《Don't Say NO [Book 1]》Chapter 8 (Edited)


It was an awful night for the both of us. Two men came in and took the mother's body away that was lying in the left corner of the tent. I tried my best to keep the baby warm. The little girl had no name, no family, and no food. She was suffering and I couldn't do anything that would make her feel better. She cried and screamed out of the pain.

"I'm sorry," this was not what I was hoping for the child. "Please stop crying, I know you're hungry," I said as I held the child close, rocking her gently. "Please forgive me," the child was crying, hot tears running down her face. Her cheeks were red, almost turning blue.

"Hush, little one. I'll make a deal with you. I won't eat until you are fed, okay?" She answered to my by crying.

Two days later

Rachelle stormed into the tent, a nurse from before followed. "It's been two days, shut the child up before I do," yes, two days have passed. I didn't really move from where I was. The nurse, Beth, heard rumors in the castle that I was dead. Rachelle told Marika that I had refused let the child go, but the child was going to die anyway.

"There must be someone who could give us some milk," I begged them.

"They need milk for their own children. Face it Dawn, there is no one helping her."

I asked some people who walked into the red tent for help, but they refused. If these people won't help her then she would die soon. The child was crying too much. Think Dawn, think. Lifting my dress, I let the infant suck on my nipple. I know nothing will come out but maybe it will stop her tears, and it did. Shocked, Rachelle glared at me, "you're a fool," with that, she left.


"You should let it go, Dawn. There's nothing you can do for it," Beth said quite rudely, if I may add.

"She's not an it. She has a name," I rubbed my thumb on the baby's face and smiled. She was so innocent and small. Her tears reminded me a river so I named her, "River."

"You are a fool," Beth said before leaving.

River was quiet and slowly went to sleep. I wrapped another blanket around her so she was warmer. I decided that it was time to go back to the castle. When I walked out of the tent, eyes were on me. Some showed sympathy, others anger.

Muscle man from two nights ago came over like a storm. "What are you doing? Leave the child," he said quickly.

"I don't have time for you. I have to save her."

"All you're doing is killing her slowly," not for long though.

"Let her leave," Rachelle's voice came out of the crowd, glaring at us both. "She will learn in the end," the man moved aside and I continued my way to the castle.

Just wait, River. I won't let you die.

The moment I got to the castle doors, I heard a car pull up to the building. There he was, coming out of the gray car with his sunglasses on. Smiling, I felt hot tears running down my face. The child started to cry as I fell back on the wall. I was so tried, I think I didn't slept at all.

"Dawn," it sounded more like a question.

"Yea, yea it's me," I whispered back. "Connor, help me out, will you?," I put my hand out for him to take it, but he walked away. "Is this how you treat people who give you their blood?!" I quickly yelled at him.


His footsteps stopped, he turned around and came to my level. He looked at the blanket and then to me. "Yes," jerk, I thought.

"River, promise me that you will never be with a man like him," her crying face quickly calmed me down as I tried to get up. I couldn't, I felt weak and helpless. What made it even worse, is that the air around me was getting colder.

Forcing myself up, I took a few steps, despite the fact that my legs weren't working normally. Get it together Dawn. I forced myself to walk and almost made it to the door. I made a quick stop, resting on the wall. The door was just a few steps ahead.

River's nose was red and her tears were hot. I touched her finger, ice cold. I breathed on her hands to make them warm, and with my other hand I touched her feet. They weren't that cold so I just rubbed them. Once I thought she was warm I wrapped her nicely in the blanket.

I remembered when Edea was this small. She couldn't open her eyes, and always cried. Mom said that's how they talk, and if you listened just right, you would be able to understand them.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead," Mel's unforgettable voice spoke. "Is that a baby," her laughter filled the halls. "You whore," I don't have time for this. "That child may as well be dead," I got up and had enough strength to punch her in the face making her fall to the floor.

"Don't ever say that again," I was awake now. "I don't care what you are, or who you are. If you come close to me or River, I'll kill you."

The look on her face was priceless, but quickly faded. "You will regret that, human." Getting up off the floor, she walked away with her fangs sticking out.

River started crying again, I made my way up the stairs to look for Connor's room. It didn't take me too long, only because he left the door open.

"Okay, asshole," I said as soon as I entered the room. He was sitting in his chair by the desk as I walked in. He turned around looking surprised.

"You're going to help me whether you like or not, I will not have this child die on me. Do you understand?" I yelled, I was done, I was tired, hungry and pissed off and River may as well be too.

"What did you say?," he squinted his eyes.

"You heard me, this child was born two days ago and she needs food. She hasn't eaten in two days. I need you to find food, breast milk, formula, something, please," I wanted to cry. "I've tried and I don't know what to do," I said falling to my knees he quickly got up and came to our level. "She's going to die," tears came out faster than I had thought.

"Stop crying," he sighed.

"Why should I," I yelled. I felt his arms around me, picking me up off the floor. He walked us to the bed and covered the blanket on us

"You're cold."

"Don't tell me what I already know," glaring at him, I saw him smile. He quickly turned away and left without saying a word. Asshole, I knew he couldn't be trusted, so why did I come to him?

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