《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 32: Sex Bomb


It took me a while, it's true.

But I'm finally comfortable enough in my sexuality to face completing the bond with my mate.

It wasn't an easy journey that's for sure. But I got there. Started simply with touching, then blowing, now I'm ready for more.

Hungry for it, in fact. Starving.

It's Friday morning and I already secured a nice little cottage away from town for us to go explore our possibilities. And I'm so ready for it. I even studied bottoming to be prepared. Talk about commitment.

Normally I would ask my best friend but it's too weird as it is, I don't need to make it worse. I'm already trying my best not to compare myself to the "sex god", which is not that easy to be honest.

But I endure. I only have one mate and I can't wait any longer. I have breakfast and get ready for school, taking the brats along with me like usual. Not that I mind it. They're mostly quiet and looking at their phones, like every other teenager.

I get to school and greet the early bird Simon. I have yet to tell him I'm completing the bond tomorrow. I don't know what's weirder: to get it out in the open or to avoid the issue altogether. I'm still deciding.

"Are you okay?" - I asked him after we exchanged pleasantries.

"I would be better if people stopped getting mated every day and flaunted that all over my face." - He snickered in a sour mood.

"Who got mated?" - I asked him in shock and he tells me about another pair of teens from our grade who got paired because it's someone's birthday.

It's like clockwork, as soon as you turn 18, boom there it is. If you don't find your mate at school, be worried because it might take a while.

"It'll happen for you too, you'll see." - I consoled him the best I can.

"So, are you completing the bond this weekend, huh?" - He asked me point blank and I gasped in shock.

"How do you know?" - I shouted, surprised.

"I've known you since we're babies. Do you think I don't know when you're hiding something from me?" - He smirked with a mischievous grin.

I laughed at this.

"Yeah, I should have known better. I just didn't know whether or not it'd be better to tell you now or afterwards. It was a long internal debate." - I admitted, blushing.

He laughed at me.

"It's fine. I'm happy for you two. It can't be helped nor it should. Plus, you two are taking your sweet time. Are you waiting for him to break out in heat?" - He smirked in a devious tone.

"Goddess, not you too." - Elliott's voice can be heard as his approaching footsteps.

He greets me with a kiss and Simon with a sour smile.

"I'm just saying. It's good that you're getting over with it soon. You never know." - He commented in an ominous tone. Elliott gasped.

"Don't even!" - He snapped at him.

Some time later, we're all inside the classroom. After the end of the second period, I hear Olivia and Elliot talking.

"Elliott, aren't you afraid of going into heat soon if you don't complete it?" - She frowned in worry. He grimaced at this.

"Et tu, Brutus?" - Elliott scowled in disappointment.

"What if you're training with Simon and then--"

"Olivia Pullman, for the love of Goddess! Do you want the Alpha to kill the Beta? It's like you're not even a werewolf! Jesus!" - He cried out in repulse. But Simon and I gasped in absolute panic at the scenario.


"I'm sorry, you're right. But what if you're fighting Patrick..." - She suggested, making Ash shock with an ugly grimace. Huntington too.

"So you want Ashley to kill me? Jesus!" - Elliott was utterly gobsmacked at the mere suggestion, though the first one really takes the cake.

"Now no one will want to fight me today out of fear of Hollingsworth. Thank you, Olivia! Really helpful!" - Elliott was nearly crying. Some friend he has.

"You're not breaking into heat just yet. Don't worry about it, mate." - I tried to comfort him, though now that she put it in our minds it's gonna be difficult at practice today.

"Thanks, Hollingsworth. Tell it to everyone's scared faces. Now I'll be lucky if I get an exercise in today." - He snarled at me, pissed off. Though he's not angry at me for once.

Werewolves are possessive and territorial. We're not good sharing our possession and I'm not talking about a food or a clothes drive for charity.

We do mark people for life. So, it's possible that if I see my mate being kissed by someone else - heat or not - I could go feral, shift into wolf and kill him. I wish I was exaggerating.

Of course, I'm not talking about a friendly hug. We're not psycho. But other than, I can't answer for myself.

As expected, no one fought Elliott today at practice. Not that he insisted, the frightened faces of all the boys said plenty. Even Simon - and I would rather lose my hand than strike him. Elliott was mad, but he couldn't blame them. He just exercised alone. I offer to spar with him, but he refused.

When we got inside the locker room, they all apologized to him looking remorseful.

"It's fine, guys. I don't blame you, I blame Liv. Way to fuck it up my Friday. I can't believe I'm still being handicapped for being an omega!" - He let out a low growl.

I felt so bad for him. No wonder he's the way he is. He's fighting everyone, including his own omega friend.

We shower normally and get dress for lunch.

I tried my best to shake the awkwardness that ensued in the later classes by kissing Elliott whenever I can. That always helps. But he was quieter than usual.

Just before the final period, I turn to him and try to make him smile.

"Hey, who do you think will win the bet?"

It worked.

"I hope it's Simon." - He replied to Simon and I's surprised faces.


"Because he doesn't need the money." - He replied with a devious smile. Simon laughed.

"Nice try, but I didn't place a bet. They wouldn't believe me when I said I didn't know either." - He smirked.

"Do we have a date already?" - Olivia asked him enthusiastically.

"I don't think you should be speaking any more today. Or are you gonna scare off the bus driver too?" - Elliott snarled at her, who lowered her head in sorrow.

"I'm sorry. I spoke out of worry, not malice." - She replied to him in a hurt tone.

"I would have preferred if you hadn't spoken at all." - He jabbed at her, also hurt.

My goodness this is painful. And here I thought my friendship with Simon had its issues.

After school, I drove to Elliott's home for a "pre game" make out session. Since he spends his afternoons mostly alone anyway, why not make the most of our weekend.


We spent a nice time together, but we refrained from going too far. We don't wanna spoil our fun for tomorrow. Though hopefully nothing will. I went home just before dinner time.

Fortunately, I have already cleared with his parents spending the weekend away together. They're fine with it since it'd be with me. It took me a minute to sleep tonight in anxiousness, not gonna lie. I have been dreaming about this ever since I learned what it meant to complete the bond. I think I was 12 at the time.

On Saturday, I went to pick Elliott up in my car right after breakfast. Early bird catches the worm. And I wanna do more than catch it, if you get my drift. *Giggles*

He's at the door waiting for me with his overnight bag ready. I kissed him good morning and got his bag in the passenger seat of the car. Soon enough, we're on the road.

The cottage isn't that far from our neighborhood, just a few hours. It's near the waterfalls that name our little town. And it's terrific to give us privacy and room to enjoy ourselves without any outside eyes.

"Wow. I loved it here. How did you find it?" - Elliott was mesmerized looking at the place once we got inside. We deposited our bags in the room and we're exploring a bit.

"Well, it belongs to my uncle. But he rarely uses it. So, I thought it would be a nice change of pace for us." - I replied, marveling at the place. It's simply decorated, but elegant. There're living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and a spacious yard.

I have brought food and some toiletries as well.

"Well thought out. I liked it. So, what do you want to do now?" - He asked a bit nervous.

"Are you hungry? I've brought food for us. There's beef, mac and cheese, some curated meat..."

"I'm not. I'm good for now, thanks." - He cut me off, anxiously looking at me.

I stared at him for a minute thinking about what to do.

"Well, how about a relaxing shower?" - I proposed with an innocent tone.

"Perfect." - He replied, grinning.

I plunged into a deep kiss right where he stood. I kissed his lips, neck, then I started stripping him off. Without any objection, first his shirt, then more kissing, his nipples - which got him trembling - down to his navel.

I knelt and pulled his pants down to his feet, removing gently one foot after the other. I stared at the boy in underwear in front of me and removed it carefully.

My mouth is already watering in anticipation.

I lean forward and stretch my tongue out to lick his tip, causing him to get hard instantly. I teased him a little before I get back up and motion him to the bathroom. He mumbles something under his breath about me being a tease and I giggled.

We take a shower together, slowly and thoroughly cleaning our every pore. Our eyes are already glowing in lust, drunk in our (mate) pheromones.

My hard cock pokes him as I clean his skin with pleasure. He does the same with mine, running a sponge over my skin. We laugh mischievously at each other, ready to complete the bond at any time now.

After we're cleanse, we dried ourselves with towels and walked to the bedroom. We lay on the bed, naked and eager to get started.

"You know, it's okay if you're having second thoughts about bottoming. I can do it if it's uncomfortable for you." - He offered, almost too accommodating.

I smiled at him, contemplating the offer for a hot second.

"I'm good, Elliott. It will be uncomfortable in the beginning, sure. But it should get better. I'm not backing down from this." - I replied with a content grin.

"Great. Because I've been wanting to do it with you for a while now." - He smiled mischievously, making me gasp a little at his eagerness.

"I see. Well, take it away!" - I gesture for him to take the initiative.

He hovers over my body, looking attentively at me. Then he kisses me on the lips, slides down to my neck where he'll mark me. The soft contact with his tongue sends shivers down my spine.

He works his way down my body, nibbling on my nipples which causes me to moan in pleasure. His tongue is so soft and nice to feel. He goes down further and lick my balls, making me gasp that he went directly to that area. I'm already rock hard, but he focus on licking me well before he moves his tongue to delicately wet my length.

I shake with the pleasure he gives me, moaning louder than I'd expect at this point.

When he engulfed my cock with his mouth, I had to refrain from coming too son. I bit my tongue lightly as he sucked me off with purpose. My body trembled, my entire being feeling the intense shiver it ran through me.

As if sensing he's doing too good a job, Elliot stops on the verge of me spilling. He smiled at me naughty, taking pleasure in the heaving state he left me.

He carefully shifts me to lay on my stomach, then he massages my shoulders with his heavenly hands. I relaxed as if I was being massaged by angels. And just when I was giving in to the relaxation, he sticks his tongue down my ass, making me wince at the shock.

I shook at the unfamiliar contact, gasping at the pleasure it gave me and how he unceremoniously just knew what to do to get me ready for it. His wet tongue ravished my entrance, making my cock twitch with desire under me.

He wasn't afraid of going the extra mile and by the time he got us both lubed up, I was practically begging for it. I was salivating for him to enter me.

He positioned himself at my entrance, getting us in a comfortable place on the bed and he penetrated me gently. It ached a little at the intrusion, but I was so eager for it that most of the pain got numbed by my blinding desire.

He stayed fully inside me for a second, getting me accustomed to his length. Then, he thrusts inside and out of me and a loud moan escapes my lips.

He is confident, but gentle. Respectful but precise. He starts slowly and expertly picks up the pace as I get more comfortable with it. I'm entrapped by his thrusting, gasping at the pleasure he proportioned me.

As the thrusting gets faster and deeper, he grabs my waste to shift position a little and he gets an even better angle to penetrate me, which in turn make me moan louder at the pleasure.

He goes at it for quite some time, getting in and out of me, making me feel things I've never felt, giving myself in like never before to anyone else.

Suddenly, he shifts position again and gets me to lay on my back, facing him as he fucked me. My legs are over his broad shoulders and he pounded me with a devious pleasure.

But that was nothing compared to what I felt when he grabbed my leaking cock. At this point, he started to jerk me off while fucking me. I couldn't control my moans anymore. I was loud and static, it didn't take long for me to climax.

He knew I was near and he thrust as deep as he could, making me empty myself as I cum all over my stomach. Elliott came inside me hard, his whole body shaking from the pleasure caused by the release.

Our canines elongated as expected and he offered his neck for me to bite first, which is actually very courteous of him. I figured he'd take the plunge first, but no.

I don't waste a second and mark my mate for eternity, biting down hard. I have waited nearly a month for this, so I wanted it badly. Or better yet, I've longed for this through all my life: a mate of my own.

After I lick his wound, it's his turn. Elliott bites my neck with vengeance, making my skin shake from the attack. His canines plunged into my neck, making blood pour out of the wound. I wince at the pain, but endured as he did.

Afterwards, he licked the wound and only then removed himself from me, though he's still hard if you can believe it. We went for a shower and relished in each other's company.

My heart is so full right now, I can't explain the happiness I feel at being mated. My soul is finally one again, complete with an everlasting glee.

In this moment, I'm new. I'm happy. I'm whole. I'm fully mated. And I can't wait for my life to get started, at last.

As I watch Elliott smiling at me during our shower together, I can't help but feel love for him. He is my mate and I'm so glad I found him. This is truly the happiest I've ever been.

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