《Radha's Krishna》58. ||MISTRUST||


It's okay, Krishna.

There will be people

Who will forever blame you.

They argue

"Your lover was omniscient, wasn't He?

Why pray,

Did he let that

Massive war happen?

Why did he

Not help the woman

He called a dear friend

When she needed him the most?

Why did he not stop

The deaths of valorous men

Bhishma, Drona to name a few

On the battlefield?"

They would never understand.

They would never listen.

Even if I explain to them,


Righteousness will prevail only through sacrifices

They will not listen.

Who listens to listen?

They listen to reply.

They will forever question you, Krishna

They have wreathed their own garlands of mistrust

Criticisms shall forever entwine with deeds, just




More people need to understand that.

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