《JenLisa | ONE DAY [COMPLETED]》22: ppoong


Jisoo's POV

"Ppoong!" I greeted Jennie as she walked over to me sulkily. Hmm wae? Is it because...?

"Yah! Why did you ask to meet me so early in the morning and you didn't even text me good morning first?" Jennie complained while pouting.

Wow she's such a kid. I guess she did forget everything afterall.

"First of all jendeukie, its 10am! That's not very early and about the good morning i forgot okay? I had a lot on my mind..." I said trailing off on the last part. I still have to decide how to bring that up to her...

"Mhmm what's with the sudden change of mood, is something troubling you?" Jennie asked concerned.

I waved it off and pretended to laugh. I'll just tell her about it later.

"No im just very hungry and we're wasting time standing here. Come on lets go eat some chicken!" I said enthusiastically. Chicken is best. Its the solution to everything.

"Urgh whatever." Jennie said rolling her eyes. She knew that it was useless to try and argue with me.


Jennie's POV

We had fried chicken for breakfast. Gosh why do i even allow myself to do this? And also Jisoo unnie is behaving weird today. She kept stealing glances at me and drifting off to chickenland. I could tell that something was bothering her but she was refusing to tell me. Sigh why has everything been so weird since i woke up?

"Oh wait! Let's go in there." I said, stopping Jisoo and dragging her into the Gucci store. We were now shopping and it was sort of my turn for 'revenge'. I guess that's how our relationship works. I put up with Jisoo's chicken fetish and she puts up with my incessant shopping habits.

"Seriously Jen i know your parents are rich but you don't have to splurge on so much luxury stuff tsk!" Jisoo commented.

It was true. My parents weren't multi-millionaires or anything but i did come from a very wealthy family. Both my parents were CEOs of a well established company. For years they have insisted that i work in their company so that one day i could take over it and run it as my own, but i wasn't interested. I didn't like managing stuff or learn about stocks and shareholder things that im pretty sure i would mess up. I didn't want to be the cause of the company's ruin that my parents built. Thus i ended up applying with Jisoo in a firm called YGE. It was a small business with regular office working hours and decent pay. And it was thanks to this i got to meet Taehyung.


"Yah stop whining, and most of the items i have are bought using my own money so i have every right to spend it however i want! If you're jealous you could join me in buying." I said to her and smirked.

"Pfft! I have better things to spend my money on. Like chicken! I could buy so many buckets of chicken instead of one item in this store. No way am i spending like $600 on a silly t-shirt or $1000 for a fanny pack! That's a lot of korean won. Jisoos!" Jisoo said and gasped, holding onto her chest dramatically as she pointed at the pricetag of a gucci bag infront of us.

I chuckled at her exaggerated actions and delved deeper into the store. Oh! There's the gucci logo tee. I have the white and pink one but not the black. Hmm should i get it? Yeah why not. I grabbed it and continued browsing.

After a purchasing the t-shirt along with a pair of gucci embroidered sneakers and two pairs of gucci socks, i left the store happily. One of the reasons why i love shopping is it always helps with the stress that i was feeling.

"Damn. This is only the second store and you just spent half of our monthly salary." Jisoo said shaking her head.

Tsss. They're nice clothes, i don't regret buying them.

"Whatever come on, i want to check out Vetements and Chanel too." I said excitedly while Jisoo facepalmed herself.

After i pretty much dragged Jisoo in and out of all the stores that i wanted to visit, we finally stopped by a restaurant for lunch. I was quite impressed at how Jisoo didn't complain much today. Usually she would be begging me to go eat already after the fourth or fifth store. This day just can't get any stranger.

"By the way, your boots are really nice, i never knew you own one of these. I thought they weren't your kind of style." Jisoo said pointing to my feet while we waited for our food to be served.

"Hm?" I said while peering at my boots. I didn't even notice what i put on this morning before leaving the hotel room since i was rushing. Now that i looked at it, i don't remember owning a pair of this kind of shoes. They definitely were not my usual fashion. I frowned as i tried to recall if i had bought it on impulse or received it as a gift from someone.

"I-I don't remember having these actually. I just put them on since they were on my bedroom floor without realizing." I said to Jisoo truthfully.


She paused for awhile as if harbouring an idea.

"Um... Jen... do you... um... do you remember anything that happened yesterday?" Jisoo asked uncertainly.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. That was what i wanted to know and figure out since morning.

"No. It's weird unnie, i wanted to ask you about it. See.. i woke up this morning from a dream, it was nice, almost seemed like it was real and i had a lot of fun with the person in my dream but i can't really see the person's face. I assumed it was Taehyung at first since he's my boyfriend and who else would bring me to all these places and make me feel all bubbly and happy on the inside? Well turns out the figure i can make out is a woman. But i don't know who that might be. Maybe it was you. Anyway, after i woke up from that dream i tried to recall what happened yesterday when i saw sajangnim's text but i couldn't. I can't remember anything except for the first part of the day where Tae told me he's going back to seoul and i told you im going café hopping." I confessed.

Jisoo put her fork down and stopped deep in thought. She looked really troubled and it was the same look she was giving the whole day. What is she not telling me?!

"Kim Jisoo." I said firmly making her look at me in surprise. She knows i don't call her full name unless im being really serious.

"Tell me what's going on? My entire day has been strange and you've been acting weird. Do you know what happened to me yesterday? Why can't i remember anything? Tell me the truth." I said staring at her while she got nervous.

Jisoo looked at me timidly and opened her mouth to speak, "You see...-"

Jisoo's phone suddenly rang and she answered it. Ugh talk about bad timing.

"Hello? What? I can't understand you. Are you drunk?! You what- don't do anything stupid im coming over right now." Jisoo said almost shouting.

Who was that?

Jisoo hung her phone and got up immediately.

"Who called? Yah where are you going?" I questioned.

"Sorry Jen i have to rush somewhere i'll explain everything to you later." Jisoo said and with that she took her purse and left without waiting for my reply.

At the same time the waiter came over to our table and served our plates.

"Oh great. Perfect. Just leave me here and make me look like im having lunch with a ghost will you? Ugh how wonderful, my day just gets shittier" I grumbled as i dug into my food.


Lisa's POV

I drowned myself in hard liquor the whole morning. All these glasses aren't even enough to suppress the pain i was feeling. I was lying on the carpeted floor sobbing like the world ended. Which hadn't ofcourse, for many people. For them, the sun still shone brightly, the flowers outdoors still appeared beautiful and their life still held meaning. I had none. Everything seemed monotonous. Grey.

I shouldn't even be feeling this way. Do i even deserve to mourn over you? You were never mine to begin with. But why does it hurt so much? It hurts. so. much.

I poured another glass shakily and drank it all in one gulp, landing my gaze on a flat object on the ground. I picked it up and dialed the first contact i found. Why? I didn't even know.

"Uhh... yorff jeni...?"

"Ha... uh... i.. kill mysselfm...."

I didn't even know what i was saying or who i called.

"Hello? What? I can't understand you. Are you drunk?! You what- don't do anything stupid im coming over right now."

Oh that woman sounds familiar...

I just shrugged and chucked my phone aside, trying to bringing another glass unsteadily to my lips.... and knocked out.


Jisoo's POV

I rushed out of the mall after i received the call from Lisa. God she's such an idiot i swear im going to kill her myself!

It was a good thing me and Jennie went to the nearby mall across the street which was only a six minute walk from the hotel. I ran all the way back.

I stood by the traffic light at the bend impatiently waiting for the red man to turn green but it didn't.

"Ugh! I don't have time for this!" I complained as i checked the road to see if there was any incoming cars and there wasn't so i hurriedly crossed it.


I felt a dull impact on my body as i fell to the ground with a thud.

"Miss! Shit! Someone call the ambulance! Miss are you alright?"

I couldn't see my surroundings. couldn't move.

"Someone please call an ambulance! Someone is injured!"

"Miss can you hear me? If you can hear me please try to stay awake."

People were starting to crowd around and endless murmurs filled the air.

The voices in my head got fainter as i sunk into the darkness around me.


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