《Don't Say NO [Book 1]》Chapter 15


Oh what a bitch, he thinks he can take my blood without saying thanks, scare me to the point where I thought something happened River, and not apologize for it. To make matters worse, Marika wants the baby gone. How am I going to find a family for her? How am I going to let her go? Will I be able to let her go?

A maid came into River's room holding a large white box. She tried not to make eye contact as she spun around to exit the room. Was I that scary looking? Strange, I always saw myself as a lovable person. The nurse maid, who had stayed with me, had placed River in her crib. Making her way over to me, she sat on her knees on the floor. "Miss Dawn, do you not feel well?" she tilted her head as her hazelnut eyes watched me.

"I'm fine," I say in a whisper as I glazed at the box. I'm starting to worry again, I mean. I want out of this place, my phone's gone, I have a child to take care of and... and people what me dead. It was one thing to be kidnapped but this is crazy. Why was I kidnapped, of all people, why was I picked?

She gave me a gentle smile as she placed a hand on the box, "You know, I was human once. I know that 'fine' is just a word we use when we are in pain. My mother used to say, when bad things happen good things will follow. Keep your head up, or you will miss it." Looking at her I thought I saw something. A motherly love, my mother never gave me any advice. It was always do it yourself, and you better get it right the first time around. "Shall we open it?" she grinned from ear to ear. Tilting her head she watched for me to say yes.


Nodding my head, she slowly opened the box that revealed a red dress with a white bow in it. I'm not very fond of dresses but it will do. It's not like I have a lot to wear. Within a few seconds, she had me in the red gown. She would look me up and down followed by messing with the bow. The large bow was resting around my stomach. She would untie the bow and retie it so it was in the back but she didn't like it.

"You look like a bride's maid," she touched the straps and then sighed. "In my day we never showed skin," she untied the bow again as she threw it around my shoulders, covering them. She eyed it some more as she threw her hands up. "It's useless," she said as she walked in a circle.

"Why does it matter?" I asked. She was acting like a photographer who couldn't get a great picture.

"Victor is the eldest of the Wolff. He believes that first impressions are important. If you are not well dressed... well you will have a hard time getting along with him," she continued to look at the dress as if she can't fix it. If I look like a bridesmaid, I look like a bridesmaid. I don't see the big deal.

"Is it really important?" she looked away. Studying the floor she quickly looked at me. Opening her mouth like she was going to say something but quickly closed it. "How long have you known the Wolff's?

She smiled as she moved towards the rocking chairs. "I have always, known Marika. At the time we were human, and then she meet Fredrick. Three years later I found her in my room, bloody. The moment I said something, she attacked. During that time, I woke up to see three beautiful children, still in diapers. Frederick had explained that she died of illness months after giving birth to their third child. She was having a hard time understanding what had happened. She wanted to see me, but didn't intend to change me. She wanted a friend talk too," she became quiet as looked at the ground, as if she was last in thought. "Marika, was never good with children. So I helped raised them," she smile but that quickly faded.


"Do you regret it?" she looked at me. "For staying," she gave me a weak smile as she said 'no' softly.

"Excuse me," turning to the door, Rachelle stood there with a faint smile. "I wanted to, see the child." I smiled and rushed to her side, taking her hand, and pulled her in.

"Don't be shy," I smiled, after finally getting her in the room. This was perfect, if I can convince Rachelle to let River live then maybe she can go back to her tribe. Without me worrying about her. But in the back of my mind there was that question again. Will I be able to let her go? "She looks healthy," Rachelle said braking my thoughts.

"She is," the nurse maid said as she walked to the other side of the crib. She glared at Rachelle, as if she was ready to attack. Rachelle kept her head up and glared back. It was clear that vampires and werewolves don't get along. This got to change. You would think that if Connor and... Nina where together. These people would try to work things out. But then again Nina's dead, and Connor is blamed for it. So this fight will only continue. This is not going to end well.

"I won't hurt the child. I have no need to," the nurse maid was not buying it. But I was, maybe this won't be so bad.

"I have orders not to let your kind get to close to her," I take that back.

"My kind? She is my kind," I could feel the tension in the room as did River. She was asleep but she would move every time they spoke.

"Well," I coughed. "I think Rachelle has the right to see River. Remember what Marika said?" The nurse maid looked away. "Marika wants River out of the house within two week. When the time comes can I trust you to keep her safe? And alive?"

"That's going against everything my people believe in," she looked down at me as I gave her a small smile.

"Maybe it's time for change," I glazed towards the clock. "I have to go, keep an eye her," I say to the nurse maid, looking at River. Deep down, I was afraid to leave her again. "I'll be back," I whispered with a faint smile. Turning around I headed to the door with my head up, trying to hold the tears. I was so afraid.

"You care for the child," Rachelle questioned. I don't know why but I knew there is more to it than that. I think it's more than caring about her. Something, greater than that.

"I think it's more than that," I said softly knowing that she heard me. Whatever my feeling were for River I didn't want to lose it, not again. Again?

Shaking the thought, I met Connor by the stairs as he was messing with a button on his sleeve. He was dressed in a navy blue suit with his hair pulled back. I smelled a hint of cologne coming off of his body. Whatever it was, it was intoxicating. I shivered a little as I stood face to face with him. We exchanged eye contact before heading down.

It was clear that tonight was going to be a long one.

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