《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 35: Causing a Commotion


I'm intrigued.

Since last week, I've noticed Liv disappearing during school breaks. At first, I didn't think much of it. She's a library rat anyway. But now I'm thinking it's a bit overkill, even for her standards.

There is only so much studying one can do. And we have the same classes, so I know there aren't that many tests or projects for now.

Still, it's probably none of my business how she spends her time. I just wish she wasn't so secretive about it. I tell her everything.

Well, maybe not everything per say. But a lot.

I never told any of my friends that Felix didn't top me. Everyone just assumed it and I never corrected them. For one, I don't mind them thinking this way about me. Ironically, the one advantage of being an omega is that people already expect you to be the bottom.

It's not anything new.

But most of all, I don't know how Felix feels about this part of our intimacy being shared with others. It's ridiculous that it could somehow affect his image as Alpha. I don't think so, to be honest. It wouldn't affect Simon's, who couldn't care less about people knowing it. But Simon is much more comfortable in his sexuality than my mate.

Since we didn't discuss this yet, my lips are sealed. And they're going to continue this way. Plus, it's not anybody's business anyway what we do in bed. I don't owe any detail of my life to anyone. I'm not ashamed of it either, but I am comfortable not oversharing.

Some things are private. But I'm happy with Felix. And like I said before, I'll bottom for him some time soon. I'm very comfortable with that. I actually look forward to it.

My parents are happy for me now that we've completed the bond. They didn't talk much about it since Sunday because it's a weird topic, but they congratulated me on finally taking the plunge.

Back at school, I felt a little subconscious about Simon. I know he's still hurting because of me and I have no desire to drag him out more than I already have. I look forward to his mating, honestly.

Because I can see clearly that he's not well, though he does try very hard for Felix's sake.

In other news, as I suspected, Felix and I are much better behaved inside the locker room. We don't get hard for each other now that we've completed the bond. At least, not unintentionally. Now, we're back to normal.

Though I do wanna attack him with kisses when he's naked in front of me. But that's to be expected, I guess. Nevertheless, we behave ourselves in front of the other boys. We don't need to put on a show, we're still at school.

As the days go by, people got more accustomed to us being mated and stopped being weird about it, specially when Simon is concerned. Thank Goddess!

All I want is for him to get passed this so we can double date with him and his mate. Fingers crossed they are nice.

"Have you made peace with the fact that you can't be a warrior anymore, son?" - Dad asked me during Thursday morning breakfast.

"Yeah, dad. I had to. I can't defy the order of things. Plus, it would just punish Felix needlessly and I'd never want that." - I replied in a low tone.

"Good. It's not a glamorous life as we make it sound. It's pretty boring, really. And thank Goddess it is, because when things get serious, they get deadly." - Mom explained, trying to make me feel better.


"I get it, mom. It's fine. There's no guarantee I'd earn a spot anyway. The competition is cutthroat this year." - I downplayed it.

"It's cutthroat every year, son, for what I hear. But this year there's one less spot with Delta Huntington's son in the mix." - Dad commented with a smirk.

"Yeah. But he deserves it too, he's very good." - I acknowledged it in a serious tone.

"So are you, sweetie." - Mom said, making me smile in contentment.

"I am. But I made my peace with it. There are worse things than being Luna of the pack." - I snickered. My parents giggled at this.

"Certainly." - Mom agreed, grinning.

When I got to school, I went to greet my mate and Simon, who is with him. Then, I went over to talk to my friends.

"Is everyone okay? What's the latest?" - I asked, once I greeted them all.

"We're just trying to figure out who's Liv's mystery date." - Brandon replied with a cheeky grin. I gasped at this.

"I knew you're up to something! Who is he?" - I questioned her, who is blushing at all the attention.

"I don't have any mystery man! Brandon is crazy! Just because he's getting dicked he thinks everyone is!" - She deflected, making everyone gobsmacked at the revelation.

We all turned to Brandon, shocked.

"Oh my goodness!" - I yelled, jaw on the floor.

"Stop judging me! Not everyone has a gorgeous Beta to top! Not all of us have that privilege!" - He snapped at me, angrily. But he's much more embarrassed than angry, I could tell.

"First of all, I'd never judge you or any other omega for that matter. I've always said it's your choice what to do. I've never bottom shamed anyone and I'm not about to start now!" - I preached in a serious tone.

"Second, before me Simon had never bottomed for anyone. It's much more about him being open minded enough to try than me finding a gorgeous Beta to top. I've said this to you and everyone: you're allowed to ask for what you want in a relationship. It doesn't have to be always about what the other one wants." - I lectured, annoyed at him.

Brandon blushes, deeply uncomfortable.

"I did ask. I did what I wanted to do, not what he did. I don't want to top anyone." - He confessed, mortified.

I hugged him. He was shaking in fear and shame.

"You have every right to do what you want in bed. It's no shame in being exclusively bottom. It's your sexuality. Not I or anyone has any say in the matter." - I assured him with a comforting smile.

"I only want you guys to be careful, that's all. But you're just as entitled to having sex as any other teen wolf. We're not less than anyone. We're omegas and proud!" - I addressed all my friends, looking at them with pride.

"Now Olivia, nice try but I know you have someone. You're great at diversion but I was raised by warriors and am not so easily distracted. You're also allowed to keep your business to yourself. It's fine. I just thought we're friends enough to tell each other everything. But I guess not. Let's go, people. We're late for class." - I stared at her, who blushed under my gaze.

After that, we all hurried to the classroom.

When the first period ended, Felix came up to me.


"Are you okay? I heard yelling earlier in the yard." - His tone was worried.

"I'm fine, I had an argument with Brandon and Liv, but we're okay." - I replied, causing them both to glance at us sideways.

"Good. Did you tell them about..."

"No, I haven't. Not everything is up for debate." - I cut him off, knowing full well what he's on about. I kissed him and we went to the next class.

Some time later, inside class, Liv tries to get cute with me.

"Didn't you just say you told me everything? What isn't up for debate?" - She smirked.

"People with secret boyfriend shouldn't cast stones. I do tell you everything. But I don't need to comment on the sexual intricacies of my mating. Some things are between me and my mate. But there isn't a more open book person in this school than me and you know it." - I rebuked, making the entire classroom buzz about her secret.

Liv gets embarrassed from the collective stares.

"I'm sorry, Elliott. I'm just too ashamed to tell you." - She admitted in a low tone, blushing.

"Why would you be ashamed to tell ME? When did I ever judge anyone? Is he human? Where did you find a human in the first place?" - I questioned her, intrigued.

The entire class gasped in surprise. Liv slapped my arm.

"No, he's not human! Where would I find a human in this town?" - She snapped at me.

"You're right, I'm sorry. But it'd be fine if he were. I told you, I don't judge. Unless... oh my Goddess, is he mated?" - I'm wide-eyed in shock.

As I said that, the entire classroom turned to stare at us in awe. No wonder she didn't tell me. It's bad.

"Stop trying to guess it! You're making it worse!" - She pleaded, deeply uncomfortable.

After that, we stopped talking about it.

However, soon the entire senior class is buzzing about her secret boyfriend. There's nothing people like better than juicy gossip. And speculations are afloat over who the supposed boy is.

At wrestling practice, I'm quiet and focused. I have to enjoy my last few months fantasizing I'm a warrior because after graduation, I'm done fighting.

Inside the locker room, some of the boys are commenting about Liv, but I don't pay any attention. To them, anyway.

"Stop glaring at me, Luna. You said you don't judge!" - Marcus snapped me out of my thoughts, as he caught me staring at him.

"I don't, Andersen. But you're not the one who's at risk here." - I replied in a somber tone. Felix and Simon frown but say nothing.

"The only person who's at risk of getting pregnant here is you." - He rebuked, getting Felix aggravated.

"Watch it, Andersen!" - He threatened, glaring at him.

"I'm well aware of that, Marcus. I don't have anything against you. I wish you both the best. But I worry, that's all." - I say in a humble tone.

His face descends from anger to a concerned look.

"I know you do. But I promise we were as safe as possible." - He guaranteed in a low tone.

"Good. If you're happy, then I am." - I spoke with a weak smile before we went to the shower area.

Like I said, everyone assume I gave in to my mate. I just have no problem owning up to it. In fact, I proudly wear the power bottom mantle.

During lunch break, sat at the omega table, we're still reeling from the events that happened this morning.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Elliott. I guess I'm a little self conscious about it, even though I shouldn't. It's my prerogative." - Brandon apologized to me.

"It is your prerogative. Like I said before, I don't judge. I worry about you, that's all." - I told him with a concerned tone.

"I'm sorry too, Brandon. I shouldn't have used your relationship to deflect from my secret. I was just too ashamed to admit it." - Liv chimed in, looking at him apologetic.

"It's fine, Liv. You didn't lie. So, I'm glad it's out in the open. I don't like secrets." - He replied, a bit flustered.

"Speaking of secrets..." - I said suggestively looking at Liv. Everyone stared at her at the table.

"Guys, stop it. Let me have this one thing. I'll tell you when I'm comfortable." - She played coy, frustrating our insatiable curiosity.

"It's fine, Liv. You can tell us when you feel comfortable. Just please tell me he's not mated, is he?" - I asked, voice dripping in curiosity. And I wasn't alone.

"Of course not! Are you crazy?" - She gasped, frowning.

I sighed in relief.

"Great. Then, it's all I need to know." - It had to suffice for now. I can't compel her to confide in us or even me.

Before the final class of the day, I approached Felix.

"Hey mate, do you want to go to my place later to enjoy some Friday?" - I proposed, though it took him a second to remember what Friday means.

Once he did, he smiled wide.

"Yeah, I do. I love Friday." - He replied enthusiastically. I kissed him.

"If I were mated, I would Tuesday every day." - Marcus snickered, causing some people to laugh inside the classroom.

"There are other things to do besides penetrative sex, Marcus. You should look it up." - I replied, making him grimace.

"Sure, Luna. If you say so." - He scoffed.

"I do say so. If you don't believe me, ask your partner." - I reiterated, making Brandon blush.

"Besides, too much Tuesday and I'll be carrying the next Alpha before Hollingsworth ascends in the first place." - I snickered, causing Felix to blush. Simon gasped too.

After school, I spent a nice late afternoon with my mate. We haven't done much since last Sunday, so it's good to catch up. And by catch up, I mean...😏🤤

When I got to school in the next day, people were applauding Ashley and Patrick for completing the bond. Damn, they did it on a Thursday? Good for them.

I congratulated them as the other students did, including Felix and Simon.

"Ashley is so cool she didn't even wait for the weekend." - I joked.

"Why wait? When you know, you know." - She replied, grinning. Though not nearly as wide as Patrick. That boy was smiling like he just won the lottery. In a way, he did. She's very beautiful.

"You're absolutely right, Ash. Good for you." - I smiled at their accomplishment. It's always a happy occasion when a couple complete the bond. It seems silly for humans, but for us is a right of passage unlike any other.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" - I asked my mate, who smiled at me.

"Spend it with you." - He replied and I swooned.

"I so love you." - I melted.

"I love you too." - He kissed me. Simon is a little uncomfortable, but there's no point dialing down for him. It is what it is.

Classes go by normally for a Friday. I'm so looking forward to the weekend.

People stopped talking about Liv's secret man now that they have another thing to talk about, though not nearly as interesting.

The wrestling team boys congratulated Huntington as well on completing the bond - the ones who haven't already done it in class.

"I'm so happy for you, Patrick. Ash deserves a good guy." - Felix told him inside the locker room.

"Thanks, Alpha. I do appreciate it." - He replied, grinning wide in contentment.

"When is it your birthday, Andersen?" - I asked him as we got undressed for the shower.

"It's not until much after the Beta's." - He replied, glancing at him. Simon gets wide-eyed.

"Stop thinking Brandon is gonna be mated to Simon! There are other omegas at school, you know? Even Juniors can be mated to him! - I exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

"I know, Luna. I don't wanna lose him." - He admitted, blushing.

"You won't. Not to Simon, anyway. He'll get another one, I'm sure. I like Rachel for him." - I insisted, causing Simon to be slightly uncomfortable.

"Whoever it is, I just hope they like me. Because I'm going to complete the bond so hard they're gonna leave my bed already pregnant." - He blurted, making us all gasp in shock.

I mean... damn! I'm no stranger to the locker room conversation, but even I'm blushing right now.

"Wow. I'm sure they'll like you, Si." - I said after a minute to catch my breath.

After that, we showered quietly.

After the final bell, I had to go to the library to get some books for the weekend. School work doesn't end until several months, unfortunately. And they wait for no mated teen.

I got my books from the librarian, gave them a quick read to check if they're the ones I needed and used the restroom before I leave.

I was already washing my hands when I noticed a familiar scent coming from inside one of the stalls. It's not always easy to distinguish smells when you're in a public bathroom as a werewolf.

As you can imagine, one catches too many scents from all over the place, including the people who frequented it before you. And it's fine, we're used to it by now.

However, I can't stop but wondering why would I scent a girl inside the male restroom. The place was quiet, but I could hear two people breathing silently.

Normally I wouldn't pay much attention to it, but I know this scent. I know it very well.

So I jumped, grabbed on the edge of the stall door and lifted myself up to see who's inside.

I get the shock of my life when I see Liv without her shirt on, sat on the lap of a shirtless boy. Not just any boy, but the one and only Ben Blackburn.

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