《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 33: Love Machine


I'm afraid.

Have you ever felt so happy that you can't help but wait for the other shoe to drop?

Now, I'm not saying I have never been happy before or I was miserable until I found him. I wasn't, thank Goddess. In fact, I was very happy with Simon. So much that I couldn't fathom that I'd be any happy without him, specially with Felix as my mate.

But like I said before, there isn't a choice to be made. I had to accept Felix. I can't reject my mate. I will not be deprived of my chance in happiness. And that's not taking into consideration that Simon would get mated away from me.

No, sir. I don't need to suffer as he is suffering right now. I do love him and wish him the absolute best as he deserves to be happy too. I really do.

But no, bitch. I can't take being any more different than I already am. I simply cannot. I need my fucking mate, regardless. We live in a werewolf town, if I'm not mated what am I supposed to do? Have an affair with someone mated? Risk my life? Fuck no! My parents raised no cheater. And it's not like you can hide being mated like humans hide their wedding rings. There's no hiding the mate mark, which is kinda the point.

Also, let's be honest for a moment. There are worse things in life than being mated to the Alpha of the pack. Sure, I can't be a warrior like my parents and that's a bummer. And it's not the same as being mated to Simon, who's rich.

But in all seriousness, I will never have to answer to anyone in my life aside from my own mate. And he's not the boss of this relationship. I'll never have to worry about money, or cleaning and cooking. I don't need to concern myself with anything else than to perform the duties of a Luna and raise our future pup.

The pack house is a massive endeavor to take care of, yeah. But it's different when you're (just) calling the shots instead of having to cook and clean for 50 people. Very different.

I would be fine if I had a simpler life or if I had to take care of my own household, with a mate and a pup. I was raised for it, no problem.

But I'm not strictly speaking mad at being a bourgeois housewife with a maid and a cook. I never thought it was a life possible for someone like me, sure. In my old pack, they would probably have a heart attack if the future Alpha got mated to me. Honestly, I don't know if he'd accept me, even under the 'can't reject the Luna' circumstances.

But that's not a reality I have to worry about. Thank Goddess! It's horrible to maybe reject a mate, but being rejected is a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone. Not even Ben Blackburn, though I don't think he's all that bad. It was a terrible situation his with Liv.

But I digress.

I am afraid of what might happen tomorrow, but today I'm happy. Happiest than I've ever been by my mate's side.

We're marked, my soul is complete, I am fulfilled. Not only that, but I got to top the Alpha.

And he fucking loved it!

He couldn't get enough of me, of my hard cock inside of him. And I gave it to him happily. It's funny, if you'd told me some time ago that I'd have the opportunity to top the Beta and the Alpha, I'd ask what you're smoking...


Really. Never would I've thought it was possible for a lonely omega like me, but life is full of surprises and possibilities. Not that I'm opposed to bottom myself. This isn't about bottom shaming or superiority. Not at all.

Sexual positions don't define your ranking in life. Or anywhere for any reason. People who somehow think like that are delusional.

I'm not superior to anyone except by being an awesome warrior with exquisite fighting skills. That's it.

I would gladly bottom for my mate. I will at some point soon and I'm completely fine with it. Better yet, I look forward to it.

My point is: I'm elated that I got the chance to explore my options. To try something new, uncharted waters. That's what this really is about.

You shouldn't be denied anything out of fear or prejudice. You are your own person and you make your own rules, as long as your partner is cool with it, of course. It takes two. And consent is key.

After we made love, we microwaved some lunch and ate contently in the kitchen. We talked a lot as well. I asked him how he felt and he said he felt connected to me like never before. I swooned.

We washed the dishes and gone back to bed.

"This is nice. But now that we've completed the bond, we still have 24 more hours to pass the time. What do you want to do? Watch TV on your laptop?" - I asked him after a while of resting on the bed. I saw that he brought his computer, though I don't know if this place has WiFi.

He smiled wide at me.

"No, that's not what I have planned for us here. Actually this place doesn't have WiFi, I only brought my laptop in case it rains. I have some films downloaded as a last resort. I want us to take a run to the waterfalls. Enjoy the cold weather." - He smirked.

"You want us to run in the winter?" - I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Of course! We're werewolves. And you only live once." - His smile is so infectious that it's impossible to resist it.

"Fine, but if I get cold you're warming me up later. I don't care if I have to glue you to my body." - I snickered, getting up from the bed.

"Gladly. I have other plans to keep you warm." - He smiled mischievously and I gasp at his naughty intent, so clear in his eyes.

"Look at you with all the plans." - I complimented him.

"Oh, I have been dying to get you alone for quite a while. My plans have plans." - He smirked. I couldn't help but smile too at him. His happiness is contagious.

We take off our clothes and shift into wolves, though not before leaving the front door ajar. It's a good thing there's zero criminality in these parts, so it's okay to leave the door open while we run free trough the open field.

I love to run as a wolf. My second skin is feeling its oats next to its mate. A wolf is never as happy as after having completed the bond and my wolf is radiant right now.

Felix's wolf is much larger than mine, as we've established, but when we run it doesn't make any difference. Because I'm smaller, I can be faster. Which in turn makes him work a little harder to catch up with me.

Evidently, my wolf could never win in a direct fight against an Alpha. I simply cannot make use of my tactics like in human form, but it's okay. I'm done proving myself and I will never fight Felix again. Not unless we're being kinky during sex. 😅


When we finally reach the waterfalls, we stop at the edge of it and shift back into human. It's a painful process every time, I'm not gonna lie. We spend near 7 minutes having all our bones breaking and rearranging shape, among other stuff. It's not fun for us werewolves. But we could never choose any different. This is us.

"Do you really expect me to get into this freezing cold water?" - I asked him once we're both naked in human form, as I pointed to the beautiful waterfall.

"I don't expect anything. But I'd like it very much if you could join me, just for a minute. Live a little." - He teased me in a humble tone. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and who can resist that?

I kissed him for a good time, trying to distract him from getting ourselves wet. But as soon as we parted lips, he entered it naked and unafraid. I joined him for a moment and we played a bit under water.

We swim, we fool around, we get under the waterfall. But I don't last more than 10 minutes before my body temperature gets too low. Winter is a bitch, though the weather is not that bad today.

We get out of the water and shift into wolves again. Then, we ran back to the cottage. At least with the exercise, my body gets warmed again. Plus, I'm protected with all the fur covering my body, nature's blanket for animals.

When we reached home, we shifted back into human form and took a hot bath together. That's always nice. Afterwards, we dried ourselves and got dressed.

"What's next, Mr. Planner? And if it involves any naked activity outside the house, I'm telling you right now it ain't happening!" - I sassed him.

He laughed at me.

"Don't worry, my darling mate. That's it for outdoor activities. Now, the party really starts." - He smiled mischievously at me and I gasp in anticipation, before he enchants me with his naughty grin. Whatever it is, I'm in.

"Lay on the bed and let me put this on." - He ordered, pulling a blindfold out of his bag.

OK, now I'm gobsmacked. What is he going to do to me? Be that as it may, I did as told. Who am I to refuse the (future) Alpha?

Felix lifted my shirt and kissed my belly. He continued up and kissed my chest, spending a good amount of time licking and nibbling my nipples. A moan escapes my lips before I could stop it at the pleasure it ensued.

He removed my shirt and licked my mark on the neck, traveling with his tongue til the other part of the neck all the while caressing my body with his hands.

I'm shaking already with the pleasure from my mate's touch. Somehow being blindfolded gives me a new appreciation of my other senses. And there's nothing for me to do but enjoy it.

Felix removed my pants and underwear, then he positioned his body above mine (from what I could feel) and kissed me. His lips taste like paradise. Honestly, I could do this forever. I almost wish we had more time here alone, though it's only Saturday and we still have a long way to go till the weekend ends.

But I kinda wish it'd never end.

When he's done with my lips, he kissed his way down my whole body, including legs and feet. I scrambled to control my urge to peak under the blindfold, but I wouldn't want to spoil the fun.

He licked his way upward, then stopped when he reached the crotch. There was a brief absolute silence without any body contact.

I was about to ask if everything was alright when I felt it.

A dense liquid is poured on my belly and he licked it off me. I whimpered at the mercy of his tongue, but he's just getting started.

He poured some drops on my hard cock and as soon as his tongue comes into contact with me, my body starts shaking uncontrollably. Not that it deterred him, on the contrary.

There's a never ending stream of liquid being poured all over my length, being licked almost instantly. I'm moaning loud at this, but then he poured over my balls and things get out of hand.

Loud moaning escape my mouth, making him continue on with the licking. He engulfed my hard cock to suck the sweet taste off it and my body quivered.

When I thought the pleasure couldn't get any higher, he did the unthinkable.

He slides a finger up my slick wet hole, causing me to gasp at the intrusion and tremble from the pleasure at the same time.

His wet finger went in and out of me slowly as he worked my length so expertly that I'm baffled this is his first time with a guy.

I couldn't hold it in any longer, I gave him something else to lick and spilled myself profusely. He lapped it up without pause.

The pleasure obtained from the fingering is like nothing else. My body is shaking from the release, my moans are loud and I'm completely at my mate's mercy. But he doesn't stop the action until the leaking ceased.

I asked for a bottle of water to replenish myself as I'm parched and heaving. He handed it to me as we had placed a couple at the bedside table.

He removed the blindfold and kissed me once again. I'm smiling from ear to ear.

"Wow! I didn't see that coming!" - I'm gobsmacked looking at him.

"Hey, I have some tricks up my sleeve. This is just the beginning." - He replied with a naughty grin. I'm mesmerized at my mate. For a person who up until a month ago had never kissed a guy, he's advanced leaps and bounds.

I asked if I could do anything for him, but he declined politely. He told me he had other plans.

I took a quick shower and we had a nap holding each other in bed. I drift off to sleep peacefully latched onto my mate's arms and there's no place I'd rather be.

I was woken up by Felix sucking my cock again, except this time he stopped once I was fully awake and hard. He's already naked, so he applied lube on my dick and him. He carefully positioned himself on top of me, squatting inside and out, causing me to moan at the unexpected pleasure.

Felix made my body squirm as he sat himself in and out of me, looking at me with a naughty grin, possessed by our lust. Our eyes are glowing, drunk in desire for each another.

And just when I thought he's out of tricks, he takes my hand and leads it to his awaiting hard pole, which I jerk off with pleasure as he picks up the pace.

We came at the same time, as connected as ever while our bodies surrendered to the pleasure of release. Then, shower and dinner.

On Sunday, the blindfold returned.

Felix teased me relentlessly with objects caressing my naked body, titillating me with sensations. I'm gobsmacked at how inventive he is and how much pleasure I could get from my mate.

He kissed, sucked, licked and nibbled all over my body, making me beg for release which never came.

He left my body shaking in anticipation and just when I thought he's done, there was the finger inside of my wet hole again. I gasped at how expertly he maneuvers my body.

He's fingering me while sucking me off, sending shivers all over my physique and making me come hard. I am in complete ecstasy.

If this is the beginning of our mated lives, I can't wait for the rest of it.

By the time he drove us back to our homes, I had never gotten so much release before in my life in such a short amount of time.

Right now I'm thinking this can't get any better for me. I just hope it stays that way.

But for now, I'm thankful I'm mated to the best person the Goddess could ever pair me with: Felix Hollingsworth, I love you.

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