody's business what we do in bed." - He argued in an understanding tone. I gasped at his bluntness, though I shouldn't be surprised.


"I'm not supposed to be, I am the future Alpha. But yes... exactly." - I replied, blushing.

"It's fine. I don't mind keeping some things to myself and I don't care what people think. I will proudly wear the power bottom badge of honor." - He snickered.

I laughed nervously, still uncomfortable at this conversation.

"Good. Actually, I really liked our Tuesday. I wanna do it again soon, if that's okay with you." - I suggested, flustered.

"I liked it too. You've surprised me so much last weekend." - He commented, blinking in a flirtatious way.

"That's my goal, to surprise you." - I confessed it, then I took his hand and kissed it.

"Well, you've succeeded it." - He said with a radiant smile.

"Surprisingly, I'm not in any hurry to flip the script between us. Is that okay?" - I admitted, blushing hard. Even though I shouldn't.

He gasped in surprise.

"It is. I'm good if you are. Just don't feel obligated to do anything. I'm happy to take one for the team." - He smirked, making me giggle.

We had a very nice date. Our food arrived, we ate and then went back home to make out in my bedroom. In fact, we spent the whole night together and I absolutely loved it.

We didn't have sex, but we enjoyed our company very much and entertained other options. I do love me some Friday, not gonna lie.

Our eyes glow in a lustful gaze as we pleasure each other orally. Sunday after breakfast, I dropped him off at his house. Fortunately, neither set of parents complained about our time together alone since we're mated.

On Monday, I arrived at school with my siblings as usual. I greeted Simon, who asked me about my weekend and I told him I missed our Sundays together. He smiled at the memory and told me he'd make a plan to visit me just like before Elliott and I were paired.

I'm curious at Elliott's reaction to seeing Olivia after everything that happened last Friday. Elliott greets me with a kiss and Simon with a smile.

"Are you ready to face your best friend?" - I asked him with an ominous tone, causing Simon to frown in confusion.

"Stop it! It's not that big of a deal! You say it like she committed a crime. It's fine." - He downplayed it.

"What happened to Olivia?" - Simon asked me.

"I saw her with her mystery man last Friday at the library. And let's just say it didn't go over so well." - He replied in a remorseful tone.

"Really? Why? Is he mated? Who's he?" - Simon asked him, curiously.

"He's not mated, no. I can't tell you who it is, I'm sorry. It's not my secret to tell." - Elliott told him with an apologetic tone.

Simon got disappointed but he understood that Elliott is a loyal friend. And werewolves are deeply loyal people.

We talked for a bit, then went to the classroom.

Olivia looked worried about Elliott when she saw him. Anyone can tell that by her troubled gaze. Ben was worried too, but not for the same reasons. I'm guessing he's just worried Elliott will interfere in their relationship.

"I'm sorry that you had to discover that way. I'm so ashamed that you saw me like that. I didn't think you'd peek inside the stall." - She apologized, though my mate got a little testy.

"Are you blaming me for being curious? Last time I checked you're not supposed to be there!" - He snapped at her.

"No, I'm not blaming you! I'm trying to apologize! I never meant for you to find out that way!" - She exclaimed, deeply uncomfortable.

Elliott's gaze shifted from irritated to forgiving.

"It's fine. I get why you didn't want to tell me about him. I wouldn't understand it anyway. I still don't, but it's not my place to judge you." - He said in a comforting tone.

"Thanks for not making a scene. I'm glad you didn't hit him." - She said in a joking tone and the class gasped in shock.

"I don't go around hitting people! I don't condone violence, I only use it as a last resort!" - Elliott barked at her, who blushed.

"OK, it's not fair that you caught Liv and her secret boyfriend and didn't tell us about it! Who is he? Is he mated?" - Brandon asked me, but he spoke for a lot of curious students. Ben blushed.

"It's not my secret to tell, Brandon! I didn't want my mate to out your boyfriend and I certainly am not gonna out another person. No, he's not mated. Goddess forbids." - Elliott replied, loudly. Olivia is blushing.

"OK, you can't out a straight boy. It's not the same thing as Marcus. But I get it." - He shot back in a snarky mood.

The class started, but no one is letting go of this anytime soon.

"Did you catch Liv and her boyfriend naked?" - Rachel asked him, once the first period ended. The entire classroom gasped in shock.

"No! They weren't naked, just shirtless. Stop asking me about it!" - Elliott snapped, angrily.

Poor Olivia. I've never seen her so embarrassed like this before. And they don't even know who it is yet.

"Do you know who it is?" - Simon asked me at the end of the third period. The entire class turned to look at me.

"I plead the fifth amendment." - I replied, blushing under everyone's stares.

"Wait, you told him?" - Liv asked Elliott, shocked.

"He's my mate! I was shaking after I left school. He was worried for me, I had to tell him!" - Elliott replied, defensively.

"I get it. Sorry I freaked you out." - She said, feeling self conscious.

"Who is this boy? The boogie man? Jesus! Who could it possibly..." - Simon commented in an annoyed tone. Then, it hit him. He got wide-eyed suddenly and I knew he figured it out.

"Oh my Goddess! I know who it is!" - He gasped, to everyone's shock.

"Who?" - A male student asked him, curiously.

"I'm sorry, it's not my place to say." - Simon replied to a frustrated grunt in reply. He glanced over at Ben, who avoided his gaze like the plague.

At wrestling practice, the boys are still commenting about the mystery boy. Wild theories are being floated around school, variating from group to group. Honestly, it's distracting.

"I don't understand why did she think you'd hit the guy." - Patrick noted, inside the locker room after practice ended.

"People mistake me for a violent person. I'm not. I don't go around hitting people because I don't approve of their boyfriends. If I did, I'd start with Andersen." - Elliott snickered, causing Marcus to gasp in shock.

"Bring it on, Luna." - He said in a defiant tone. All of the boys laugh out loud. By now, it's crystal clear no one here can take on Elliott. Not in human form at the very least.

"Aren't you curious about it, Blackburn? Don't you want to know it too?" - Patrick asked him, who gasped in surprise. I, Elliott and Simon stare at him unavoidably.

"It's not my place to speculate. She should go out with whoever she wants, free of judgement." - He replied, glaring at Elliot.

"I'm not judging anyone, Blackburn. You should do well to remember that before you open your mouth. You don't wanna see me mad!" - My mate stared back with a threatening tone and death stare.

I gulped at this. It got really uncomfortable very fast.

"No one wants to see you mad, mate. The last time you weren't mad you nearly dislocated Huntington's shoulders." - I snickered, trying my best to diffuse the tension.

Some of the boys laughed at this, except for Patrick who grimaced.

Not long after, we're all in the showers quietly.

During lunch break, Simon talked about the pair of them, careful not to mention their names. He didn't understand how she could be with him after everything that happened. Join the club, bro.

"I just can't believe you saw Liv half naked!" - Rachel commented at the end of the last period.

"I've already seen her naked when I rescued her on the day of the heat. That's the least of my problems, trust me." - Elliott reminded them, causing Liv to blush hard at the memory. Ben looks uncomfortable.

"It's just a little weird." - She insisted with a disgusted face.

"I'm gay, Rachel. It's not as if that's anything shocking. I take daily showers with 20 of the hottest boys of the entire school. That's amazing!" - Elliott smirked, making everyone gag at his bluntness.

I blushed and people stared at me uncomfortably. After that, I was glad for school to be over.

"I had forgotten how you found me on that fateful day. It must've been awful for you to see me in that state." - Liv remarked with some remorse.

Elliott looked at her seriously.

"Liv, I don't care that you were naked. I care that you were violated. Don't make this about me as I'm not the one you should be focusing on. It's your trauma." - He argued, making everyone gasp at the memory, specially Ben.

Damn, my mate has a mouth on him. He hugged her for a moment before all of us left the classroom.

"Don't worry, Hollingsworth. You're my favorite hot boy." - He told me as we walked out of school.

I smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks, mate. Good to know." - I replied a bit embarrassed.

After school, Elliott and I saw each other briefly late afternoon. It's always nice to spend time with him.

On Tuesday, the school rumor mill is still buzzing about the mysterious couple. I guess now it's just a matter of time til they get found out.

"Marcus, why are you so quiet about it?" - Patrick asked him before the first period inside the classroom.

"Quiet about what?" - He gasped in surprise.

Patrick glared at him.

"I think people should leave her alone, that's why. Who cares who Liv dates?" - He deflected in a snarky tone.

Patrick stared at him for a minute.

"You know who it is, don't you?" - He inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Huntington, mind your fucking business!" - He barked, irritated.

"Why would he know who it is? Felix, Elliott or even Simon wouldn't tell him. Brandon doesn't know it either. So how can he..." - Ashley commented, puzzled next to her mate.

Then it hit her. She gasped in shock and horror.

"Oh my Goddess! That's it! Why did she think Elliott would hit her boyfriend?" - She shouted, staring at him.

"Why?" - Patrick asked her, baffled.

"Because he's the one who saved her from him in the first place! The only person who actually would tell Marcus, his best friend." - She concluded, looking at Blackburn.

There's a collective gasp by the entire class in shock.

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