《Collaboration || Dan Smith》Fifty-Nine.


~ October 31st 2019 ~

"I cannot believe we're actually doing this. This doesn't feel normal...Dan." I ignore Lana and look at my parents door. I don't think neither of us wants to be here right now. "I know it's well fucking odd but we're going to have to tell them at some point." The reason why I'm so nervous is that I know I'm gonna get get embarrassed. Lana is the woman who I cheated with...and now she is my girlfriend. My parents know that I've cheated on Maisie but they don't know who with...and now they're going to.

We can necessarily lie and say we just met each other because for starters that would be weird and secondly - Maisie knows now. Maisie and my parents are still close apparently. It's no shit Maisie would've told mum my partners name, especially since my own mum lives for all of the gossip.

"Telling then two months after your daughters death is not the fucking right thing to do!" Lana loudly whispers while I throw my eyes backwards. "Never is literally going to be the fucking right time. Can you not make me anymore anxious? Jesus." Even the woman who I slept with behind my ex's back is complaining about me being a chest. I get that I'm a bad person...but is it really worth reminding me every twenty fucking seconds.

I can't breathe.

"If I get murdered by your mum before I find out what happens in that film I still want to watch then I'm going to fucking haunt you." Okay. So I laugh. I mean who cannot crack a smile at Lana's shitty jokes. "Laugh all you want but I'm still going to possess the shit out of you." I think she's joking?


Whatever. She's weird. I'm weird. And we're about to do something weird. "So are we gonna stare at the door all day or are we going to knock or-" before Lana can continue to talk the door opens. Both of us, who didn't even ring the doorbell, jump back startled. "Jesus fucking Christ., Dan. We thought you was a murderer! Why can't you be normal for once in your life and ring the bell without giving mum a heart attack?" I don't even bother answering that question. I just shrug.

"And...who is this?" Dad points to Lana.

I take a deep breath in. "This is Lana. She's my...girlfriend..." Dad's eyes widen for half a second before he turns around. He doesn't seem impressed. "Close the door behind you." He almost grunts as he walks into the living room. Lana besides me has a stupid smile on her face - my dad is her kind of person. She likes weirdos. "Seriously?" I can't help but laugh as I walk in first while she follows me after I lock the door, of course.

Me and Lana then walk into living room. Mum doesn't get up out of her seat. Instead she remains sitting down, dad sits down besides her. "Who is this?" Is the first thing to come out of her mouth.

Lana looks at me wearily. I'm not sure if she even wants to be here in the room that smells of cinnamon...with my parents. I wouldn't either. "Hi...Mrs Smith" Lana smiles as she walks up to the sofa. "I'm Lana Knight." Mum already is scolding Lana. It's unfair. I was the one who ruined my relationship with Maisie, sure Lana didn't help but it was all my fault. Lana is the genuinely kindest person alive.


"I'm Dan's...girlfriend, it's lovely to finally meet you and Mr Smith." Hopefully there might be a slim possibility that my parents like her? Maisie called them by their actual names from the start. Compared to Lana...Maisie was sort of as you would say 'unclassy'.

"Are we the first ones you've told since...what happened a few months back?" I nod my head, even though I'm not sure that Lana might've told her aunt. Lana lived on a manor estate back when she was little. She had a really wealthy upbringing, her parents aren't dead or anything - she just hates them. So much so that her aunt brought her up on that estate.

Mum then looks away.

"He'll probably chest again. Do you know that?" Lana immediately looks at me as my eyes widen. "I'm not. Like. This is it...forever." I never really thought about having a relationship with Maisie in the future - if I did I didn't really mean it. Me and her got along so well that...it was a bore. Our whole relationship was shit and only revolved around Bee, whereas Lana...she makes every day feel brand new and exciting. I'll never be able to predict what will come out of her mouth next. She's dreamy and incredible. I fucking love her.

"Mrs Smith, I won't let that happen. But thank you for your...warning." She's only jealous that Lana isn't her adorable Maisie.

I hope she'll warm up to her...over time.

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