《45th Street》Chapter 1 : The Night


As I pass by, I hear a loud boom on a strange looking building. I choose to ignore it since it's quite normal nowadays around these parts. I get home and unlock the front door.

" I'm Home!" I shout out.

"Welcome home, honey." a tall looking woman greets me as I enter.

"Hey mom, how was your day?" I asked as I took off my shoes and set them on the ground with the others.

"It was fine dear, how was your day at school?" the woman said while getting items from the fridge.

"It was ok, nothing interesting. I'll be in my room if you need me." I said while walking up the stairs to my room.


"DINNER IS READY!!" I heard from down stairs as I just finished my homework.

Who gives homework on the first day of school??

"What's for dinner?" I asked, taking a seat in one of the chairs at the dinner table where I saw my little brother, Ethan, my big brother, Emilio, and my twin sister, Kayla.

"Hmm let's see, there is rice with pork," My mother said while serving us.


It's 1:27am and I can't sleep.

Tick -Tock, Tick-Tock

The only sound I can hear in the emptiness of my room. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Then I remembered what Liam, my new "friend", had told me.

"If you ever have any trouble, just come to the forest behind the park and there will be a path, follow it and you'll see a treehouse."

I decided to go. Nothing can go wrong right?

I was wrong, so wrong.

"Where am I even going" I said to my self.

It seems someone had heard me... as soon as I stopped walking, "AHH"

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