《Don't Say NO [Book 1]》Chapter 11(Edited)


Connor was sleeping like the dead. River, on the other hand, was having a hard time. Even with me holding her, she would keep crying. She couldn't be cold because I just wrapped her in a warm blanket, she wasn't hungry and I had just changed her. Keeping her close, I poked my head out into the hallway. I saw Beth coming up the stairs.

"Beth," I whisper-yelled. She turned my way, and dropped the towels she was holding. Making my way to her, she blinked a few times and just looked at us. "Something wrong?" I asked confused.

"The child is alive, and you, you are as well," she answered with a puzzled face.

"What? Did someone say I am dead?"

"I'm sorry," she said, as she started to pick up the towels she had dropped earlier.

"For what?"

"For the things I said. You were right, it's wrong to kill an innocent child. It's just, for over a thousand years we- our kind -thought, we were doing something good," I saw the pain in her eyes. But I couldn't help but think there was more to it.

"Go on," she smiled but it quickly went away.

"What more can I say? That has been our way of life for so long," she looked and smiled at River. And I saw it again, pain. I have seen that kind of pain so many times before in the mirror. The unforgettable pain of losing someone you loved dearly. "I'm grateful that you saved her. I'm glad, I realized what my pack was missing."

"And what's that?"

"People like you," River began to cry and shifting in my hands. Beth touched her cheek and the hall became quiet. "The thing about lycan babies is that they know more then we like them to. She knows her parents are gone."

"How do-"

"She told me," she interrupted me, as she quickly made eye contact. "She is a very strong and a powerful child," Beth started to laugh. I analysed her from head to toe as she answered my question. "She said that you and the young lord shouldn't fight and that he shouldn't touch you in weird places, when she's in the room," Beth said with a small smile on her face.


"She told you that?"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," She smiled now ear-to-ear. "I'm surprised you're not in shock."

"Maybe a month ago I would've been," I said thoughtfully. "That reminds me, I need to find Rachelle."

"I don't think that it would be a good idea," her smile vanished, looking at the baby and then to me.

"It's River, isn't it?" I said.

She responded by nodding her head.

"Can you watch her for me?" She was shocked by my request. I have no idea why, but she was. "I'm working," she made it sound like it was a question.

"Just a few hours, no one will know. All of River's things are in Connor's room, so just hang out there."

"Hang out? The young Lord will have my head," shocked expression on her face, she started to walk away.

"W-w-wait, I need to find out what happened to the other girls," I said quickly. She stopped and slowly turned around.

"The other girls, why would you want to know?"

"I don't think he killed them, Connor has always been very careful with me and River. He has never bitten us when we were sleeping. And he has never done anything that would make me think he would be capable of killing. Well he could kill a man, but not a woman. That night when he told me about them, I knew he didn't do it."

"I think you have been misled, he did kill those girls," her eyes became dark.

"Did anyone see him do it?"

"We didn't need to," her voice started to change.

"Did he do something to you?" I kept asking her questions.

"Enough," she growled. "It's best if you stay out of it. For all we know, time could be ticking," she walked away quickly.

As if River felt the energy in the hall, she began to cry once more. "Hush now, it's okay," I said to the child, as I walked back to Connor's room, rocking her. Like always, Connor was sleeping and I was left with no answers, and more questions. I put River in her crib, waiting her to fall asleep. I sat in behind Connor's desk.


Looking at the clock, I still had a few hours before he woke up. He was going to leave tonight and I need someone to watch the baby. I can't walk around with her, only because of Mel and Rachelle. Since Mel wants her 'revenge' on me, I can't have River on me nor can I leave her unattended. I think it's stupid but I can't take a risk, which I kind of did. Also Rachelle, who knows how she will act. Beth didn't think it was a good idea.

Looking at Connor, I decided to sit on him. Maybe I can think better that way. Getting on the bed, I sat on his lifeless stomach. I stretched my legs and kicked them in the air.

I wondered how they were killed? What their names were? Who were they?

If Morgan was here, she would say, 'Get off your ass and let's go. We are so leaving, this kind of shit doesn't happen,' and Mr. Piccolo would say, 'Feed me.' I giggled a little. I closed my eyes for just a moment. I saw nine-year-old Edea, she wasn't smiling. 'Something's coming,' she was scared. 'Run! Run!,' she screamed over and over again, until darkness consumed her.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes. Taking it all in, I felt my heart swell in pain. 'Something's coming,' but what is coming? I'm starting to think maybe my time is running out. 'If your're going to fucking give up, what about the baby?' my imaginary Morgan said. 'You got kidnapped, then took a baby under your wing, and how do you think this will turn out?'

I don't know. I just did it, I thought.

"Well, do you regret it?" she asked.

No, I pouted.

'Then why the fuck are you scared?' she yelled.

I'm not.

'Looks like it,' she said. I'm not scared, I don't get scared. I yelled and talked back to a werewolf and a vampire. I used to beat up guys back in high school and college. I gave my life to protect my sister, I-I put my life on the line. I never regretted it.

"Do you want to die?" The voice whispered in my ear. I shivered as I felt cold hands, touch the back of my neck. I felt my body move up and down as my 'friend' had his fangs brush against my neck. "Do you do this often? Sitting on me, when I sleep," my heart raced, holding my breath I quickly looked at the clock. Breathing again, I must have taken a nap while sitting on him. My body quivered as he breathed me in. I knew he was hungry, but he won't bite me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. He said yes, and he took another sniff. "What would you like?" he took my hands, gently placing them on the blanket. I felt him grow hard and big, the only thing in my mind was, what am I going to do now?

He slowly looked at me, his eyes glowing a bright red color. "Would you help to feed my hunger?"

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