《Collaboration || Dan Smith》Seventy-Eight.


~ December 25th 2020 ~

Holly and Jack was born yesterday at eight o'clock in the morning. They're mine and Dan's early Christmas presents. The best presents ever.

Holly resembles me. Jack resembles Dan. Our similarities are fucking scary. But they're the perfect version of mine and Dan's sinful arses.

Dan lays them besides the Christmas tree and turns the lights on. We just came back from the hospital. I spent a day and a half in there...it's good to be home. Both Holly and Jack seems to be in awe of the lights.

The huge make shift bed Dan made on the floor looks really comfortable, it even has pillows. "Help me down." I say as Dan for a split second turns his head away from them and looks at me. "Babe it's going to kill you if you say down here." I throw back my shoulders. Sure it'll sting but I gave birth to two kids. Two. I fucking know what pain is like.

"I don't care. I kneel then? Just help me." Dan smiles while he crawls up to the sofa and stands up. "Ready?" Dan asks removing my duvet from around my body. I nod my head as he holds pushes me up by my back and then takes my hand. I grit my teeth and bare the pain. I know I shouldn't be doing this...but I want to see my kids on Christmas Day.

Dan then settles me on the ground where I kneel in front of them, both. Dan then grabs my covers and put them around my shoulders, "hello..." I whisper in awe." As I lean forward slightly putting my head against Jack's. His little hands explore my face before he tiredly pulls away and closes his eyes. I kiss him on the cheek.

However Holly seems pretty awake. She's the youngest...and also looks really grumpy. It's adorable. "I go to pick her up but stop as she accidentally rolls over but ends up hugging Jack. I put my hand over my mouth, "I think I'm going to cry." I whisper, myself still sleepy, despite being asleep for the entirety of yesterday.


"Should we break them up or let them have their twin thing moment..." I shrug. Honestly I don't think me or Dan know what to do. "Babe..." Dan's voice trails off. "Huh?" I say but he doesn't answer, so instead I turn my head only to see Dan on one knee besides me. The kind of position guys who when they're about to propose-it's finally happening.

"Oh my god." I hold my mouth. Admittedly since I saw that ring I've been trying to forget about it. "I know I said that if I was ever to...do this...I'd make sure all of your family and friends were here. But I guess our family is here..." Dan's eyes wander off towards Holly and Jack, as so do mine.

I try not to cry.

"I love you...so much Lana. All of your quirks and...interesting fun facts. You've made me be a better man and I feel like I need you by my side twenty four seven" - fuck it, I'm crying - "you're the most interesting and funniest person I've ever met. For you are also such a beautiful soul. Will you...wanna...be my wife?" I nod my head as I fall into Dan's arms. Just like the way Holly did with Jack.

After we embrace Dan then slips the most beautiful silver ring onto my finger. There's multiple big diamonds...it must've costed a fortune. My man knows what a girl wants. Of course there's a possibility that he got his female friends to help him...but I don't think he did. His been hanging onto the ring for hell of a long time.

I fall back into his arms while we both nervously laugh.

"I love you so much." I whisper before me and Dan snog. It isn't until seconds later that we remember they're both looking at us both so we part ways. I pick up Holly, since she's still awake, while Dan holds Jack. "Look What your daddy gave me." I almost whisper as I show her my ring before crying in disbelief and happiness.


All my life Aunt Eliza has told me that she doesn't even see me getting a boyfriend. Here I am...happily engaged and a mother of two. Oh my god.

That's when Dan sits on the floor. I do the same thing, of course I wince in pain but because I'm on a high right now...it hurts less that what it would normally do. "Should we open up the presents?" Dan asks while I nod my head. I know we probably should wait until Dan's parents come over with all of the food they've been cooking for today - but I want this pretty moment to last forever.

I wrap some of the covers so it's keeping Holly warm too.

"Remember when you wrapped all of their presents up?" Admittedly I thought they was going to be born sooner, but it's perfect. "Yeah..." I quietly say while Dan passes me one of Holly's presents from under the Christmas tree. "I mean...they're here. Like actually here." Dan whispers as he rests his head against Jack's head.

Oddly enough they're quiet babies. Like...real quiet. They came out screaming but two seconds later they stopped. The only noise they make is when they sneeze or squirm. "This is for you." I say while Dan holds Jack's present in his free arm. "Should we open it?" I say even though she's barely a day old. I sit her up and try to put a piece of paper in her hand but she can't grip anything yet. "Why are we even doing this?" Dan laughs as he totally gives up trying to make Jack open the present.

"I have no idea." I laugh. As I open the present for her. Of course me and Dan still try to get them to like the presents. Even if we do stick their things right in front of their tiny faces. The only present that I think Holly could possibly like is the pastel pink soft elephant. She likes touching it's fur. Either that or she's trying to go to sleep, her large blue eyes narrow. Jack is once again fast asleep.

Me and Dan our all of their stuff to a side, "I forgot to buy batteries for everything." Dan whispers as I shake my head. "I brought them." That's when Dan makes an 'ah' sound as he passes me my gift. "Dan...you shouldn't of. Between the kids and the ring...I have everything I want." Dan shrugs.

"You don't have this." In confusion I open the box and smile in awe. The box is gold thin and flat, the ribbon is red with a sweet green bow. "It's a picture?" I confusedly say while Dan laughs at his present I got him.

I got Dan several presents because I had a feeling he'd get me something amazing...like he did last year. The picture is of a puppy, a husky to be more precise. "She's yours." My eyes widen in disbelief. "You got me a fucking dog?" I say while rubbing Holly on the back while she sleeps in my arm.

"Yeah...I did. Even though she's a puppy she is trained and knows basic commands. The people she lives with now have newborns too...she is really good with kids." That's when I cry...once again. "I know...you said you had a dog once and that you missed her. And anyway, in the new year we're probably going to be up early - as well as late - so we'll have no excuses not to walk him or her. My parents will keep her if we need to go on holiday or whatever."

He remembers my story about my dog? Oh my god.

I'm such a fucking mess right now. I think crying is going to become my new thing. I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm the happiest person on the world.

"Thank you..." I sob.

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