《JenLisa | ONE DAY [COMPLETED]》23: keep breathing


Lisa's POV

I woke up on the floor with a throbbing head. Ouch.. what the hell did i do.

"Urghh..." I got up and sat on the bed trying to focus and clear my blurred vision. The walls seem to be dancing. I looked out at the glass door to the balcony and saw that it was already dark.

Then i searched for my phone and unlocked it. Huh? Why is Jisoo unnie's contact displayed on my screen? Shit did i accidentally call her? I pressed on the call button.

Sorry the number you have dialed is currently not available, please try again later.

"Her phone is off." I mumbled to myself.

I tried to stand up slowly. I reeked of alcohol. God i better take a shower and sober up.

After i came out of the shower and freshened up, i decided to go out for dinner. My empty stomach was growling and i had abused it with alcohol the whole morning. Ugh i hate myself.

Hm? Who could be calling me at this time?

I picked up my phone and saw Jisoo's contact in which i answered hastily.

"Hello Jisoo unnie?"

"Hello. This is a call from Yongpyeong General Hospital. Are you in any relation with the patient Kim Jisoo?" A formal voice replied.

"Wha- yes. But, what happened?! What's happening?" I answered flustered, my heart pounding furiously.

"The patient is currently in the ICU. She was knocked down by a car earlier in the afternoon infront of Han's hotel. We found her phone earlier and your number was the last registered contact that she had called before the accident. Could you please make your way here? I will send you the details through message." The person said.

"O-okay...." I said weakly as i dropped the call. She was knocked down infront of our hotel this afternoon. I had called her this afternoon. Fuck this can't be real...


"Stupid! Stupid!" I yelled and hit myself. Why the hell did i even call her? What if she got into an accident because of me? I shouldn't even have drunk so much, now instead of relieving my pain im causing others to be hurt too. God im just so stupid!

From: Jisoo unnie

Yongpyong General Hospital.

Tower B, Level 6.

Ward 20.

I received the message and rushed out of my room.


I went over to the counter and the nurse smiled at me, as if there was anything to smile about in this place. I hated the hospital. Most of the time we're only here because of bad stuff.

"Hi, im here to visit a patient named Kim Jisoo." I said quickly.

"May i have your name please?"

"Lalisa Manoban."

"What is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm her colleague. And.... friend." A pang of guilt hit me as i said that.

"Alright please fill in this form and you can make your way to the sixth floor. This is your visitor's pass." The nurse said handing me a piece of paper and a plastic card.

I hurriedly filled up my details and passed it back to her, then i made my way to the lift.

I ran down the corridor and stopped outside a room with the sign 'Ward 20'.

I took a shaky deep breath as i turned the handle and walked in.

When i entered the room i wanted to collapse and cry at the sight. Jisoo was lying on the hospital bed with tubes connected and dangling onto machines and apparatus. She was inhaling through an oxygen mask and her eyes were closed. The heart monitor beside the bed was beeping faintly.

"Jisoo...." I said as my voice cracked.

Why did it have to be her?! It should be me who should lie down in this state right now. I was the one to deserve all of this.


"I'm sorry..." i didn't know what else to say except for apologizing as a tear rolled down my cheek.

A few knocks on the door and a doctor entered the room swiftly. This scenario feels like a deja vu. Except this time the situation was much worse.

"Hello, i assume you are Miss Manoban?" He greeted.

"Y-yes..." I replied and went back to gazing at Jisoo.

"Okay well i'll have to explain to you her condition. Miss Kim Jisoo is currently suffering from massive brain trauma. The impact from the vehicle had greatly affected her brain. We did the most we could to prevent too much loss of blood in the operation room and right now she is in a coma, we are still unsure when she would be awake, or if she would ever wake up. Her condition is unstable." The doctor stated.

I released more tears from my eyes as the doctor's words sunk in. I would have nobody but me to blame for this.

As he exited the room, i reached for Jisoo's hand and held onto it.

"Please keep breathing... you have to wake up unnie. You have to wake up and beat my ass for my stupidity. You have to wake up for Jennie. She needs you too. Who's going to take care of her if you're lying down here in this state? Please don't give up on us..." I whispered almost praying.

The heart monitor continued beeping softly.


Jennie's POV

Me: yah! where the hell did you go!

Me: it's already 10 are you not going to reply my messages

Me: great first you left me hanging without answering my questions, rushed off to somewhere and ditched me at lunch, and now you're ghosting me.

Ugh! I was so annoyed at Jisoo for disappearing, and also worried because she never goes hours without showing any signs of life. Plus the call she received sounded serious. I wonder who could it be?

I sat on my hotel bed in frustration. Something at the back of my mind tells me that i should remember something but i just didn't know what.

"Hello Jisoo?!" I answered instantly.

"No. This is Lisa." The voice answered.


Oh wait. My colleague? But why is she calling me? We haven't talked much since the first day she joined our company. I had attempted to be friends with her but it seemed that she wasn't interested because she was always avoiding me so i stopped.

And yet the mention of her name sent a tingle down my spine. It almost felt like i was longing to hear her voice...?

"Oh um uh yes? Do you need anything?" I replied snapping out of my own thoughts.

"Jisoo unnie is in the hospital right now." She said slowly.

"WHAT?!?" I shouted forgetting that she was on the phone and her eardrums had probably burst by now.

"Please come to Yongpyeong General Hospital. I-I will send you the details." She said and dropped the call her voice cracking.

My heart tore into shreds at that moment because of the news and an unknown reason i couldn't figure out but i still gathered myself to rush to the location.

"please be fine jichu i can't do without you..." i whispered as tears streamed down my eyes.


a/n: 5k reads!🎉 (thank you)

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