《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 34: Good 4 U | Anyone


I'm ready.

I have been crying now for nearly a month. I've been a wreck since Felix and Elliot got mated to each other and even worse by seeing them together at school.

But there's nothing I can do about it. It's the name of the game. We're werewolves and we all know how it goes.

But I'm much better now, to be honest.

I have to be. There's no use crying over spilled milk. I am looking forward to the future, whoever they may be. I'm ready, come and get it.

However, I can't deny that when I see Elliott and Felix marked as mates it's gonna hurt. It will. A lot.

I wish I was totally over him, but he really got me to fall faster and deeper than I've ever been. Damn him!

Not that I can blame Elliott. Who would've thought he'd be mated to the fucking Alpha? Certainly not me.

Anyway, the point is moot now. I'm happy for them, no hard feelings. Plus, Felix is my very best friend. So, it is what it is.

I'm ready for it to be done now. I have no tears left to cry for missing Elliott. I wish I had someone else to spend my time with, anyone whatsoever. I'm not that picky... at the moment.

But even though I have a great reputation in the sack - if I may say so myself, or better yet, take Elliott's word - my birthday is too near for anyone to wanna venture anything with me. It's such a drag!

Honestly, I never had a difficult time getting dates before. But I'm so fucking radioactive right now, I'd have to pay for the type of company I need. And we don't have this type of professional at Regency Falls.

Not that I'd employ them if we had. I mean, probably not. Who knows? It's best not to cast a stone and all that.

Nevertheless, I do have (other) friends. And I'm making the most out of their company, specially over this particular weekend. I'm treating some of the boys from the wrestling team to a male bonding sleepover at my place.

I didn't invite Huntington and the other mated fellas because they'd rather spend time with their mates, which I get it. I would too if I were mated. Specially the newly ones, like Patrick.

I'm gonna complete the bond so hard next month, my mate is gonna think we died and went to heaven. Or hell, if that's what they're into.

It's so great to have people keeping me company while Felix is busy. I guess it's a good thing I'm still popular with some demographics.

We played games, ordered expensive food, talked a bunch. I had a blast with the boys. In fact, I hadn't laughed in so long I almost forgot the fun of it.

With all the seriousness that my life gets at times, I forget to be a simple teenager which I am. I will become Beta, it's true, but that's not for many months. So for now, let's just enjoy life as one should.

On Monday, I get to school early as always and go do my usual rounds, greeting people as I meet them. It's nice to be around other students and I'm a friendly guy. You never know who will turn out to be your mate.

Felix arrives with a big smile, feeling as fulfilled as one can imagine for a person who up until a few weeks ago, didn't even know if his mate would accept him.

"Congratulations, Alpha!" - I greeted him with the biggest fake smile I could muster.


"Thank you, Beta. It's been a long time coming!" - He replied, enthusiastically.

His grin was infectious, to be honest. You can't help but cheer for the guy.

"It really has. I wonder who won the bet..." - I snickered.

"I wonder if anyone will place bets on who your mate is. You're the wild card of the school. It can be literally anybody." - He countered, making me gasp. Though he didn't lie.

"Let's hope not. I just want to be mated. Period." - I replied, sheepishly.

"That's a good idea. My money is on Rachel. I like her for you." - Elliot's voice interjected as he approached us. He kissed his mate on the lips and greeted me with a smile.

"Don't even start, please. People can hear you and Felix speaking and get ideas." - I pleaded to a grinning Elliott.

I can't see either of their mate marks because it's winter and people dress warmly. But I can scent it (half) a mile away.

"You're right, Simon. I don't want you to feel any more pressure than you already do. I understand it's stressing." - Elliott empathized with a pity look my way.

That's even worse than before.

"It's fine. I'm okay, Luna. I'm not worried about my mate. I just want them to be confirmed. I don't really care about who it is." - I downplayed it, trying to play coy.

Of course I care, but it's no use stressing over it.

They both looked at me suspiciously.

"Right. You're the only werewolf who doesn't care about who their mate is." - Felix snickered.

"I didn't mean it like that! Of course I care, it's just not worth obsessing over it." - I elaborated, slightly embarrassed.

Not long after, we're walking towards the classroom. Students clapped for the happy couple as they made their way trough the halls. I felt a bit embarrassed, but it's not about me. Good for them, I guess.

"Congratulations, Elliott!" - Brandon, Rachel and Olivia greeted their friend inside the classroom.

"Congrats, Alpha!" - Some of the boys from the wrestling team applauded Felix.

"Thanks, boys. I appreciate it. Hang in there, Huntington. Your time is coming soon." - Felix replied, looking at them but Patrick in particular. He hasn't completed the bond with Ash yet. But they got mated way after Felix and Elliot.

Both Ashley and Patrick blushed at this. She also congratulated Felix. In fact, the entire class did.

"Only werewolves to congratulate teenagers on having sex." - I blurted, causing all the students to stare at me. I didn't mean to sound as bitter as I did. But I don't need to be a mind reader to guess what they're all thinking right now.

"We will congratulate you soon, my friend. Rest assured!" - Felix broke the awkward silence that ensued, smiling at me like the good guy that he is.

"I didn't mean to take away from your achievement, Felix. I'm happy for you both." - I told him with an embarrassed tone, blushing.

The teacher entered and the class started.

After each period ended, another round of applause from other students for the happy couple. I really want to be happy for them, but this flaunting of their happiness is not working so well for me.

By the time we reached wrestling practice, even the coach congratulated the happy couple. Fuck. My. Life.

I worked off my aggression on the mat, demolishing the opponents in front of me. I didn't realize I was so angry until one of the boys almost passed out from a choke hold by me. Coach had to intervene.


"Are you okay, Beta? I thought we're cool after the weekend at your place." - Marcus asked me, frowning in worry.

We're inside the locker room, getting our towels and toiletries ready before undressing.

"We are cool. I didn't mean to get so rough earlier. I guess I still have some stuff I'm dealing with. But it's not about you, I promise." - I replied, feeling embarrassed.

Felix and Elliott glanced at me but said nothing. An awkward silence fell as we continued with our routine.

"I get it. I'm not gonna be happy if Brandon gets mated to you." - He said after a minute, causing all the boys to look at me, Felix and Elliott awkwardly.

"Like I said before, I don't want him to be mated to me either. But I'm not rejecting anyone whatsoever." - I admitted, looking determined. He gulped but didn't say anything else.

We all take the necessary shower and I see their mate marks for the first time, exposed on their necks.

"So, was it everything you ever wanted?" - I asked Felix, blushing under the running water. He gasped at my question.

"Yes, it was. You'd think it'd be weird because he's a boy. But it wasn't at all. I love my mate." - He replied in a sincere tone, causing Elliott to let out a shriek in reaction.

"I love you too." - Elliott replied to him while he showered.

"Good for you." - I said, looking at Felix whose eyes are either tearing up or it's the water from the shower.

And here I thought this day couldn't get any more awkward. I was so wrong.

By lunch break, there're still people congratulating the future Alpha and Luna. Elliott continued having lunch with his omega friends and Felix with me.

I tried my best to avoid any awkward vibe between us, but the more I talked about it, the worse it got. I'm really not as over them together as I thought I was. Fuck!

I would sacrifice anything for the Moon Goddess to reveal my mate earlier. Or to be mated to someone older than me, that works too. Anyone, for goodness' sake.

Back at the classroom, people were still talking about it. I guess it's gonna be a hot topic for some time now. High profile couple and all.

"Do you feel any different now that you're no longer a virgin?" - Liv asked Elliott, who gasped in shock at her question.

"I wasn't a virgin before." - He replied promptly in an embarrassed tone.

"Right. I forgot about that. But it's not the same thing. You didn't give yourself completely to him like you did your mate." - She argued, causing Elliott to scowl. And he wasn't alone.

"Can we NOT have this conversation, please? You're hurting Simon needlessly!" - He barked at her, who looked at me feeling guilty.

Yeah, this isn't awkward at all.

"It's fine, Elliott. I know how much you craved being intimate with your mate. I'm happy for you." - I told him, deeply embarrassed. Felix didn't even look at me he's so uncomfortable.

This fucking Olivia will be death of someone someday.

"So... who was better?" - Brandon asked Elliot with a naughty grin and he snapped.

Elliott slammed his desk so hard I thought it would brake. The loud thump startled the entire classroom.

"Am I not speaking English? Stop bringing up Simon into the conversation! I'm mated now! There's no one else for me in the world! The next person who makes any inappropriate comment won't live to get mated!" - He shouted, eyes glowing in rage.

You could hear a pin drop after that outburst. Though, to be fair, we can probably hear it anyway. Wolf hearing. But my point remains the same.

After the class ended, Felix kissed his mate, who still looked kinda angry. But not after the lip lock.

I don't know why I thought this day would go smoothly for me. It couldn't be any more painful if people didn't try to compare me to Felix in bed. I mean, come the fuck on!

I was almost desperate for the final bell.

"I'm sorry, Elliott." - Brandon apologized later on.

"It's fine, Brandon. But people don't realize how hard this is being for Simon. If they keep bringing his name up he'll never be able to move on. It's not fair to him." - He replied in an awkward tone. I blushed at my name being mentioned in the conversation.

Though he's absolutely right.

"You're right, of course." - Brandon agreed, feeling sorry for me. As did the entire class listening to the conversation. Fuck. My. Life.

"I'm sorry, my friend." - Felix said to me, looking remorseful.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Felix. Your happiness is all I care about. If you're happy, then I'm happy." - I replied without missing a beat. I tried to put on a brave face as much as I could. He smiled at me.

I gathered my things after the last class ended and tried to leave hurriedly, but Elliott hugged me inside the classroom before I could leave, apologizing for everything once again.

I told him there's nothing to apologize for. And I'm fine. He smiled at me and I went on my way.

OK, I'm not fine. I got home and locked myself in my room, crying my eyes out for this punishment to end. It's like everyday someone keeps reopening the wound I'm so desperately trying to close.

Like that greek mythology dude whose wound was pecked by a bird every day and healed during the night for him to suffer all over again in the next day. Endlessly tormented.

Which god did I anger to deserve this? Please, I will beg your forgiveness kneeling over hot coal if necessary. Just tell me what to do and I will.

I skipped dinner tonight, but my mom sent me a grilled cheese before lights out at our house. By then, I was really hungry.

In the next morning, I explained to them why I wasn't feeling so well yesterday and they understood it. At this point, I've suffered so much even Johnny can grasp the concept of heartache at 9 years old.

I almost skipped school altogether, but I couldn't pass up the chance of getting mated to an older person. It's a long shot, sure. But desperate times...

"Morning, Beta. Are you feeling better?" - Felix asked me once he reached where I was at the school yard.

"Hi, Felix. I'm getting there." - I replied in a sincere tone.

"Hang in there, buddy. I love you." - He hugged me as if sensing my nervousness.

"Thanks. I don't want to rain on your parade." - I admitted, feeling a bit guilty. Though I shouldn't.

"You're not. You have been nothing but a gentleman throughout." - He smiled at me, which made me feel better.

We talked a bit about other stuff til Elliott arrived and greeted us. He also asked me if I was okay, to which I replied I was trying to be.

At least, people stopped applauding them as they walked on. With time, things would fall into place. Hopefully.

"Good morning, Elliott. Do you feel pregnant yet?" - Liv asked him inside class, turning everyone's heads to them.

"Not unless I time traveled into the 1960's and condoms weren't invented, no." - He snickered, causing the entire class to laugh at this. Felix blushed at the insinuation.

"Weren't you the one who said nothing is 100% safe?" - Brandon questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I did say that. And nothing is guaranteed. But I'm not pregnant. Condoms can be effective." - He replied in a matter of fact tone.

Brandon looks relieved. Elliott got suspicious.

"However, that doesn't mean you should 'complete the bond' with your boyfriend, Brandon. Accidents happen, but at least I'm protected in case they do." - He continued, making the omega and Marcus blush intensely on their seats.

"I know, Luna. Thanks for the reminder." - He smirked, embarrassed.

"Hey, where did you go yesterday after lunch?" - Elliott asked Olivia, puzzled.

"I had some studying to do in the library, why?" - She replied, surprised by the question.

"Nothing, it's just you keep disappearing on me lately." - He insinuated, making her blush.

I laughed at this. For once, this awkwardness isn't about me. Can I hear an amen?

"I'm not disappearing. Some of us have to actually study. Our lives aren't as guaranteed as yours after graduation." - She shot back at him in a snarky mood.

"Says the under Delta's daughter. Your dad can get you a job pretty much anywhere in town." - He rebuked in a playful tone.

"I'm not saying I'm helpless. I'm just saying I need to go to college." - She grunted.

"Yes, you do. And good for you. You'll do great." - He smiled at her. The class started.

I feel so much better when I'm not included in the conversation, Elliott was right about this. When it comes to their mating, the less I'm mentioned the best.

I hope to Goddess my name isn't dropped again anytime soon. Like I said, I wish them nothing but the best, I really do.

I can see from their radiating smile that they are very happy together, as mates are. Good for them.

Now, can I please have mine already? I'm waiting... anyone... please... I'm right here!

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