《Collaboration || Dan Smith》Forty-Three.


𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙨 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣

- 𝗖𝗼𝗯𝗶

~ May 19th 2019 ~

I cannot believe that Dan arranged a surprise party for me. I literally have the best boyfriend ever. I was expecting to come home to nothing just like last year. But this year everyone turned up...for my birthday. It feels weird having a birthday party, I haven't had one since I was little.

"How old are you now?" Isla asks while she sips some orange juice. I think it's just me and her who are avoiding drinks tonight...maybe a few other designated drivers...but it's not like our home is a club. No one looks like they intend on getting drunk - I sigh in relief for my new carpets sake. "If I can ask..." she smiles while I place my hair behind my ears nodding my head along to the music.

"I'm twenty seven." It's not the biggest age gap ever...it's sort of...perfect.

Isla then looks towards Dan who is standing next to me but has joined Ralph's conversation. "Is anyone here for you Maisie? Or has Dan completely blanked your contact list like he did with mine." Dan likes to party. I laugh...I mean it's sweet. If it's anyone's birthday he always wants to make them feel special - not unless if it's his excuse to get drunk?

"Oh...I only have a few people on my contacts list. Everyone I know is here." I have barely fifteen people on my contact list: Dan, Isla, Fran, Rod, Ralph, Kyle, Will, Woody, Mark, Chrissy, top up number and several midwives.

I still have Ali's but I'm not sure if he counts anymore...

He didn't reply to my letter and I sent that by first class. He should've got next day delivery. I guess that speaks for itself...that he wants nothing to do with me or Bee. Great brother I have.


"Eh...okay then..." Isla looks lost for words. I know sometimes she expects me to say that I have a million of friends or whatever - before we had our long chat I think she firmly believed I was a gold digger. I have more money than Dan ever will...not that I care about money. I only care about Bee at this stage.

I falsely smile at her while I stand to the side and watch everyone joyously laugh. Through the pastel pink balloons and a table full of gifts and pretty envelopes I see Dan's nephew and goddaughter playing in the garden. "Excuse me..." I politely say as I make my way outside with one hand placed under my white short summer dress supporting my bump.

After nearly twenty 'sorry's' or 'can I just...' I get to the wide open double doors. "Hey guys..." I happily say as they both look up at me.

"Hi." Coco whispers while she...makes a daisy chain. I can't help but smile at her attempt - however it breaks in half. Finlay plays besides her with his Nintendo Switch, it looks like the Pokémon game.

"Do you need help with that?" I ask pointing to the broken chain. Coco nods her head with a smile and holds both pieces out towards me, "let's see what I can...do..." with that I take the daisy chain and awkwardly sit down on the grass - not only because I'm pregnant but because I don't want to ruin the daisies - and sit next to them both.

"Right..." I whisper slightly out of breath and in pain. "Are you okay Maisie?" I smile nodding my head...even if it's a lie. I probably shouldn't be sitting on the floor in this state. But I don't mind, nor does Bee.

"Yeah...she's just woken up." I smile as I put the daisy chain down on the floor besides me and pluck two fresh ones. The whole garden is covered in them...it's sweet. My dream garden. "The trick is flattening the stem before poking a small hole...see" I demonstrate with the two daisies as Coco makes a long 'oh' sound. "But my one is ruined..." I shake my head as I carefully take out the ends of her chain and link them with the new ones.


"See!" I smile holding her new and improved chain up...but Coco starts making a new one. "You can have that one..." she says in intense concentration trying to thread the green stem through another. It's like a needle and thread. "Aw, thank you." I smile while she stops what she is doing and shuffles up next to me. "Can I put it on you?" It doesn't look like it can fit around my neck...but still, I nod my head.

"There you go..." Coco says proudly after resting it on top of my head. "Does it look pretty?" I ask as I feel her moving a few of the flowers around. "Yeah, it matches your dress." I smile and then hug her...even though I'm basically like a stranger. I'm nothing but her godfathers girlfriend.

"Thank you." I say as she sits down next to me. I then look at Fin, Dan's nephew, who looks completely hypnotised by his Switch. "Can I play?" I ask feeling a little bored. I'm not bored playing with the kids - it's just parties have never really been my thing. I don't like being the centre of attention and Dan should know that from the first time that we met, I've always been a side lines girls...

There was a time in...high school where I wasn't but I regret what I did...

"You want to play?" His eyes widen as I nod my head. "Maybe Coco can join in?" Coco looks up from her concentration and smiles nodding her head slightly. "It's only two players..." Oh no. That's not fair. "Don't worry" - I reassuringly say looking at the large hand held screen - "We can take it in turns...do you want a go first?" I ask looking at Coco but she shakes her head. "I want to compete against you." Aw...that's sweet. I'm taking that as she's being nice.

"What games have you got?" I smile while he clicks away on the home screen. "Oh...Mario Kart. I like this one." I've never played it before...but it kind of looks fun on the commercials.

"What character are you going to be?" He asks once everything is loaded up. "Um..." I have no idea who any of these people are expect Mario and his green brother. "I like her..." I point to the blue princess fairy...thing/ Princess Rosalina apparently. "She's so pretty, isn't she? Is she fast? I want a fast character" I exaggerate as Fin chuckles. "It depends on what car with wheels and glider you want..." Ah, that sounds awesome.

"So you got to choose what you want..." he says giving me the blue controller.

It's safe to say that I have got no idea what I'm doing. I laugh to myself when I accidentally press the wrong button, while Fin sorts it out and Coco tries to explain what I'm meant to do...my eyes flicker to the double doors where Dan is standing. He smiles which makes me smile. God I love him. I don't say anything but I hold the controller outwards towards him. "Please..." I then whisper batting my eyelids.

The kids deserve to play with someone who actually knows how to play the game! With that Dan nods his head with a laugh and steps out into the garden. Thank god.

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