《Collaboration || Dan Smith》Thirty-Four.


𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚

- 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲

"Oh my god!" My mum shouts literally as soon as she opens up the door to this beautiful sight. Although the cold isn't dangerous for Bee - both mother and daughter are pretty worn out. The doctor said that the cold lasts longer when women are pregnant...and I'm pretty sure that was the exact moment Maisie cried.

"Look at you!" Of course mum being mum puts her hand on Maisie's bump. Maisie doesn't seem to care - she's just munching away on the fourth sugary cinnamon pretzel...I can't believe she made us go to the mall just to get them. It costed me nearly thirty quid. I'm pretty sure she's got two more left.

"Yeah." She mumbles while she eats. "Let's get you two...three...in the warmth then." As much I really love my mother - it's just the two of us - Bee is literally in Maisie's warm fucking womb. She's lucky.

Maisie follows mum down the hall while I lock the front door behind me. I then take off my coat and shoes - it's just a habit. I then walk into the living room only to see they've literally made a bed for Maisie. "It's only a cold for fuck sakes..." my voice trails off into a laugh.

"And my baby is suffering it too you know. She's tired. I'm tired. We're both tired...and your mum understands that so..." Maisie's eyes widen after her little speech get's cut short. She just revealed her sex...to my parents. "Did you just say...she?" Well this is fucking great. Maisie told me yesterday that she wants to wait at least until she's seven months to tell everyone about her being a girl.


Maisie and me looks at each other at the exact same time. "Yeah..." our voices trail of as both mum and dad literally hug us both.

"Congratulations. Oh my god! This is the first girl in our family since Fran...I have a granddaughter!" Mum tearfully says as Maisie makes from on the temp sofa bed so she can sit down next to her. "She also has a nickname" I mean I know I should shut up and let the mother of my baby talk but - I don't know...I'm just excited.

I guess that talk me and Maze had the other night helped us both. She learned to trust and I've learned to love...my daughter. What Maisie did was wrong - but I can't blame her. I shouldn't of lied and said I wanted kids in front of her or even in the old interviews where I bored of Bastille. I only said that because I felt it would've been a good excuse to call Bastille off...that I need a family.

I know I'm not get any younger - but at least I have Bee. I hope me and Maisie are going to be together in the future...I know she more than likes being pregnant and just being a mother - it's no doubt that she would want another kid.

"What is it" mum says holding Maisie's stomach. I've never got why people do that. I mean okay - I see why dad's do it - but not grandparents or anyone else for that matter. They don't necessarily need to bond with the baby...not like how I do. Plus it just seems weird and kind of awkward to look at - but Maisie doesn't mind. "Bee." Mum gives me that 'are you serious' look. I can't help but laugh.


To be honest that was my first reaction.

"Before I had this stupid cold she always coincidentally moved. All because one day I was fighting this huge bumblebee..." I forgot she lives in Italy. I wonder how that's going to work...me flying over to pick her up and take her home. I've got the money...but it's a bit time consuming. I cannot leave London or the studio. I've worked too hard for it.

I'm not going to be a dick and not see my own daughter. That plan sounded good a couple of days ago but now...it just seems selfish. She needs me. My little girl...legitimately needs me.

"Aw...Bee." My mum whispers while I nod my head. Maisie then pulls out her phone and does something on it while mum and dad share an embarrassing story about me when I was little. Maisie laughs while tapping away before putting down her phone.

Mine vibrates second later. I take my phone out my pocket and check the Instagram notification...

I can tell that picture Maisie posted is probably from a month or go or whenever. Her bump is slightly smaller than what it is now. Plus she's more tan - since being back in the uk I notice her tan is fading pretty quickly. She's back looking as pale as now.

Maybe I should post something on Bee's behalf too? I think Maisie is somehow unknowingly teaching me how to be a proud dad...

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