《Her Mate》Chapter fourteen


I managed to clean myself up fairly well but now what was supposed to be an hour with Joann was thirty minutes and that was pushing my car to its limit and hoping no cops were out. Thinking about him really scared me as there was no telling what he was capable of. He had looked like something out of a horror movie. Did they all look like that? Did Nancy?

Nancy looked like a giant...well wolf, but Jake was something else. He still had looked somewhat human and stood on two legs, not four. Maybe I should spend more time researching this stuff. Especially considering I'll be spending a great deal of time around them. How did I get into this?

"I know I look like shit but can't you try to hide being grossed out?" My sister said in weak harsh voice that didn't sound at all like her.

"Sorry, it's not you. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment is all. Say... I wanted to ask you..."

"It was just a wild animal. I- I don't remember much of it. God, I really wish people would stop asking me. I just want to forget about it." She said bitterly turning her head away from me.

I shouldn't push her but knowing it wasn't a wild animal, I didn't think I had much choice. Whoever did this was still out there and next time it could be worse.

"Are you certain that's all it was and not..." Shit! How do I say this? "...something else. Joann, you can tell me. I'll believe you." I pleaded to her. I scooted the chair closer so I could hold her hand.

She turned her head back towards me. A lump formed in my throat at her watery eyes. How I hated seeing her like this. When I find out who did this...

"It was just a wolf, Crystal." Her voice was soft and broken. I knew she wanted to say but was holding back out of fear. I didn't blame her.

"A werewolf? I know. But I need you to describe it, Joann, so we can find who it was and make sure they don't do this again. Was it male or female? Fur color? Was it someone we know?" I hoped not. Despite everything I still didn't want to think Jake would be capable of this. Yet the way he acted earlier told me he could.

"Th-that's crazy, Crystal." I could tell it wasn't so crazy breaking what few restraints there were from just saying it.

"Was it Jake?" I blurted out hoping against odds it would be enough to get her to talk to me about this. A part of me knew she would need time yet, I just couldn't. I hated thinking how she was always there for me and now when she needed me I was sitting here doing nothing.


What chance of her opening up to me was gone as her walls came up and the scared face was replaced by one of anger and defiance.

"God damn it, Luke, I said I didn't want to talk about it! Now will you just fucking drop it?!" She practically yelled at me.

I pulled away leaning back in the chair with a deep breath. Now I've pissed her off which wasn't what I wanted to do. Give her time, Crystal. She's been through a lot my head spoke up. She had.

"Look...I'm sorry, alright? I'm just trying to help is all. I got to get to work but I'll stop by again tomorrow if you want me to."

A small smile broke through her scowl. "Of course I do. Don't be silly." Her eyes enlarged with excitement "You got a new job? When? Where at?"

"Someone I recently met owns a bar here in town. I begged her for the job and it seemed to of worked. I start my first shift at six."

"You're driving back and forth?"

"Yeah, It'll be fine. I really needed it and Nancy, my boss, said I'll even get tips. I'm really excited about it."

"Well then you better get going. And make sure you sneak back here with an amazing margarita for me. Don't skimp on the good stuff either. I need it strong." She gave me a sly smile and a wink making me laugh.

"I'm sure the doctors would love that." I told her as I rubbed her arm. "Get well soon then I'll buy you some. Deal?"

"Okay, fine. I'll wait but not a minute longer than I'm released." She pouted.

I arrived just before five thirty. My back felt better only a dull throb when I turned a certain way. Or when I was getting in and out of the car it reminded me. Thanks a lot, Jake I mumbled under my breath as I shut the door.

My favorite security guy was here again watching me with his dark eyes as if he thought I would try and rob the place at any moment. I pity the poor fool who ever tries. I gave him a wave as I made my way inside only receiving a nod only in response. Seriously? Who does that?

Nancy's head turned my way as soon as I entered taking my breath away. She wasn't dressed to the nines this time just a pair of blue skinny jeans and a T-shirt with her hair back in a simple ponytail but she still managed to wipe away all of today's troubles with Jake and Joann.

"Need any help?" I smiled to her.

"I need to know a few things first. Have a seat." She answered casually pointing to a empty booth near the wall that had a small lamp on the table.


I sat down and waited a couple minutes before she sat down opposite of me with some papers. "What would you like to know?"

"Not much. Just your entire life history is all." She gave me a dark grin that sent goosebumps up my arms. How could someone scare the shit out of me, excite me, and yet also make me feel incredibly safe all at the same time?

Yeah, it's strange to say that, but here I am. Any one of them could easily hurt me yet, I hadn't really thought much about that. I know that one of these werewolves hurt Joann and being here is the best way to make sure they get what's coming to them, whatever that may be, and I've never really felt in much danger from anyone aside from Nancy herself but even then... I don't know. She might of started off wanting to hurt me but ever since she's been rather protective. Overly perhaps. I've never felt that before. What can I say? I like it.

I filled out the paperwork which was mostly your typical job application. References was always kind of weird as most of the jobs I had before was as Luke so I never listed them. Nancy knew about me getting fired at the gas station so that should be a problem. I debated a bit for the second reference then went ahead and listed office assistant at Langhurst Realtors and Joann's phone number. She's covered for me in the past and I didn't think Nancy would call given our circumstances.

"I hope two references are fine as before Langhurst Realtors I worked mostly temporary labor as I traveled around." I asked her handing the papers back to her.

"That's fine." She replied looking it over and making me second guess myself about how much she'd dig.

"What happened to you?" She asked casually still going through them. I racked my brain trying to figure out what she was talking about when she peeked up "You're bleeding."

Shit! I thought I had covered it good enough that the toilet paper and duct tape bandage wouldn't come off. I felt my back to discover it was still securely in place.

"I can smell it." She added knowing I was going to ask her how she knew. Damn it! I didn't want her to know.

"I tripped earlier when taking Dobby for a walk. It's nothing. More my fault than the rock." I answered cheerfully. I didn't want her to know what really happened. Nothing good would come from that I was sure.

She just nodded making me unsure if she believed me or not then quickly got up "Ready to start?"

Nancy was right about it being fairly dead here when I showed up but it started picking up around eight, and by nine I was going at a steady pace. Opening beer, filling up pitchers of beer, while wiping up tables and keeping track of everyone's order. A welcome change from seeing how many magazines I could read.

Nancy stayed by me the entire time along with Linnea who made the cocktails while I only did the beer.

"Where are you from, Linnea?" I asked her as she made a couple tequila sunrises.

Gällivare Sweden. I sorta got involved with my Alpha's son. After about a year he found his mate which was fine till the little bitch kept rubbing it in my face. No way could I just let her get away with that so we fought. I won but they didn't like that and ran me off. Having no luck finding a new pack after the shit they spread I decided to come here and run the Appalachian trail. It was there I met my Mate, Greg. After we climbed Katahdin he asked me if I would stay with him. He was so shy. It was all very romantic."

The way her eyes lit up and the smile that formed no doubt said she was totally in love with her mate, Greg. I looked around for Nancy to find her across the room dealing with customers

"Did you just know, right off?" I asked her lowering my voice.

"A werewolf always does the moment they spot the mate. Humans can take a bit longer. In Greg's case it was about two weeks. I told him I was thinking of traveling a bit with a faster group and he was so jealous. I swear, it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

She handed me the drinks still smiling "You might not know who your mate is, but when they reveal themselves, don't fight it. Just trust in the moon goddess."

I spent the rest of the night thinking about what Linnea said. There was something there with Nancy that I never experienced before but she could be so cold. I never know what she's thinking. When I came in tonight she acted so dispassionate and she hasn't even really tried talking to me. Linnea's mate was human, it would really be nice to meet him. I could sure use some humanly advice.

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