《Hurts》46 seriously?


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Next day tae wake up by a sharp but low crying voice, he somehow opend his eyes, he took some time to precess the position cause he is not in his place, there is no baby snuggling near his chest but bulky arm hugging his waist and some hair tickling on his face and he remember everything it's jk who is hugging him .They were sleeping like this since last night, and the crying sounds coming from gguki who is trying hard to find tae still in his sleep. Tae looked at gguki and then jk both are sleeping he don't want to wake up anyone so he carefully tried to get gguki near him but jk's grip is so strong he can't even move but he have to after struggling some time he moved in side laying position jk's arm still on him now he snuggling on tae's nape. Tae slowly pulled the baby near him and help him to latching. He then kissed the baby's forhead and turn around his head a little facing sleeping jk this site is very cute he carefully kissed on his nose tip and again turn around. " There is a lot of work today" he mutters and again draft into sleep.

When the morning light hit on jk's face disturbing his peaceful sleep. He opened his eyes with so much difficulties meeting with bare back of someone and he immediately recognised it's tae. His on hand still on tae's waist and he remember about previous night. That was amazing sleeping in your love ones arm smelling your favourite smell that was best sleep in those three years. He thought about previous night and hugged tae more tightly and nuzzle his face on his nape the feelings amezing so relaxing. When tae kissed on his head and said everything will be alright then nothing is worry about he trust tae so much, the burden on his heart little reduce when he share everything with tae and cried his heart out in his arms. After long time he is feeling happy the real one.

After staying for a while like this he heard the sounds and scold himself multiple times like how could he forgot about his son, it's all about Kim taehyung's magic. He carefully lift up his head to see gguki over tae. And he saw gguki sucking from tae and this site is so adorable the baby is looking so cute with those pouty lips and other side tae also sleeping soundly with a big pout. Jk stare at them with loving eyes feeling like he could admire this site for his life time.

But his luck was not with him cause tae started to moving and he slowly opened his eyes took time to adjust the bright light. Jk is still staring at them his head lifted by his hand. Tae strach his body staring around with his sleepy eyes when they meet with jk's black orbs "hey, you are already up did you sleep well?" Tae ask in a raspy voice. Jk nodded his head "very well after long time " smiling like a fool. Tae also smile back "good to hear ". Jk lay back on his pillow lean closer to tae "thanks to you " he whisper on tae's shoulder. "Welcome then " tae whispered back and they both laughed out.

"What time is now " tae ask while searching for his phone with extended hand. Jk took his phone from the side pillow "oh no we are late today it's already 8pm, gguki's school your work " jk hurriedly sat down from his cuddly position. Tae put his hand on jk's one thigh "don't be panicked, today we are not going anywhere " he calmly said. Jk confusely looked at him "why?"


"Just do what I'm saying, wake up gguki I'm going to make some food " tae got up pressing the cover on his chest, gguki started to whine when he couldn't find the warmth beside him. Jk help tae to climb down and moved closer to the baby who is slowly opening his eyes, cutely rubbing his eyes. Jk kissed all over the baby's face and they both giggled.

After their breakfast, jk and gguki playing in a the living room while tae running all over the house, jk got confused he followed tae to the bed and he is now even more confuse. Tae busily arranging a big luggage.

"What are you doing" jk walked near the bed, hearing his voice tae stop his actions and turn to jk, let out a long sigh "we are leaving " with that he again started to doing his work. "Where?" Jk's face full of confusion. Tae put the clothes on the bed and sit beside jk. "Seoul, we are going Seoul".

"Why s.. suddenly?" Jk raised his eyes. Tae sigh for ninth time "cause I don't want your company's downfall, I don't want your parents bad health, I don't want you to suffer like this... So it's better if we... We together you, gguki and me moved there and I hope everything will be fine, I..y... You understand right " tae said while starting at jk's eyes. Jk just shokingly looked at tae with open mouth, he can't believe tae taking this big decision just for him, couldn't be more happier, unknowingly one drop of tears rolled down from his eyes this time he lowered his eyes letting the tears come out "th... thank you" he almost whispered. Tae moved little closer to jk rubbing his back "it's not time to cry I have not pack everything yet, we've to leave by 12" tae said in little whinye voice.

Jk looked up at him "will you and gguki saty with us?" He hesitantly ask.

"Of course where will we go" tae playfully said, jk understood tae don't even want to think about his parents, he felt happy, the happiness clear in his eyes "I should inform them, mom will be very happy " he took out the phone from his pocket but tae stop him by grabbing his hand "let's surprise them " tae offered. Jk's bunny smile became more brighter he excitedly nodded his head.

It's already 11am now, they decided to pack some clothes and important things and they will come here back after somedays and settled everything so they can move permanently.

"Mommy where are we going?" Gguki ask tae who is helping him with dress up. "We are going to meet with your grandparents" he said while combing his hairs. "Grandparents?" Gguki give a confuse look. "Hm your grandparents means daddy's parents".

"Really!?" Gguki ask with widen eyes "will they like me?" Gguki ask with a sad pout.

Before tae could answer they heard jk's voice from behind "they will love you" jk sat beside them on the bed. Jk smiling at the baby's exciting reaction when his eyes fell on tensed tae. "Hey what happened with you suddenly" he put his hand on tae's back. Tae looked at jk with worried face "what we will going tell them"

Jk frown his eyes "about what?". Tae glance at gguki and then again jk "you know about gguki, it's just... I don't know.." tae let out a long sigh. Jk understand his thoughts, he moved little closer to tae wrapped one arm around his waist rubbing his thumb on there "they know every little thing about you about us" he whispered on tae's ear. Tae looked up at him with widen eyes "w..hen?ho..w?"


Jk smile at his reaction "you know tae they love you as much they love me especially my mother, the day when you left they knows I mean jimin told

them and they were so worried about you, that night when I returned home after searching you everywhere my mother came to my room to check me, I couldn't anymore I told her everything and she said everything will be okay like you said me yesterday and guess you both are right "

Tae's worride face now became a happy one "that's a relief ". Jk nodded and got up from the bed "let's go it's already time, and you should call hobi hyung".

"Oh no I almost forgot" tae started to searching for his phone and when he found he immediately called hobi.

Hello hyung

Yes taehyung, you didn't come today?

Actually hyung I've something to tell you, um..we are leaving Seoul.

What!? Suddenly?

I'll explain you later for now we've to go, I'll call you later

Okey then just take care yourself and gguki

You too bye.


Jk driving the car, tae and gguki sitting the backseat enjoying the outside view. Jk don't like it when tae sat back but he couldn't ask for more he is getting extra so he is actually happy with whatever tae's choice is.

The ride was very quiet, gguki didn't cry or anything just sitting next to tae's sit and tae's attention going everywhere sometimes on gguki sometimes on jk and the outside. Today Jk is very careful with his driving, not like other day the car speed is normal.

After a long drive when the car stopped infront of jk's house gguki was sleeping and tae observing everything through the window with a little smile on his face " everything is same here"

"You are right like every single thing, we wanted to move another house but my mother didn't let us. She said she wants to live with the memories and maybe I also cause my room every single thing of there remind me of you you were not with me so they became very precious and I just missed you everyday" a sad smile plaster on his lips, jk looked at tae who is fondly staring at him "now come I'm excited about how will they react" jk laughed and got out from the car walking at the backside, tae is already out "and I'm nervous like very much" he glare at jk and carry the sleeping gguki in his arms. Jk carrying the languages in both hands and signed tae to follow. Jk walking towards the main door feeling a different kind of happiness that he just can't explain but the other hand is tae's nervousness is increasing with every steps, he is going to meet with whom he adores more than his parents if he is alone then that could be a thing but he is with his son he gave birth himself... Wired...

His train of thoughts stopped when his head bump on jk's buff shoulder, he looked up at jk he didn't even realised when they reached front of the door and jk has already pressed the bell. Tae could feel his fast heartbeat, and suddenly it felt numb when the door open by a middle aged women.

Jk's mother gasped when she saw jk standing there and someone behind him whom she had been missing for so long "OMG taehyung my baby" she moved to tae with teary eyes and hugged him dearly with gguki in tae's arms "how are you, I was so worride". Tae's eyes also got teary, he was actually curved for this affection all his life "I'm fine and I'm sorry for everything I missed you" tae wanted to completely relay on her warmth but right now the baby stopping between them. After sometime Mrs jeon backed away from the hug and looked at gguki "oh my grandson right?" She forward her hands to carry gguki's sleeping figure. Tae nodded his head and handed him to her, gguki jolted up from his sleep by the movements. He cutely rubbing his face mrs jeon couldn't help but cooed at the baby "how are you little baby" she ask in baby voice. First some seconds gguki stare at the unknown face "grandma?" He ask with confuse face. "Omo yes yes I'm your grandma" she smiled at him and gently pinch on his cheek. They both smiling at each other while talking and tae staring at them with so much love but jk he was loving the scene but it's been almost 10 minutes they are standing outside lost in tae and gguki.

Jk cleared his throat before open his mouth "mom don't you think we are standing here for so long" he caught his mother's attention, and Mrs jeon laughed out awkwardly "I'm sorry pls come" and they entered in the house gguki still in Mrs jeon's arms.

Tae roamed his eyes all over the house nothing has changed here and actually it felt good, he is busy with observing everything when jk whispered in his ears "in my room right?" He hesitantly ask but tae chukels "of course" he turn to jk who smile at him brightly "okey then I'm going to arrange the room" he said and ran to the upstairs.

"Where is uncle?" Tae ask to Mrs jeon who is now talking with gguki. "He is resting" Mrs jeon said. "Is he okay, can I meet him?" He worridly ask. Mrs jeon smile at him "of course he would love to meet you and gguki".

"Gguki do you want to meet your grandpa" she ask to the baby who excitedly nodded his head. "Then let's go" they walk to a room where Mr Jeon laying on the bed his eyes are closed but he opened them when he heard a unknown giggling sounds of baby. He saw his wife standing in the room with a baby in her arms "honey look can you guess who this little baby" she excitedly walked towards the bed and placed gguki middle of the bed. Mr Jeon cluelessly staring at the baby "w...who...?" He couldn't finish his word when gguki excitedly clapped his hands "grandpa!". And this makes him more confused but next moment his eyes got widen he looked at his wife "did they come" he ask and she happily nodded his head. mr jeon didn't wait one second he got up and hugged gguki "hey buddy how are you, I'm very happy to meet you" gguki giggle loudly "I'm also happy".

Mr jeon climb down from the bed and walked out from the room where he found a nervous taehyung standing there, he pulled him in warm hug "I'm glad that you are okay" this time tae burst into tears cause this is the first time mr jeon showing this much affection like a father that he always wanted.


Now the daily routine of Jeon house hold suddenly changed the gloomy and sad atmosphere became bright and happy. Mrs jeon and tae preparing for dinner while laughing and talking on the other hand mr jeon playing with gguki, he was sick but he felt like he is getting better after they came. Jk came downstairs with all dress up "mom, taehyung! I'm going" they both come out from the kitchen "where are you going, you guys just come" mrs jeon ask. "Mom I'm going office, I've some work there" he said while walking to gguki and kissed on his head "daddy look I made it" the baby showing a lego castle. "Wow it's beautiful " he ruffles his hair.

"Jungkook why today it's already evening, you can join tommorow and you must be tired for all of the journey " mr jeon worridly said. Jk paused for sometime and looked at his wristwatch "I know but I'll be back soon" he said and went to the kitchen "tae I arrange everything in the room you can rest there" he said looking at tae's back, waiting for tae to say something. But tae turn to jk with a plate in his hand full of food "just finish this then you can go" he put the plate on dining table and settled the chair jk was going denied but he couldn't, he just sat down with a little pout and started to eat.

At the night jk entered in the house with spare key "it's already 12 everyone must be sleeping" he mutters while loosening his tie and walked to the upstairs. The door of his room is slightly open. When he entered in his room it felt different today cause the room is not lonely anymore his two most precious person sleeping on his bed while cuddling. Jk smile at them he hurriedly freshen up and join them on the bed.

* * *

It's been two weeks the Jeon family had never been this happy before, jk's parents health getting better the baby always keeps them happy. The company is now in better position, jk is working very hard to push that in better place. In those two weeks they went deagu met with hobi. Tae explain everything to him about there sudden movement and brought some important belongings . They admitted gguki in a school.

Every morning tae wake up first and makes breakfast for everyone sometimes Mrs jeon help him then other members wake up do their morning routine and they eat the breakfast together after that jk left for office takes gguki with him to drop the school. At the afternoon Mrs Jeon makes the lunch, sometime tae pickup gguki from school and sometimes mr jeon. At the night after their dinner they sit together in living room while doing chit chat. So basically everything is going smoothly. But still jk is not satisfied cause he wants his realation with tae to move next level but nothing has changed they almost act like couples, they freely talked with each other, took care of each other but still it like he is near but too far. Jk's mind becomes more restless when he remember tae didn't even said for once that 'i forgive you' as long as tae is not forgiving him he can't move on next step. He wants a heart to heart talk with tae like that day when he was crying like a baby. He just wants little talk.

~ ~

Right now jk come out from the bathroom with a towel wrapping on his waist, a smile display on his lips when he saw his baby laying on the bed on his stomach while starting at jk "where is your mommy?" Jk ask while ruffling his wet hair. Gguki tiredly point out his finger to the door jk understood tae is out of the room "oh, are you sleepy?" He aks and the baby nodded with his almost close eyes. Jk smile at him "then sleep I'm here" he kissed on gguki's forhead and went to the mirror and started to dying his hairs.

Tae entered in the room with a water bottle in his hand but what he saw he made him shy jk standing there with just a towel but back facing tae. Tae couldn't help but blush hard It's not something he sees every day especially when he developing some romantic kind of feeling towards revenette for the second time then it gets more harder. But tae control himself and moved his gaze down and walked to the bed, he quitly put the bottle one the side table and got up on the bed.

When jk scence his paresence he immediately turn his head "tae I want to talk with you about something" jk also come to the bed don't care about wearing just towel, he seems so sad. Tae hesitantly looked at him don't want to flushed like before "about what"

Jk let out a long sigh and knelt down infront of him, jk is on the floor and tae is on edge of the bed confusely staring at him. Jk gently grabbed his hands, looked straight at his confuse face "tae can't you just forgive me? I know I have done many horrible things with you and it's really hard you to forget but I just want one chance I'm begging to you pls tae I'll prove you how much I love you pls baby one chance I'll never ask anything from you I want a complete family I want to love you, I want to cherish you, I want make our every moment memorable full with happiness, I want to fulfill my every promise that I made while looking at your pictures, I want to love you till my last breath, I want to live with you till the last moment of my life... Pls tae I love you so much p....ls baby pls...." In the end his voice come out almost whisper, tae could feel his both palm wet of jk's tears where he hides his face. Tae got down from the bed and help jk to stand up, he whipped his face and pulled him in a tight hug, by now he is also crying "I know kookie but sometimes it felt very hard to foget everything, but I want to give us a chance I love you I've always loved you let's start everything from the beginning " as tae said jk again burst into tears but this time it was happy tears. They stay like this for sometime then jk pulled away from the hug lovingly cress tae's face kissed on his red nose tip, he moved his eyes on tae's lips which are red because of crying "can I kiss you" jk ask suddenly. "It's not too fast for this" tae raised his eyes and jk got panicked "I'm sorry tae, pls I... I... Just..." He couldn't finish the sentance when tae peck on his lips and giggle at other reaction jk freeze for a while but next moment he pulled tae's head and attached their lips, they didn't move for sometime just touching the lips with close eyes after sometime tae started to move his lips and jk followed his lead. Jk pulled tae's body closer to him tightening his grip around tae's waist before the kiss started to gets hitted one tae hissed in pain between the kiss. Jk immediately pulled away from him "w.. what happened I'm sorry did I hurt you anywhere" he worridly ask and roaming his eyes all over tae's face.

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