《JenLisa | ONE DAY [COMPLETED]》11: jackpot


Jennie's POV

We ended up playing kiddie rides at the carnival. It was so embarrassing because we were the only adults queueing for it and the staff gave us funny looks but Lisa didn't seem to care. In fact she looked like she was having the time of her life.

"I cannot believe this." I muttered as i covered my face. We were on the sixth kiddie ride now.

"What's wrong? I thought you said you were sore so i thought we'd play some light rides." Lisa said chuckling.

"Yes light rides like the merry-go-round or ferris wheel Lisa! This is for kids for goodness sake!" I exclaimed and she just continued laughing.

"Arasso arasso this will be the last one." Lisa said and i heaved a sigh of relief.

So we went to sit on the merry-go-round and ferris wheel after that. I have to admit, even though i was complaining the whole time and embarrassed myself with Lisa, i was having a really good time.


"Yah! What did you just do?" I stared accusingly at Lisa who was holding onto her phone smiling like an idiot.

"You look really pretty babe." Lisa commented and i blushed.

"D-Delete that! I look terrible!" I shouted while laughing.

"Nuh uh you look hot as heck in this picture im keeping it forever." Lisa said pressing her phone to her chest.

"Aishh fine. But let's take a picture together." I said as i went over to her side.

"H-Huh? No! I mean.. im camera shy remember..." Lisa said blushing madly.

I shook my head. How can she who's so beautiful in every angle be afraid of taking photos?

"Come onnn Lisa just one picture?" I pouted.

But Lisa shoved her phone in her pocket.


"Nope. Let's go get ice cream instead." She said.

"Pfft don't think you can buy me with that." I said as i rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah? Well then guess i'll have two large cones of milk ice cream for myself." Lisa said smirking and striding off without me.

"Y-Yah! Come back here i want milk ice cream!" I screamed and chased after her.


Lisa's POV

After we finished our ice creams we decided to walk around a bit more. Jennie was clinging onto my arm and i was enjoying every moment of it.

"Oh my gosh Lisa! Look those dragons are sooo cute!" Jennie suddenly squealed, pointing to the rows of dragon plushies hung on the wall.

It was the major prize of the booth games.

"You want it?" I asked. I was terrible at any kind of games but seeing Jennie so excited over it gave me confidence.

Jennie's eyes sparkled as she nodded furiously.

"Okay we will get it. Hi, i'd like to attempt this game please." I said to the gamemaster.

"It will be 4000 won per try. So all you have to do is land one ball in the red hole to win the major prize. And the green holes represent the minor prizes." She said smoothly as she handed me a basket with 4 balls in it.

I looked at the holes. There was only one red hole and three green holes.

I took a deep breath as i threw the first ball.

Ah jinjja! The ball just bounced away and didn't even land on any holes.

I threw the second ball.

The same thing happened to the second ball. This game is a scam!

Jennie was watching me play silently. I smiled at her reassuringly. Come on Lisa, you can do this..


I aimed and threw the third ball.

Aish! The ball landed in a blank hole, right next to the green one.

I held onto my last ball and prayed hard.

Then i threw gently.

The ball just bounced off like the first and second one.

"This is ridiculous!" I muttered under my breath.

I looked at Jennie who was looking pretty disappointed. How can i stand to see her like this?

"Don't worry i will get it for you." I said to her.

"No it's okay Lisa i think this game is a ripoff let's not waste money on it." She replied.

"No watch me i will win it this time, i was just warming up." I said confidently.

"Idiot." She giggled.

"Another basket please." I said to the gamemaster.

And yet again luck wasn't on my side.

I huffed in exasperation as i threw the last ball recklessly. What a ripoff.

"YAAAAHH LISAAYA!! We won the major prize!!!" Jennie screamed enthusiastically as she hugged me.

I couldn't believe my eyes as i stared at the ball i threw sitting on the red hole innocently.

Jackpot. I thought to myself.

I grinned foolishly and thanked the gods for taking pity on me.

"Congratulations here's your prize." The gamemaster said as she handed me the large dragon.

I gave it to Jennie who was wearing her beautiful gummy smile.

"Thank you Lisaaa." She said sweetly as she hugged the plushie.


"They're so cute!"

"What a great girlfriend!"

I looked to see people around us commenting on our sweet moment.

Jennie smirked as she kissed me on the lips right infront of everyone.

I swear i could've fainted right there and then.

My heart started to beat erratically and i almost couldn't hear the cheers of envy around us.

After what seemed like forever she pulled away.

She looked at me and smiled.

"I love you, Lisa."


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