《Bokuto x Pregnant Reader》Chapter 5


Hiiii everyone, I'm so so so so sorry that I haven't posted there was a lot of family stuff that has been going on and still is, so I had no time to post I really hope you guys forgive me, Thank you for those who have stuck around, I know its hard to keep up with the story that might have really long wait times, Please bare with me here! Thank you so much for your support, please vote and comment on any suggestions or if you liked the chapter! Thank you guys so much Have I nice day Enjoy! ❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Lets just say best rest was a blessing and a curse, Bokuto took care of me the whole time not even letting me use the bathroom alone, or shower alone, he was attached to me by the hip and he was always touching my stomach, which didn't surprise me one bit. It's been a while since the scare and It's been good, let's just say they are definitely growing and you can tell by the size of my bump already.


"Hi Ko I'm in the Kitchen" I smile as he runs over towards me, instinctively touching my belly and giving me kisses on my cheek. I give a small giggle as a cook his favorite barbecued meat.

"Smells soo yummy Y/n"

"Yes it does, how was practice?"

"IT WAS GREAT, I SPIKED THE BALL LIKE BOOM AND THEN SPIKED AGAIN LIKE BAM, and none of the blockers were able to block me" I laugh at how he reenacts his actions and look at his cute cocky smirk.

"How was your day? How are my little baby owls" Bokuto moves his hands to my waist to gently spin me around to face him. His eyes light up with joy and love as he looks at my middle, his hands lift my shirt and he bends down giving two kisses to my belly one on each side.

"When are they going to start moving?" He asked his voice soft

"Well I'm 4 and a half months pregnant right now so I would say a week or two but it depends on the babies, and we should be finding out the gender in about a month," I smile down at him, he stands up and give me a little hug


"I can't wait"

~One week later~

Kotaro's rough yet gentle hand is on my stomach, and is head gently lays on my chest, he softly whispers to our children about his day, I think about the gender reveal that'll be taking place in about 2 weeks, I personally wouldn't mind what the genders are, as long as they're happy and healthy I'm fine either way.


"Hm" he gives a soft hum, I feel the vibration of his response on my chest and looks up at me

" What is it?"

"What gender do you want these babies to be?" I ask running my fingers through his soft still damp black and white hair.

"I would love to have a little boy but I also want a little princess" He says, taking a pause while looking down and rubbing my swollen stomach.

"But I wouldn't really care, I love them too much to care" I smile smile nod

"We could have both"

" OH YEAHHHH, I forgot about that" I laugh

"Sometimes I can't with you Bo" I say looking down at him laughing

He places his finger on my lips "Shhhhhhhh I'm now going to spend some time with my little owls" He settles himself between my legs and lifts my loose nightshirt up.

"Hey guys or girls or both, I know I just talked to you like 2 seconds ago but I want to again, you know I can't wait to hold you guys, I really really really hope you look like your mommy she's an absolute treasure and when you guys meet her you'll think so too" he took a small pause and continues "you know your mommy and I met in a restaurant, she was celebrating her birthday and me and Uncle Akkashi and my other teammates were celebrating our win, I remember looking at your mommy and thinking Wow she's so beautiful! So I went up to her and asked her for her number and we hit it off from there! When I married your mom she was absolutely stunning in her amazing dress, her hair curled and gorgeous she was amazing, and then when I found out you guys were here I was even happier! When uncle Akkashi and Uncle Kuroo came to visit I was so excited to tell them that I ended up yelling! You know me and your mommy love you both very very very much and we are so excited to meet you and hold you we love you guys" he finishes his long speech by peppering kisses on my stomach and just resting his head there, we both begin to doze off but before we do, I feel the small fluttering movement of our two children, their small kicks land right no Kotaro's cheek, I laugh as his quickly sits up on his knees and watching the small movement and ripples caused by the movement of the two.


"Well Ko I guess you talking to them made them want to move" I laugh and place my hand on my stomach feeling their small movement. I look up and Ko who is just staring in amazement with tears threatening to overflow onto his cheeks.

I look at his living gazing and feel myself becoming emotional

"Kotaro don't cry, come here and feel them" I grab his hand and place it on my belly, the small kicks become more frequent and I watch as Bokuto's eyes shine.

"Wow you guys could hear me the whole time"

"See they know who their father is" I smile.

"Tomorrow we're going to be giving the envelope with the gender to Akkashi for the gender reveal, that'll be next week"

I hear Bokuto hm in response, he settles himself back between my legs, still poking and rubbing my belly, his eyes wide with the cutest excited face expression.

"What are you going to wear to the gender reveal?" I ask looking down at him

"I'm not sure, we're going to the park to have it right"

"Yep that's all Akkashi told me about that"

"Hmmmm......... I GOT AN IDEA" I giggle at his loud antics

"And what is this idea that we have to yell about" I smile


"Wow I actually think that's a really good idea Ko, Good job" He gives his cute cocky smirk as he raises his head up, kneeling on the bed grabbing his phone.


"Ok Ko tomorrow we can go get two white shirts"

"Since we are going to the story can we pleassssssssse look at baby stuff" Bo pleads once again returning to his original place to talk to the babies.

"Yeah of course why wouldn't we" I smile

After a while I look down and Kotaro is asleep on my thigh, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open with drool on his cheek, my craving for frosting with tomatoes growing stronger and stronger, I know there's no frosting but I would be willing to drive to the story just to get it. I gently move Ko's head off my thigh and stand stealing Kotaro's old high school Fukurodani jacket, as I put it on I smack my hand on the door to our bedroom and watch Bokuto Jump up from the bed to look around due to the strange noise.

"What are you doing Y/n" His deep groggy voice croaked, coming over to hug me and rest his chin on top of my head.

"Sorry my hand hit the door knob" He takes my hand gently, examining it with his tired squinted eyes giving my hand a gentle kiss.

"Where are you going?"

" I really need frosting and some tomatoes"

"WhAt" he pulls me away and gives me the weirdest expression that even putting into words would not justify the look on his face.

"Come on don't say that, I'm craving it and I know we don't have frosting"

"Well wake me up next time baby! I can't let my little owls go hungry in there" I look down with a small blush on my face, he grabs a sweater and some pants from the closet and walks back up to me.

"Just Frosting and tomatoes?" I nod looking up and giving a big smile.

"I'll be right back ok just lay down" He gives me a kiss on the lips and heads off for the store.

What did I do to deserve this man.

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