《Don't Say NO [Book 1]》Chapter 1 (Edited)


How did I get myself into this mess? All I wanted to do was to go pick up cat food, but now poor Mr. Piccolo won't be able to eat tonight. Taking a deep breath, I wondered how long it will take for help to come.

As darkness consumed me, I heard soft whispers around me. I've probably been here for 10 minutes and I'm already tired of this uncomfortable van. My eyes are getting used to the darkness, allowing me to look around. At least fifteen other girls were stuck here with me.

"Go check on them," a masculine, sinister voice in the front said. When he opened the door, bright light came in, blinding me and most likely a few other girls. A skinny man walked all the way to the end of the van, cautiously checking all of our bare and unprotected skin, mainly checking our wrists and necks. I turned to the driver, studying him and seeing that he was rather large, fat and covered in sweat. I looked away from him to see what was outside, but was quickly disappointed to see that we were in a tunnel.

I sighed. As I was leaning back, the skinny man looked at me from head to toe. He smiled and walked away. Was I not good enough to look at or is there something wrong with me? Does he know that I'm a virgin? Oh no! He walked back to the front of the van and put us in the dark once again.

I felt a sudden vibration in my pocket and reached for my mobile phone.

"Hello, Dawn speaking," I said.

"Where the hell are you?!" My friend Morgan yelled into the phone.

"I was kidnapped by a few guys. No big deal," I responded with sarcasm.


"No big deal?! You have been kidnapped. Why do you sound happy at a time like this?!" She shouted. 

"Oh Morgan, before I forget. Can you feed Mr. Piccolo please? I was on my way to the store but then this happened. I'll leave my phone on so you can track it. The van stopped, I have to go."

"Dawn-" I hung up before she could say anything and put the phone back. I adjusted my long shirt to cover the phone.

"You have a phone, call 911," someone said and then everyone started whispering.

"Hush, do you want them to know? My friend will call the police. We will get help."

As soon as the backdoor opened, we were being pulled out by the same men from before. One by one we were put into a wagon that had a cage around it. We were escorted into the wagon and waited, then another man put a black cover over us.

"What do we do?" Someone asked.

"There's nothing we can do. We are all going to die," some screamed at the thought, some cried, others prayed. As for I, I waited. I sat down, closing my eyes, attempting to listen to my surroundings, trying to find a clue as to where I could be.

Moments later, the wagon stopped and the cover came off. I put my hands in front of my eyes, shielding myself from the bright light that filled my vision.

"Move it," the fat man yelled as he began pulling everyone out. We were all separated into three groups then we were pulled into another room. When we were put in the room, they chained us on to the wall and darkness surrounded again.

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