《One night with the Greek God》Chapter 4


Chapter 4:

Apollo POV

After six months of preparation, I was relocating to take over my father's firm. It was a huge opportunity for me and the next stepping stone in my career.

"Apollo, baby, could you take my bag" Stacey hands me her bag as she ascends the stairs in her high heels and maybe a bit too tight skirt as it rides up ever so slightly and she flutters her fake lashes at me. I sigh. I can't believe I agreed to this, but my father insisted I bring her along. You see, Stacey and I have known each other since we were little as our fathers were friends and I know they want us to end up together but I just am not attracted to her like that. Sure there was this one time where I was too piss drunk to even care and we fucked once but I regretted that night ever since, but Stacey has never let go and she flirts at every corner. If she wasn't such a good assistant, I'd have fired her long ago...

And then my best friend since college and one of the best goddamn lawyers I've ever met, Dmitri Galanis, is also joining me at the firm as he wanted a fresh start and I begged him to come with me as he is my right-hand. As we approach the landing, I see my father standing on the tarmac with his suitcase, ready to head home on the same plane.

"Son" we hug and he kisses me on both cheeks, "welcome, I trust you had a good flight? Stacey, Dmitri" they greet my father as well.

"I have set up everything at the firm and my secretary will be there for the week to help you all get settled before she leaves" I nod "I've got it, dad"

He pats my back "I know you do, Apollo. I'll call you soon, good luck son" he boards the flight and they head over to the apartment. They will all be living in the same building but on different floors with me living in the top floor suite. I immediately get to unpacking and take a shower, changing into some sweatpants when there's a knock at the door. I open and it's Dmitri and Stacey, we need to go over the firm information before I show up on Monday.


That is how most of the weekend is spent until we decide to go out on Saturday evening. The club is buzzing and the moment we walk in, the air shifts and women are looking our way. Multiple women approach me but ever since that night a year ago with the curvy queen, it's been hard for me to get her out of my mind but I haven't seen her since then so maybe I should explore a bit, finally get some. A brunette approaches me with a drink and a few hours later, we head to the VIP rooms and I fuck her quickly, looking for some sort of release. I don't like taking women back to my place because that creates room for commitment which is not what I'm looking for right now.

We leave the club soon after and as Monday morning arrives, I get ready in my three-piece suit, styling my hair backwards and checking that all my documents are in my briefcase before heading out to the car and over to the firm.


Katherine POV

Today was the day Mr Drakos arrived and the whole office was buzzing with anticipation, but I wouldn't be there until later that afternoon as we were stuck in court for most of the day. A few hours later, my feet are killing me and I just want to go home, stuffing my hair into a messy curly bun atop my head, and removing my jacket, I climb into the car with the rest of the team and we head back to the office with about two hours left of the day. When we get back, the vibe of the office is different and I head over to the café for a quick coffee as I am about ready to pass out. I slide my way to my office and kick off my heels when the door is opened and a blonde woman I've never seen before struts in on her high heels


"You must be Katherine? Mr Drakos want to gather all management in 5 minutes in the conference hall" before I can even ask who she was, she exits and I groan, really? My feet are killing me! I head downstairs to the conference room and am so sleepy I can barely lift my head when I hear someone walk up to the stage

"Good Afternoon management team" that voice...I would recognize that voice anywhere...I pray that it's not who I think it is but my heart starts beating at 100 miles per hour when I look up and see Aqua eyes! What sick joke is the universe playing on me? Really, the new boss is HIM? I immediately lower my head again, just so that he doesn't see my face, although if he was drunk that night, he probably doesn't remember right? And it was such a long time ago...

"Apologies for calling you all out this late, but I wanted to introduce myself, I am Apollo Drakos and I look forward to working with you all. This is my secretary Stacey and if you need anything from me or want a meeting, just contact her, if I'm busy as I do generally have an open door policy. I plan to meet with every smaller team individually during the week, so let Stacey know when works for each team and we'll arrange it. Thank you all for your work" he walks off and we all start heading to the elevators to go back to our offices and making sure to keep my head down, I rush towards an elevator that is open and look up to see if it is full when suddenly I make eye contact with Apollo and although he doesn't show any massive reaction, he squints slightly as if he can't believe his eyes but I gasp and my eyes enlarge as I quickly scurry away from the elevator, shit! I am so screwed...


Apollo POV

It can't be... is that HER? I couldn't believe it, maybe my eyes were playing games with me...does she work here? My curiosity gets the better of me and I log in to the firm's system scouring through the employee files when suddenly I see her face

"Katherine Ellis, paralegal management" I can't believe the source of all those sleepless nights was right in my father's firm. I was confused and upset that morning she left without a word or even a note. She stood me up, used me as a one night stand and that bothered me. Those curves were the cause of many cold showers and cock-blocking for the months that followed. I'll show her the consequence of sneaking out on me... I immediately ring Stacey

"Stacey, please schedule the first meeting with the paralegal team, thank you. First thing tomorrow morning"

Oh, Katherine Ellis, you'll see why no one takes advantage of Apollo Drakos...


So did Apollo not get her note? What happened? Now he is out for revenge? All because of a misunderstanding? Oof.... let's see if he can keep it up though as she clearly is a soft spot for him...

Stick with me folks, it gets better! Also thank you for reading and giving this a chance if you have come this far...

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