《JenLisa | ONE DAY [COMPLETED]》1: business trip


Jennie POV

"Alright guys.. this year's business trip will be at..... Pyeongchang! We will be spending 3 nights there at the Yongpyong ski resort!" our sajangnim, Mr Yang announced.

"Yessssss!!" everyone including me clapped and cheered at the announcement. I was praying that we would go there because this year a special christmas event will be held there and there would be many beautiful ice sculptures to take photos of and i really really wanted to go sooo bad. I heard that it took them 6 months to build all of them, daebak!

I looked at Taehyung, my boyfriend who is also sajangnim's manager and said excitedly, "Oppa, i can't wait to go there and take many many pictures at the christmas event with you!!"

He heard me calling out to him and stopped texting on his phone to look at me and smile. "me too baby, i can't wait."

Lisa POV

I smiled at Jennie's adorable reaction when sajangnim announced our business trip location this year. I knew that she badly wanted to go to the christmas event. Well i know everything about her, because ive liked her secretly for 2 years since the first day i met her.


"Aish.. how does this even work?" i pressed my fingers to my temple, getting frustrated with the photocopier.

"Hey, need some help?" a voice from behind startled me.

I turned around to look at the person and died on the inside. A beautiful brunette girl with a pair of sexy and intimidating cat eyes stood behind me.

"U-Uhm.. i-i.... yes." i stammered. God what is wrong with me?

The girl swiftly stepped forward and showed me which buttons to press and explained all the functions of the machine patiently.

"So.. yeah. That's how you use it." she finished, and flashed me a gummy smile making my heart explode on the inside.


"O-oh, thanks." i stuttered again, trying to stay calm and breathe normally.

"By the way, im Jennie Kim. You must be new. What's your name?" she introduced herself while still showing her beautiful smile.

"I'm L-Lalisa Manoban. But you can just call me Lisa. And yeah, i just j-joined this company a few days ago." Dammit why can't i stop stuttering!

"Oh, well, welcome! It's nice to meet you Lisa. If you've got any problems you need help with feel free to ask me. My desk is right at that corner there, with a stack of files piled ontop." she said politely.

"Sure.. thank you so much." i managed to say.

Jennie Kim. This beautiful girl is called Jennie. I will remember that.


For 2 years, i admired Jennie from afar because i was extremely shy and didn't dare to confess my feelings to her.

But i cared for her my way.

I knew that Jennie tend to be untidy and she would always leave work with her desk messy. And so every night i stayed back and waited till everyone has left the office then i would go to her table and arrange her files neatly, keeping all her stationeries back in the drawer and aligning all her papers in one stack.

She would always come in in the morning with a bright smile on her face and thank the cleaners who would be puzzled but accepts her thanks anyway.

I knew that Jennie loved milk ice cream and so i would buy lots of it and store it in the office pantry so that she can enjoy it.

I knew that Jennie loved to listen to old songs. So everyday i would search up nice songs from the 90s and send a recommendation to her playlist anonymously.


It was all worth it, just to see that gummy smile on her face.

I was pretty happy with the way things were until one day Jisoo, Jennie's bestfriend walked into the office chatting excitedly with Irene saying that Taehyung had confessed to Jennie last night and she agreed to be his girlfriend.

My heart broke into pieces but even so, i didn't stop doing those things for her. Because i really loved seeing that girl happy. As long as she was happy, it was good enough for me. Even if she belongs to someone else and not me.

I stared at the beautiful brunette clinging onto her boyfriend, smiling weakly.


a/n: hows the first chapter going? im really excited to bring this story to you guys the plot has barely begun

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