《Bokuto x Pregnant Reader》Chapter 10


Authors Note: Heyyy everyone!! I'm so close to finishing school so yeah I'll finally have more time to focus on stories rather than school because like ew lmaoo, Anyways I hope everyone is doing well! Please vote, comment, share and check out my other stories! I also really appreciate the comments on all my stories and how you guys are all getting along, it makes me so happy that you guys enjoy each other in the comments

With my belly against the counter I reach for the frosting I desperately have been craving all night, and I finally pried myself out of Bokuto's arms while he was peacefully sleeping, which was my cue to head out to the kitchen.

"Why do I have to be so short" I whisper to myself, transitioning to my tippy toes and reaching, I feel a shooting pain in my back.

"Owwww I should not have done that"

"Baby?" Ko's deep raspy voice calls from my side, his warm body comes over to me

"What are you doing up? You have a game tomorrow Ko" Rubbing his warm bare shoulders, and I rub my back feeling the pain as I massage gently.

"I knowww owl but I didn't feel you in bed, and I heard you say and I quote "Owwww I should not have done that" so you tell me what you are doing up" His voice slowly clearing from sleep and his concern deepens.

"I've been craving frosting and I'm too short to reach and they were in the way, I think I did something to my back because it hurts now" I watch h\his face go from concern to a cute pout.

"Lovelyyyyy why didn't you wake me up, go sit, I'll grab your frosting" I waddle into the living room resting my back against the armrest of the couch, the cool fresh air coming through the window.

"It's cold" A shirtless Bokuto comes from the kitchen towards me rubbing his arms for warmth as he walks towards me giving me my frosting and spoon.

"Thank you, and it's not cold what are you talking about"

"Its cold, you must be really warm, especially with you carrying our baby owls, speaking of!" He quickly repositions himself to lay between my legs with this face of my stomach. "I didn't talk to you guys today, well I did this morning before work just not after" As I continue to enjoy my frosting, Koutarou just keeps talking about his day, what paperwork needed to be filled out today, what they did at practice and what we had to eat. It wasn't long before you felt the both of them kick and more around, although they were babies, they've both been getting a lot stronger, to the point where their kicks just started becoming increasingly more painful the longer they kicked.


"They are strong, look!" Bo pointed out as my skin under the thin fabric of my nightshirt moves and contours along with the baby's movement.

"Just like me" He gives a cute little smile, I can almost feel his pride swell in his chest.

"Yes, just like you" I grunt, feeling another painful kick to my side, I gently rub the spot trying to soothe the pain.

"Misaki, Hikaru, it's not nice to kick your mom so hard" I scoot down, shifting my position to be a little more comfortable.

"They keep thinking my bladder is a punching bag" I pat his shoulder so that he moves.

"I need to use that bathroom"

Once again I come waddling back to the couch, Bokuto watches intently with a little smile.


"You're so cute and the way you walk is super cute too, with a waddle and your hand on your hip, its so cute and kinda sexy" heat rises in my cheeks as I blush.

"Thanks? I guess" I laugh.

Since I'm on the edge of close to my due date, it's been harder for me to sleep with the consistent kicks and movements of Hikaru and Misaki, and just the discomfort of having two humans inside you, my back is under lots of strain and so are my legs, whenever I can't sleep Ko always tries to stay up with me but he ends up falling asleep because of how tired he is after work.

"Ok Ko, you need to sleep like I said you have a game, and its early and they need you there earlier"

"Y/nnnnnnn, I wanna stay up with youuuu" I sigh and motion him to follow me into the bedroom, sitting against the bed frame I pat the empty spot next to the bed. Crawling into his spot he shifts and rests his head on my thighs whilst wrapping his big arms around my waist, something he does regularly.

"Go to sleep honey" I smile running my fingers through his soft hair and watching as he closes his eyes and soon enough mine follow.

My eyes open to the pitch-black darkness of the night, I feel a cramping pain throughout my body with Bokuto still resting his sleepy head on my lap. I sit up, rubbing my stomach whilst I feel the cramping sensation cease. I search for my phone on the bedside table and squint as my eyes take time to adjust to the lighting from the bright screen. 4:27 am, it's still really early and I'm starting to get contractions, I gently slide Koutarou's head off my lap, placing my feet on the cool hardwood floors, I walk into the nursery, walking around to see everything prepped, the crib neet in the corner by the closet, with blankets and Misaki and Hikaru's each individual stuffed owls and blankets to match. The rocking chair on the opposite side of the room alongside a window which had curtains and blinds. These past few weeks I have been nesting profusely, preparing for the arrival of our two little ones. Although I may be tired, in pain, and immensely uncomfortable, I know it will all be worth it. All the love that both Bokuto and I have poured into the place, is somewhere where both of them will feel loved and safe. I turn on a small little night light and inspect the infants coming home outfits, and search in the closet for the both of them something else, "Daddy's little girl and Mommy's little boy" " Beautiful like my mommy and Handsome like my daddy" "Mommy and daddies little monsters" I compare all of these outfits in front of me struggling to make on a decision on whether or not I should bring one or the other.


"Baby?" A raspy sleepy voice deeply called exiting our bedroom.

"In here" Bo walks in and folds his arms placing them on my thighs as I sit in the rocking chair, his cheek squished up against his arms.

"What are you doing up again? Are you ok? Are you triple-checking your decision on the coming home outfits? Babyyyy come onnn they are perfect, they'll look perfect however they come home, just come back to bed" he says look up at me

"Ko I'm ok, I just had a contraction" At the word contraction Bokuto's eyes widen with a twinkle of excitement in his eye, then he immediately jumps up and offers his hands to help me get up.

"It's time! Time for us to meet our baby owls!! Come on get up, let's go to the hospital!!"

"Not yet Bo, we need to wait until my contractions are 5 to 7 minutes apart" I giggle at his excitement and enthusiasm.

"OK OK! I have to go call Akaashi and tell him I won't be at the game!"

"Bokuto not yet its only -

"AKAASHI GUESS WHAT" He screams over the phone down the hall

"5: 20" I sigh and smile looking down at my tummy, he's so excited.

Bokuto's Pov"




"Ohh good for you Bokuto, call me if you need anything"


My heart is swelling with pride and joy. Our babies are coming, the ones I talk to every day, I'll finally be able to hold them in my arms, I'm so excited.


"What owl" A very sleepy Kuroo responds


"Oh that's great Owl, I'm happy for you, you're going to have 2 little owls to love"


"Bo can you come here please" I hear my wife shout from the nursery


"B-" I end the call immediately running to Y/ns side.

"What is it? Are you ok? Are you in pain?"

"No, just please help me up" , reaching her hand out and giggling, I gently hold her arm with one arm and then wrap my second one around her back, I help her down the stairs and into the kitchen, as she waddled down there she paused and began rubbing her belly.

"Contraction?" Taking a deep breath out Y/n nods

"Your doing so well baby" I gently kiss her temple and wait for the contraction to pass, instead of heading to the couch Y/n heads towards the kitchen. I give her a questioning look, even though she's in a bit of pain she laughs.

"I'm hungry and I need the energy to get them out of me so I'm going to have some toast"

"I thought you couldn't eat during labor?" That's what the book I read on pregnancy said

"I'm still in early labor" I nod

"Labor is probably going to last for hours so I need to have a bit of energy" There is a lot of worry in her face, I can feel the anxiety build, knowing this I come up behind her wrapping my arms around her and the twins, resting my head on head

"Your gonna be great Y/n, I'm going to be here every step of the way" She nods and I kiss her temple, its going to be a very long day, but at least I get to meet my babies.

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