《Her Mate》Chapter one


Not a single customer in the past hour. My poor ankle let me know of it disapproval of me continuing to stand here at the register for no real reason by throbbing in pain. I had stupidly missed the step when leaving my place a few days ago and was lucky I didn't break it but it's been killing me ever since. I checked the clock just as it turned eleven and I could close for the night.

I turned the sign over from open to closed then went to grab some energy drinks. After paying for them and locking up I headed for my beat-up 1990 Mazda Protege that my sister had given me.

As I was about to get in I heard some banging from the front of the store. Are you kidding me? I thought to myself. Only a handful of customers have shown up all day but now someone does as I'm about to leave? I placed my Venom energy drinks on the driver's seat then walked around to the front of the building.

"We're closed." I said to a woman who had her face up to the window as if looking for anyone inside. She turned to me and immediately the weirdest feeling came over me. I couldn't really make out any of her features in the dark but somehow I felt like I knew her.

She didn't say anything at first as she stared right at me. "I uh... "

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. At this time of night all the gas station in town were closed. Don't ask me why, out here in nowhere land, we stayed open this late but being as it was the only place I could get hired I was glad we did. Being as glad as I was for it also meant showing it sometimes... like when someone rides out here this late at night without enough gas. "Which way you heading?"


"Washington." She answered watching me. She kinda made me nervous the way her eyes never left me as she walked towards me like I was pray. She was just a couple inches shorter than me at about 5'6 or so. Her bright blue-green eyes stood out the most as if they couldn't decide what color they wanted to be. Her brunette hair was shaved on one side which I normally hated on people but she pulled it off. The leather biker jacket and ripped up jeans completed the look.

"I-I suppose I can let you get some gas." I studdard like an idiot. I couldn't understand why she affected me the way she did. Sure she was gorgeous but I didn't do girls and I have a boyfriend. He might be an asshole but he was mine.... well sorta... oh shut up head!

"Thanks" she said with a slight smile. Her eyes never leaving mine.

"Give me a second." I pulled my eyes away from her and retreated to back of the store trying not to walk suspiciously fast. Get a grip on yourself! Maybe I was just lonely I thought. That made sense. I found her interesting because well... just because. Maybe that she rode a motorcycle out here late at night and wasn't the normal hunters that come in here throughout the day. Jake standing me up all the time probably didn't help either. I took a deep breath regaining some confidence in myself before going back inside to let her in. She was leaning up next to the door with her back towards me as I unlocked it. "Thanks again." She turned around giving me a smirk "you're a real lifesaver." She added brushing past me.

Returning behind the counter I watched her as she looked around slowly making her way slowly towards the beer. She stopped and grabbed a whole box of Saquach hot beef jerky before getting to the beer. We're supposed to be closed. Can you hurry up I thought to myself. "You carry Moose Drool? I think I have a new favorite store" looking back to me. I didn't answer as she grabbed two six-packs.


"What's your hours?" The Look she gave me as she set the stuff on the counter let me know she wasn't asking about the stores. "Everyday from six to eleven." I answered ringing it up.

"You're very dedicated. You been here long?"

"Well I just usually work from three to closing." I answered without thinking. Why the hell did I tell her that I scolded myself. Well no biggie, she knows I close duh.

"You close out here all by yourself regularly?" She sounded taken back by this. I suppose it could be unusual for a girl to work so late alone out here but I'd never had any real problems. Just the usual jerks who would complain about the prices of things as if I had anything to do with it.

"Hmhm. Gas?" She only nodded and I finished ringing her up and bagging the jerky and beer.

She took the bags and headed out but stopped at the door to look back at me.

"Well thank you again..." she raised her eyebrows wanting me to tell her my name. What harm could it do?

"I'm Crystal." I answered with a warm smile.

She returned it "I'll see you later, Crystal."

She was out the door before I could say anything else. I wasn't sure what to make of that but whatever. My energy drinks are getting warm. Time to close for real this time.

I parked my car beside my little trailer that was another gift from my sister. Even before I got out of my car I could hear my Doberman barking like crazy inside. "Dobby, it's just me. Geez!" I said as I got out.

I looked around trying to see if something else was around but it was practically pitch black out here that if something was near I wouldn't see it. It was one of the things I hated living out of town. There was only a few other houses and trailers scattered around here so it got really dark. On the plus side I didn't have to worry about neighbors throwing a fit when Dobby was acting like this. Not that he usually did. "It's probably just a deer or something, calm down."

I went inside and opened one of the venoms, placing the others in the fridge. After taking my hormones I let Dobby out to do his business while I heated up a lean cuisine in the microwave as I tried to ignore my crazy dog.

The dog kept barking and after a couple minutes I went out and looked again. "What's your problem?" Still seeing nothing I brought him back inside where after about ten minutes and half of my dinner he finally settled down. About time. I didn't want to be listening to that all night.

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