《Being Popular (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETE]》Chapter Three- Team Arizona or Team Courtney
"Courtney I'm not sure I can do this." I said grabbing Courtney's arm as she went to walk off. She had just told me what to tell Arizona, and what questions I should ask to get the 'best' information from her.
"Of course you can Mickie. All you have to do is pretend that you are on her side and get her to tell you everything." She said putting a great amount of emphasis on the word 'everything.'
"She's not going to tell me a lot in an hour." It was the first thing that came to my mind in my desperate attempt to get Courtney to change her mind.
"You're right Mickie, one hour is not a lot of time. What am I thinking." I sighed, grateful that she had changed her mind. "You have a week."
"A w-week." I stuttered. I did want any amount of time, long or short, I wanted Courtney to leave it alone, and leave Arizona alone. "Come on Courtney, she's new, she didn't know what she was saying." I pleaded with her.
"Even more reason. She's new, she needs to be put in her place. I can't have others thinking they can talk to me like she did. If I leave it, sooner or later others will follow her example, then where will we be." Courtney smiled a cruel smile at me, I sighed, knowing that she wouldn't change her mind, no matter what I said, "One week Mickie, learn everything you can about her. Anything we can use against her. Do what ever it takes, go to her house, have a sleepover, I don't know. Just do it."
"What if I don't want to Courtney." I said, lifting my head, trying to come across braver than I felt, then again I wasn't even sure if I was being brave, or if I was being downright stupid. From the look on Courtney face, I would say stupid. Damn it Arizona, why didn't you keep your mouth shut.
"What was that Mickie?" Courtney asked. She was testing me, she knew exactly what it was I said, she was giving me a chance to shut up and just go along with her plan.
"I just don't think I can do this Courtney." I told her honestly. I didn't want to hurt Arizona. It's weird I have only known Arizona for a few hours, and yet I am wiling to challenge the girl I loved to protect her from any harm that Courtney is planning to inflict.
"Mickie." Courtney started, walking closer to me. I swallowed nervously. "Are you choosing her over me?"
Her question caught me by surprise. Was I choosing Arizona over Courtney? No. Of course not. I could never do that, Courtney was always the one I sided with. "Of course not Courtney. I'm always on you side."
"Good." Her face was just inches away from mine. I could smell the peppermint of her gum, and the fruity smell of her perfume. "Remember, it's me and you. Just me and you. Know one else. Ever." She tilted her head to the side, a smile playing on her lips. I found myself staring at her lips, they looked so good, so full, the perfect shade of pink. The lip gloss made them look even more delectable. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip, it was a small action, but it took all my willpower not to lean forward and run my tongue along the same path.
"Me and you." I repeated, trying hard to focus on her eyes instead. She leaned closer to me, and for a second I thought she was going to kiss me. To my disappointment she pulled back, a huge grin on her face, satisfied with herself.
"See you after chemistry Mickie." She blew me a kiss and winked at me before heading off in the direction of the school's gates. I groaned internally, as if Courtney would ever kiss me, I was letting my imagination run wild.
Shaking my head at my own stupidity, I followed the crowds of kids heading to their different lessons. Following the swarm of younger years, I made it to my chemistry room. To my surprise Arizona was already there, standing by herself, earphones in, acting as if she didn't have a care in the world. Acting as if she didn't just have a confrontation with the schools Queen Bee.
I walked over to where she was standing. Her eyes, which were focussed on the ground, shot up to meet mine, a smile forming on her lips.
"Hey." She said pulling one of her earphones out.
"Hi, listening to something good?" I asked, motioning to the earphone that was still in her ear. She pulled the other earphone out of her ear, and taking out her iPod she turned the music off all together.
"It was okay, but I prefer listening to you." I blushed, and quickly changed the subject. hoping that she hadn't noticed the change of colour to my cheeks.
"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't know Courtney was going to react like that." I gave her a small, apologetic, smile.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. It was mine, I should have ignored her comment, but that's not me. My mouth works a lot faster than my brain, you know." She laughed, making me smile at the sound of it.
"I'm the same. My mum always says that I act before I think." I smiled at Arizona, who smiled back.
"Something else we have in common," She joked. Unfortunately our chemistry choose that now would be the perfect time to arrive and open the door to the classroom. "I'm going to go introduce myself, save me a seat?" She asked. I nodded, making my way into the classroom. I took a seat near the back, and saved the one beside me for Arizona.
I could see Arizona talking to Mrs. Gerald at the front of the room, but the sound of the class entering the class talking prevented me from hearing what they were saying. Whatever it was Arizona was saying she made Miss smile.
"Silence class." Mrs. Gerald said, raising her voice in order to be heard over the noise of the class. "Everybody this is your new classmate, Arizona Levy. I know you will all make her feel welcome."
"Yeah, they'll make her feel welcome alright." I muttered sarcastically, under my breath. I sighed, remembering the actual reason I was supposed to be hanging out with Arizona, to find out her 'weaknesses' as Courtney had so kindly put it.
Arizona smiled at the class before making her way over to the seat beside me, the whole class watched as she did so. Confusion evident on their faces, questions forming inside their heads. Most of them wondering why on earth I was fraternising with the 'enemy'.
"If you want I could move. There's a seat free at the back." Arizona whispered to me. She must have noticed the strange looks everybody was giving us too.
"No don't, they will get over it soon enough." I whispered back.
"You sure? I don't want you getting into trouble with Miss Queen Bee." She sounded like she was joking, it made me feel bad that I was only talking to her because Courtney wanted me to. No, that wasn't the only reason, I liked Arizona and I liked talking to her.
"Don't worry, Courtney and I... Well, we aren't really talking." I told her the lie, Courtney said I should. I felt bad lying to Arizona, but if she was to trust me than she would have to believe that Courtney and I weren't on speaking terms.
"Sorry to hear that. I hope it's not because of me. I don't want to cause trouble." She smiled kindly at me. My heart hurt knowing what we, Courtney and I, were going to do to her. "Well, I think it's a bit late for that." She joked, she was right, trouble had already begun.
Mrs. Gerald had surprised the whole class by giving us on of her 'Fun General Chemistry Knowledge' tests, meaning I hadn't had a chance to talk to Arizona, not properly anyway. A wave of sadness passed over me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to spend more time with her today, she had frees next whilst I had history.
"I was thinking that we could hang out after school? You could show me around the town? Only if you want, I understand if you have better things to do." She said talking so fast that I had trouble understanding what it was she was asking, like she had when we had first met this morning. I laughed, causing her to frown.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It's just..." Just what Mickie. Just cute the way she talked really fast when she was nervous. "Nothing. Yeah I would love to hang out. I'm out of here at three, so should we say five. If you give me your number I can send you my address." The idea of hanging out with Arizona made me feel giddy.
"Yeah okay." I took out my phone and handed it to her to add her number. Once she was done she passed it back to me. I smiled at the way she had saved her name as 'x Arizona x'
"Text me Mickey. I'll see you at five." Arizona leaned in, presumably to give me a hug, but must have though otherwise because she quickly stopped herself and headed off in the other direction, only turning to wave goodbye.
I watched her leave the building. I stood there for a while, just staring at the door she had exited through. I thought about how sweet Arizona is, how kind and how beautiful too, but also how familiar she is...
"Did you find out anything?" I jumped at the sound of Courtney's voice.
"Courtney, you scared the crap out of me." I told her, my hand covering my heart, feeling the erratic beat of it. Then again it was always erratic when I was around Courtney, that or it stopped all together. Just like the butterflies in my stomach which were always present when I was around Courtney.
"So, did you find out anything?" She asked impatiently.
"Uh, no sorry." Courtney sighed a long sigh. She then went on to pace in front of me, back and forth, back and forth. "I'm meeting up with her this afternoon." As soon as I said, I regretted it. Courtney's eyes lit up as she turned to face me, a smirk forming on her lips.
"Oh yeah. A little play date with the new girl, good job Mickie." She smiled that gorgeous smile of hers at me, the sight of it made the contents of my stomach flip. "That bitch's life is soooo over." She said extending the word 'so' as she walked back towards me, linking her arm with mine. Arm in arm Courtney and I headed off to lunch, I prayed that this day would end soon...
I was finishing off my make-up when there was a knock on the door. Arizona. I smiled to myself as I grabbed my clutch bag and made my way to the front door. I opened the door to the sight of a smiling Arizona. She had changed from her what she had on this morning. She was wearing a pair of leggings and a gorgeous silver top that hugged her curves perfectly, I couldn't help but admire her, from head to toe. I must have been staring at her for a while because she cleared her throat.
"What happened to the hoody?" I mentally scolded myself. Really 'what happened to the hoody?' that was the best I could do, not 'wow you look amazing' or 'I love what you're wearing.'
She laughed at the question, "That's just for school. So, I look nice then?" She asked giving me a twirl. I laughed as she finished twirling and ended with an over the top pose. Nice? Was she serious she looked beautiful.
"Yeah you look great."
"You ready to go?" She asked. I nodded stepping out of the house, locking the front door I followed Arizona. "Your car or mine?" She said looking between the two cars.
"I'll drive, I know where I'm going." I said unlocking my baby. Yep, my car was my baby. It was a dark grey Mini Cooper, it was my 17th birthday present from my parents.
"Good point." She walked over to my baby and ran a hand over the roof. "Nice car."
"Thank-you, it was a birthday present." I told her as she got into the passengers side. "Did you have trouble finding you way here? I know my directions weren't the best."
"Weren't the best." She repeated, she was smiling at me as I pulled out of the driveway, "'Go past the big tree in the centre of nothing but grass, head towards the building shaped like a dome'" She said quoting a few of the directions I had given her. We both laughed at the obscurity of the directions.
"Okay, so, directions aren't exactly my strongest point." I said, after our laughter faded.
"You're telling me. Luckily, I don't live far from you, plus I have a Sat Nav. I just entered in your address and clicked go."
"I really need to invest in one of those, I think." We continued to make small talk and joke about little things, it wasn't the awkward small talk you made with someone when you didn't know what to say, it was nice, friendly.
"So here we are. The town centre." I told her, turning the corner and driving straight through the town. Shops on either side of the road. Turning another a corner I pulled into a car park.
"It's really quite big." Arizona commented as we exited the car.
"That's just the start of it. Come on I'll show." We walked back to the main road, every so often Arizona would make a comment about the shops, or the cars. We crossed the road with the crowd and followed them down the alley way. Arizona gasped as we came out the other side. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
After we were done exploring the town centre, we had gone into Pizza Express, for dinner. Arizona had spend the majority of the afternoon, I asking me questions about the town, about myself. I noticed she wasn't one to talk about herself. I finally realised why I liked Arizona so much, it's because she is just like the old, sweet Courtney, the Courtney I feel in love with. Not that I am in love with Arizona, but I feel protective and attracted to her because I see so much of 'my' Courtney in her, much more than I see in Courtney now-a-days.
"This afternoon was nice." Arizona said as I pulled up outside my house. I parked the car and turned to face her.
"Yeah, I had loads of fun. We should do this again." I smiled at her, I really meant it. I felt like I didn't have to put up a front when I was with Arizona, I could just be myself.
"What about wednesday? You can hang out at my place." Arizona said, full of enthusiasm.
"Yeah I would like that." I said, matching her level of enthusiasm. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, and Arizona made no attempt to leave the car.
"Okay. I better go, my dad's expecting me." She leaned forward to give me a hug and I mirrored her movement. She was soft and warm, and I felt myself melting into her embrace, the hug was over far too soon for my liking. "See you tomorrow at school Mickie." She said climbing out of the car.
"See you tomorrow." I called to her as she walked over, and climbed into her car. She waved at me as she pulled out of the driveway.
I unlocked my front door and went to head upstairs when my dad stepped out of the living room. "Have a nice time hunnie?" He asked. My dad and I were really close, my mum and I on the other hand were not so close.
"Yeah it was good thanks dad."
"It's nice your spending time with someone other than Courtney." My dad had never hidden the fact he didn't like Courtney, he thought she was a bad influence, unlike my mum, who acted as if she wished Courtney was her daughter instead of me.
Hold on, I didn't tell them who I was going out with, I had just left them a note saying I was going out and that I would be late home. "How do you-"
"Courtney's upstairs waiting for you." He informed me.
"Oh." Was all I said, "Well how long has she been here?" I asked after a little while.
"About 10 minutes. Have you eaten darling?"
"Yeah I had dinner whilst I was out. I'm going to head upstairs okay." He nodded. Half the way up the stairs he called to me.
"It wasn't a date was it?" He joked.
"It wasn't a date dad." I responded, giggling.
"Good, because if it was... Well, I would have to met the young man taking my princess out, make sure he is good enough."
I laughed, at his protective dad act. "It wasn't a date dad." I repeated, climbing the last few steps. I was still laughing when I walked into my bedroom. Courtney was right there, lying on my bed flicking through one of the books I kept beside my bed.
"Finally." She said, when I walked into the room. She put the book back in its original place and stood up to face me. "So, how was your play date?" She asked. Damn, I had forgot that I was supposed to be hanging out with Arizona to get information. I was having so much fun with her this afternoon that I didn't ask her any of the questions Courtney had told me to.
"It was...Okay." I lied, I couldn't tell Courtney that I had actually had an amazing time, she would think I was betraying her.
"Oh, Mickie, Mickie, Mickie." Courtney said, shaking her head every-time she said my name. "Do you really think I don't know when you're lying to me." It wasn't a question, it was a statement, she already knew the answer. I swallowed nervously, if she knew I was lying about that then what else did she know I was lying about.
"I didn't find out anything, she doesn't know me well enough to tell me anything personal yet." I decided it was probably best to get straight to the point. At least this time I wasn't lying, well not really. I think that was the reason Arizona avoided any questions I asked about her life, she wasn't ready to tell me.
"Oh well Mickie, you still have 6 days. But you did have fun on your play date." I wasn't sure if she was mocking me, or just stating a fact.
"Stop calling it that." I said a little too defensively. I don't know why it bothered me, but it did.
"I'm sorry Mickie, I didn't mean to upset you." She smiled that gorgeous smile of hers, making every sad or angry thought disappear from my mind. "She's turning you soft she is." It's funny how neither one of us has referred to Arizona by her name, we only call her 'she', I don't think it is significant, but still.
"Arizona's not making me soft."
"I disagree, you've never had a problem putting someone in their place, but this 'girl', she has made you... Soft." The way she said girl, made me shiver, she spat it out like it was horrible taste in her mouth. But what hurt was her comment, 'you've never had a problem putting someone in their place', did she not see how much it hurt me when someone suffered because of the pain we inflicted. Did she not see how much I hated starting a rumour, or confronting a person? I have always had a problem with it, I just couldn't tell her that.
"So, when are you next meeting her?" Courtney said breaking the silence.
"Wednesday. We are hanging out at hers after school."
Courtney nodded, "Good, you can try again. Just remember the questions I told you to ask her. Find out as much as you can, the more personal the better." I hated this side of Courtney, but I loved her too much to really think about it. Right now, however, I felt sick listening to the way Courtney was talking.
"Yeah I know Court." I sighed, running my hand through my hair, "I hate to be a bad hostess, but I'm tired, so I'll see you tomorrow." I think this was the first time ever that I had asked Courtney to leave before, usually I would do anything to make her stay longer, to spend more time with her.
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