《Radha's Krishna》71. ||DAWN||



You've taken it all away.

There is a mystifying element

Verily in the way you breathe, Krishna

You exist

And my despondence ceases to.

You grew up

Slayed demons, delivered sermons

Sang your eternal song

I remained young

Here, in our gardens

Which still smell of us

Our union.

You never came back

I never went


You healed my

Broken pieces.

For you, I sing still

Not of lament, but of love

Nights are a disaster still, I won't lie

But I see a new dawn.

I see a chakora bird

Pining for the moon

And I gaze at it endlessly.

How melancholic is her song

Much like mine.

We're sisters, her and I

We both

Await the dawn

So this yearning ends.

I see the sun over the Yamuna from my windows, Krishna.

I see a new dawn.

I see you.

Resplendence in the rawest form;

The sunrise.

It's you.

You alone.

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