《Separation -- The Original》[19]


"But...I have to go home. My dad needs to talk to me about something." I wanted to smack myself in the forehead. I would definitely rather stay here and fúck my beautiful mates.

"Mmm....I'll discuss that with Grey when he gets back." Ryker said, pulling me back in for a kiss. I lost myself as our lips moved against each other, our tongues caressing one another. He didn't try to take control of the kiss, he was being quite gentle and I loved that about him.

He gently pulled me so I was on top of him, his bulge pressing into my core. I gasped into the kiss and I felt him smirk. He pulled back and started to place kisses all down my neck. A spark of pleasure erupted within me when he placed his lips on my mark. I cried out, gripping his shoulders as he continued to kiss that special place.

"Why does...uhhhh, why does that happen?" I moaned out, grinding my hips down onto his bulge. He placed a kiss to my mark before pulling back and looking into my eyes. He brushed the hair away from my face.

"Marks are there to let everyone know that the person is taken, so other wolves do not try to steal them away. And they act as a pleasure center for females, almost like the clítoris." I nodded my head and immediately placed my lips back on his. He laughed as we continued to kiss.

A loud bang caused me to jump in fright. I looked up and saw Grey storming over to us.

"He won't let me use the fúcking warriors. How in the fúck...I am so goddamn pissed. Holland, get the fúck off the bed and fúcking strip." He demanded, taking off his belt and popping open his jeans.

"Grey, whoa whoa whoa. She needs to go home." Ryker said, pushing me behind him and standing in front of the bed. He had his hand on Grey's chest, preventing him from moving forward. Grey was fuming mad; his body was vibrating, and he was breathing heavily.

He stared at Ryker in disbelief before throwing a fist to his jaw. I gasped in shock and tried to move towards them as they immediately started to attack each other, growls filling the room.

"Stay away, Holland!" Ryker warned me as Grey threw punch after punch at Ryker.

"How dare you stand in the way of me and my mate. Fúck you!" Grey shouted, but it wasn't his voice, it was Odin's voice. His eyes were pitch black and he repeatedly abused Ryker.

Tears were streaming down my face. I have never seen them fight before, and it looked as if Odin was going to kill Ryker.


"Fúcking shift! You need to chill out!" Ryker shouted, pushing Odin off of him, sending him all the way across the room and slamming into the wall. "Go for a run! I will take Holland home! But for right now, you need to stay away from her!" Odin was on the floor by the cracked wall, on his hands and knees trying to even out his breathing. He nodded his head and Ryker quickly grabbed my hand, pulling me off of the bed.

"Let's go, beautiful." I took one last look at Odin before I was pulled into the hallways, being pulled every which way until we came to the staircase. Everyone in the kitchen was staring at us, as if they had heard the commotion from upstairs.

A howl was sounded throughout the house, and it made my heart clench. I grabbed at my chest, more tears rolling down my face. He sounded so broken, yet so angry.

"Come on..." Ryker whispered, pulling me through the front door. We settled into the truck, and Ryker pulled out of the driveway, heading to my house.

It was silent for a few minutes. I didn't know what to say, and neither did he. He finally sighed.

"Will you be okay without us for a few hours?" He asked, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I don't really like being away from them.

"But what about Theo...?" I asked, my voice small. I was completely terrified of Theo, and now Grey. He seemed so angry, and he looked like he wanted to kill.

"I hate to say this, beautiful, but I think you'll be fine. He said he was coming in a few days, so you're safe for today. But as soon as I get back to the house, I will send out five of our strongest teenage boys who are preparing to be warriors of the pack." He brought my hand up to his lips, repeatedly placing kisses to them.

The fear settled in my stomach, making me clench my stomach muscles. I was so nervous, and afraid. I feel like i am going to throw up.

Oh god, I am going to be so alone. Ryker and Grey won't be by my side. I have never been without them for more than an hour for, I think, maybe ten years. What am I going to do?

"Hey hey hey, don't cry." The truck had stopped moving, and Ryker's hands were cupping my face, making me look in his eyes. His thumbs wiped away my tears and he placed a kiss to my lips.

"I will be back in no more than two hours, three hours tops. You will be fine, beautiful. The wolves will be coming in thirty minutes. Just go talk to your father, and don't leave his side until you hear howls outside of your house, okay beautiful?" I nodded my head, trying to even my breathing as a feeling of loneliness and abandonment settled within me.


"I love you." My heart swelled at his words. I haven't heard him say them in forever.

"I love you too." I choked out. He placed another kiss to my lips, and walked me to my front door. He walked me inside, placed one last kiss to the top of my hair before leaving, slamming the door shut behind him.

I wiped away my tears and raced upstairs to my dad's office. I pushed through the double doors, and found him sitting at his desk. He smiled up at me.

"A little late, but th...hey sweetie what's wrong?" He stood up from his chair, and slowly walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm...I'm being followed and he's coming soon to get me and the boys aren't here to protect me because Odin is so mad and he's going for a run and Ryker went to go look after him and now I'm alone." I blubbered, sitting down in the chair that my dad walked me to. He sat down in the chair next to me and grabbed my hands.

"It's going to be okay, sweetie. They have a plan, I am sure of it. Don't you worry your pretty little head." He placed a kiss to my forehead, and my breathing was starting to even out. I tried not to think of the feeling of loneliness settling within me.

"Right, well I have something quite important that I need to tell you, and I don't know how you're going to take it." I furrowed my eyebrows, and gripped onto my dad's hands even tighter, nervous of the news he is about to deliver.

"We, um...it's about your wolf, sweetie. I have been talking with the Fates lately, and it seems that they are not happy about what we have done. It seems that you are their favorite, Holland." He inserted a little laugh, but my eyebrows were still furrowed. What?

"Anyway, it seems that they have found your wolf, and would like to give her back to you. But they don't want to do it against your will, sweetie. So I'm going to tell you the pro's and con's of this situation." Excitement swelled within me at the news. Holy shít, I am going to get my wolf back! I am going to get my other half back! I should be fúcking dancing!

"Here are some of the pro's of getting your wolf back: your separation anxiety will decrease tremendously but not altogether, you will be able to have multiple children because without your wolf your body can only handle about one child born from an Alpha, and you will have a wolf. Here are the con's of getting your wolf back: shifting will be tremendously painful, your powerful scent will attract all kinds of evil, and you may not even survive your first shift." My dad explained. It was all too much to sink in at once. And he was looking at me, expecting an answer. He wants an answer right now?

I heard a howl from outside, and a feeling of security washed over me. I sighed in relief, and he squeezed my hands.

"I told you they had a plan, sweetie. Now, I can give you the night to think over it, but just let me know in the morning, okay sweetie?" He asked. I nodded my head and he placed another kiss to my hair. I smiled at him and he stood from the chair.

"Let's go get some dinner. I think your mother made some pasta, your favorite!" He exclaimed, and I clapped my hands together like a little child. I just love pasta, honestly. Together we walked downstairs, talking and goofing off like we usually do, completely ignoring the intense conversation we just had.


A searing pain on my mark woke me from my sleep. I was sweating bullets, but it was freezing in my room. I turned over and looked at my alarm clock; 2:37 AM. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I pulled Grey's pullover over my hands to create sweater paws. The boys were still not back yet, and I was getting so worried.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, chugging it down. I hadn't even realized I was so thirsty until the entire water bottle was empty.

I threw it in the trashcan and made my way upstairs. I heard a faint noise outside, but concluded that it was just the wind. I trudged back into my room and slid under the covers, trying to warm myself up. I closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and I smiled, relaxing as another body slipped into the bed. My boys were home.

I was turned around to face them and opened my eyes, a scream trying to make its way out of my throat before a hand was clamped over it.

"Hello Holly."



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