《JenLisa | ONE DAY [COMPLETED]》3: the bell


Lisa POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night after listening to Taehyung's conversation with the mystery person. How dare he! If Jennie was mine i would never dream of cheating on her, i would never let her go...

I decided to call Rosé for advice. Rosé has been my bestfriend since elementary school, whenever i got in trouble she would always be there to cover for me. When i have any problems i would go to her for advice. She knows everything about me, including my secret crush on Jennie and i knew everything about her, along with her crush on Jisoo who is Jennie's bestfriend. Even if we lost everything, we still had each other. I smiled as i rang her phone number.

-Calling Chipmunk❤️-

"Hello? Oh my god Lisa, is that you?" a soft voice answered.

"Yoyoyo wassup my chipmunk!" I shouted excitedly.

"Oh my god it's really you! Yah I missed you Lisayah! Let me guess, you got in trouble again huh and you decided to call me." she said sternly.

"Aniya aniya! I didn't get into trouble, and i missed you too chae, wish you were here. Anyway i called you to ask for advice" i said.

"Hmm? What's wrong my baby Lisa?"

"Well.. yesterday when i was taking a stroll outside, i overheard Taehyung talking to someone. And it sounded like he was having an affair!" i exclaimed.

"Whaaaat?! Aish.. Taehyung that bastard. I always knew he wasn't as nice as he seemed to be. But what about Jennie? Does she know?"

"Ani i don't think so.. That's why im calling you for advice chae, should i tell Jennie about Taehyung? Do you think she'll even believe me?"

After a brief moment of silence, Rosé answered.

"Hmm... i think there's a chance that she might not believe you because she trusts her boyfriend so much. So i think just wait for some time Lisayah.. the truth will always come out in the end."


I sighed. I guess Rosé has a point. Who am i to Jennie that she would rather trust than her own boyfriend? I felt something heavy in my heart as i thought to myself.

"Okay, thanks for the advice chaeng i really appreciate it." i said solemnly.

"Hey hey, don't be so upset my nalalisa. Listen you know what i just remembered something. I heard from some of my colleagues who went to Yongpyong ski resort last year that there's a bell at the top of one of the mountains. They say if you make a wish and ring the bell, it will come true." she said excitedly.

"Hahahaha yah, Rosé-ah. Are you still a kid? Why do you believe in such silly things hahaha." i started cracking up.

"I'm serious Lalisa! Just go give it a try you never know it might work. You could wish for Jennie to breakup with Taehyung and become your girlfriend ayyeee~" she teased.

I blushed and covered my face immediately, forgetting that i was just on a call and she's not really here with me so she can't see my red ass face.

"Y-yah! Why would i wish such a thing? Aish.. you horrid chipmunk. I'll hang up now!"

I heard Rosé laughing on the other side of the call as i hung up, blushing madly at the thought of Jennie becoming my girlfriend.

"That chipmunk haish jinjja.. how silly. If that bell could really grant wishes, everyone would come here and ring the bell nonstop." i muttered to myself.

But as i said that, i grabbed my fur coat and made my way out of the hotel room, searching on my phone the exact location of the bell.


a/n: ;)

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