《Bokuto x Pregnant Reader》Chapter 9


Authors Note: Heyyyyy Guyssss, Sorry I haven't posted, I'm studying for my AP Exam sadly 😂 Anywayss, I really hope you guys like this chapter, please vote, comment and take a look at my 2 other completed story! Thank you so much I love you all 🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤

"Ko you don't need to hold everything, I can take some too" His arms full of everything needed for our picnic as he struggles to close the trunk of the car.

"It's ok baby I got this, just please close the trunk" I walk over shaking my head with a small giggle, he gives me a goofy smile and we walk together until we find the perfect spot.

"What about here?" I look towards a beautiful sakura tree, the pink petals scattered on the green grass, giving us a nice view of the water ahead. We walk over and Bokuto sets the dark blue quilt on the grass and the food in front of us. Sitting down and getting back up will be a hassle, I already know it, as I begin to squat and turn my body to finally be seated on the plush quilt. The temperature is a little chilly but Ko's hoodie is enough to keep me warm. Bokuto sat down next to me giving me a big smile, I smiled back.

"Hungry?" He nods eagerly and I pull the basket towards me, taking out the gyudon beef bowls I made, I pass one bowl to him and keep the other bowl to myself.

"It looks sooooo yummy!" Ko immediately removes the top and digs in, I pull out two small bowls of rice to go along with it. I scoot up and rest against the tree and eat my meal as I look out onto the water, the darkening sky above and the moon slowly rising, it looks beautiful.


"Y/n This is super yummy"

"Yeah? It's the first time I made it so I didn't know if it turned out well"

"It's great!" Ko quickly eats it all and then comes over to me and rests his head on my thighs.

As I continue eating Bokuto talks to my stomach, his arms around my waist gently massaging my back with his finger tips.

"If you guys could see what it looks like outside, it's super pretty just like your mommy, the stars are starting to come out and you can see the moon on the water" His cheek is pressed up against my belly, then I feel the kicks of the twins.

"They're moving!" I giggle and nod

"They love you a lot Ko" his eyes light up and he smiles the cutest little smile.

"I love them a lot too"

"You know Ko... we need names asap"

"Well actually, I was thinking about that" I raise my eye brown in surprise and smile.


"Mhm! I thought about it, for our little girl I thought about Misaki, it means beautiful bloom, I thought it would be nice because I was her to bloom into a beautiful person just like her mommy"

"Awww I love that Koutarou, Misaki Bokuto, Do you have a boy's name?" My voice cracks slightly.

"Yessss I do! Hikaru it means to shine or light, I really liked it because he is one of the lights in my life just like you and his twin sister"

"Aww Koutarou" My eyes begin to water "I didn't know you put that much thought into it, Misaki and Hikaru Bokuto" My tears spill from my eyes

"Wait you don't like it, I'm sorry, we don't have to na-"

"No no I love it, I love it a lot" I wipe the tears from my eyes and give a small giggle


"Do you guys like your names?" Tilting his head at my stomach, moving his hands under my hoodie, feeling his arm hands touch my skin. There is a quiet pause before the both of them begin to start moving around, and kicking hard.

"Ow" We both laugh

"Woahh Misaki Hikaru you're hurting your mom" On their fathers command they calm down.

I watch Ko smile as he gets up, his hoodie lifting just a tad bit as he stretches his long muscular arms. Bo pushes me forward off the tree and slips behind me and I sit straight up. He gently pulls my shoulders in but I stop him and sit straight up with the heat in my cheeks rising.

"Stop, I'm too heavy"

"Noooooo stop lying" Looping his arms under mine he scoots me up between the space in his muscular legs and forces me to lay against his chest.

"See your perfect"

He says giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Look at all of the stars Y/n" we both look up through the branches of the Sakura tree through a gap, looking at the glistening stars in the dark night, the moon shining down on us as our only source of light.

"Only two more weeks Ko"

"Yeah until we have these little ones in our arms"

"Are you scared?" I ask lifting my head slightly to look up at him

"A little, but I know we are doing this together, so we'll be ok. Are you scared?"

"Yeah... I'm really scared" My voice cracks in the slightest and Koutarou is already holding me tighter

"What if I'm not a good mom?"

"Hey Hey hey" His deep loving voice pauses moving my face towards him using his thumb to move my chin. "Your going to be a natural mom Y/n, one of the most amazing moms out there, they are so so so lucky to have you as their mom, don't ever doubt that"

Bokuto gives a warm smile, sweetly pressing his surprisingly soft lips against my own.

"You know, your going to be an amazing dad Ko, they are going to love you so much, they're going to love you even more than they do right now"


"They will"

As time passed in the comfortable silence, we moved and ended up laying on the blanket, looking up at the shining stars.

"We should get ice cream. ''

"We Should Ko" I laugh

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