《Hurts》44 same


Four months passed like this, the things between jungkook and taehyung nothing has changed really. Their everyday routine is same. Waking up, having breakfast then drop gguki off at school and tae to his workplace after that jk come back to tae's home doing his office works and at the right time pick up gguki from school take him to tae. Eat their lunch there, somedays gguki wants to stay there and play while jk quietly sitting on the chair and come back with tae, somedays gguki wants to return home and play with his father waiting for tae to return. After tae coming back he made dinner then everyone eats with little talk I mean gguki talk and they listen. Then they watch tv everything is gguki's choice and then went for sleep.

For gguki he is very happy with his both parents everything is happening he wished for. In morning he wakes up between his parents, went school with both after returning home he played with his father as much as he wants. Going picnic at different places in every weekend sometimes his father took him playstore bought him his favourite toys and many more things. He couldn't be more happy than this.

For tae there is nothing really changed in his mind. He mostly ignore jk talks whenever he needs, doesn't even answer properly revenette's questions. He did sometimes he gets little happy, little scared and worride also he even felt his fast heart beats, heats on his cheeks... But that's at this little little things happen sometimes that doesn't mean he forgive the revenette. If he being honest to himself he tried many times but the wounds are still there he never really felt like to forgive him atleast not these soon. He loved him maybe still do but he just can't how he could forget that easily the deep pain he gave him, sometimes he feels like this is unforgettable.

For jungkook he is feeling like a puppet of his own hands. Cause whatever happening with him right now everything is his fault, if that day he had listened tae for once, then tae would not leave him and they would not in this position. They could have been a beautiful family everyone would be happy his company also might have running well by now. But nothing is right now he is trying to approach tae but Seems like he made a berrier around himself he didn't even talk to him properly on the other hand his company is not in good condition, they lossing their deals even loose their some shares. His absence is affecting the company he is trying hard to make it up but the time is vary short for him. He visits the company one or two day in a week now he is not worried about gguki's reaction cause the baby understands that his father have to go but the main reason he doesn't whine cause he understands very well that whenever his father goes for work he'll surly meet him at morning, that the things happening from past four months.

Now days jk's mind even more distributed cause his father's health condition is not good . His mother is always worried about them so technically her health is not good also. Everything is stressing jk so much.

But through this every problem he wants tae to talk with him, stay with him, look at him but tae doesn't do anything except ignore. But end of everything his all sorrow vanished whenever gguki is around him the little boy makes him happy everyday. He wants the same affection from tae also but what he can do sometimes he gets tired of trying still he didn't stop he'll try his best...


In those all sadness there are still some moments which flutter both of them hearts. Whenever the things comes into tae's mind he just tried shrugg them off cause they are horribly awkward but on the other hand jk always smile by himself like a fool whenever he remember those little but special moments.

One morning jk come out from the bathroom after bathing, he was in a towel just didn't notice tae was also there cleaning the bed. As jk come out tae also turn around and the situation got awkward. Tae unknowingly staring at jk's wet body for some seconds it's been long time he is seeing jk like that. When he realised what he was doing he immediately leave from there. Jk chuckle but he was sure tae was not shy when he leave he was crushing himself.

One day when jk returned from Seoul it was already 1 am, It was raining that day and when he ran towards the appartment after parking the car in those little time he got wet not totally but almost and from that day he caught cold with fever. After that day when the night comes again and the baby put both parents into a awkward situation..

"Daddy why you so hot today?" Gguki ask hugging his father. The three of them laying on the bed where jk is covering himself with a thick duvet. But gguki can't hug jk over the cover so he also slip under the duvet and hugged him. Tae just quitly laying other side of the bed scrolling his phone timely eying at father and son.

And this sudden question of the baby his both parents chukels "I'm not hot baby I've a little fever that's why my body temperature is little high".

Hearing that gguki gasped "fever you are sick daddy" he worridly staring at jk. He smiled at the baby's worride face he kissed on his forehead "yes I'm sick but I'll be fine by tommorow so don't worry" he cress his head.

But gguki is intelligent so he got up and sat down "daddy tommorow is very long I know a secret you'll be fine after 1 No no in 2 hours " he is showing his two little chubby fingers with a serious face still looking adorable. Jk couldn't help but smile at the baby's serious face "really tell me then" he said with extra excitement.

"Daddy you have to do whatever I say just follow my words you'll be fine, I'm your doctor so you have to listen to me" gguki said with serious voice. Jk press his lips together try not to laugh "yes doctor I understand". Tae is now side laying position resting his head on his hand and observing their actions.

Gguki come closer to tae "mommy open open " he whispered on tae's face. Tae chuckle out "doctor is hungry" he sat down and about to turn off the light but gguki stop him "mommy stop don't off the light I've to help daddy"

"But baby" tae tried to protest but stopped when he saw gguki's sad face, he sigh honestly it's not really a big deal he can cover himself with duvet and beside that it's just jungkook so he let it go. He pull the cover upto his chest and took off his tshirt. Jk and tae's duvets are separate so it's not problem. Tae lay down on his place covering his upper body waiting gguki to lay down but he still sitting on his position. Jk confusely staring at gguki, what he wants his both parents couldn't understand.


"Daddy come closer" gguki pulled jk's arm though it's not working. Jk chukle and moved little closer to gguki but gguki kept saying to move closer and jk did, now he and tae is almost close just gguki is between them without any little space.

"What are you doing baby what kind of treatment is this" jk ask with a smile. "I've not start yet daddy, so now I'm going to say the sceret" jk give him a understanding nod. "So you have to drink nom nom and you will be fine" he excitedly clapped his hands. Taekook staring at him blankly, taking time to process maybe wishing if hopefully they heard something wrong but daze broke by gguki's voice "what happened daddy come closer to mommy" jk give him a awkward smile he lost his words suddenly remember their old days when he was obsessed with .....nomnom.... Though he didn't know that his favourite things name will be nomnom, he liked this name.

Jk is floting in his dreamland while staring at celling with a dreamy face. On the other hand gguki is whining trying to moving the duvet from tae's chest. Tae struggling for keeping it and sometimes glar at gguki, feeling anger whenever his eyes going on jk's dreamy face he wants jk to say something and stop gguki. But he lost in his own thoughts and tae could clearly say what he is thinking. He understood jk is useless so he tried to stop gguki "baby he can't have, you.... You don't like to share them with anyone right"

"Why ~! He can't, and I'll share it with him he is my daddy our family right and you said we should share everything with our family so I've no problem" gguki's words shut tae's mouth he didn't said but he is proud of his son. Jk come back from his dreamland by gguki's loud voice and he heard what gguki said feeling special cause his son consider him as a family member and ready to share his favourite things.

"Daddy come" he grabbed jk's face and pulled tae's chest level but jk immediately backed off don't want tae to misunderstanding something. He hugged the baby against his chest "my naughty baby who told you about this secret".

"Mommy " gguki point at tae, jk glance at tae with corner eyes, tae's eyes got widen "when!?" He unknowingly spoke out.

"Everytime" gguki innocently said. Tae choked on his words "what do you mean everytime". Gguki dramatically face palmed, he crawled over his mother "everytime when I'm sick and I cry you tell me to drink this and I'll be fine and it worked so numnum is good for health " he finished with proud smile. Tae giving him a *are you serious* look, how could he tell the boy he said those just give him comfort he gets fine everytime cause of medicine not for numnum.

Their conversation broke by jk's laughing sounds, he unknowingly moved both of them and ruffles gguki's hair "you are so genius but there is one more thing you don't know that is numnum worked for babies like you and I'm not a baby but grown up man so I need medicine and I already took it see I'm getting fine and by tommorow I'll be completely so don't worry come we'll sleep now" he said and the baby listen quitly seems like he understand "oh silly me, I understand now" he giggle and hugged jk. Tae smile at jk he thankful to him.

Like this they faced many silly sometimes awkward incident, like this their days passing.

Gguki and tae are okay with whatever happening around them but jk is in serious problem he doesn't show anyone but he is. In past four months his company downfall very badly and the main reason is absence of CEO, suga is doing everything he can do but still jk's presence is very important. Jk also working day night but not in the office and still it's not enough. Suga many times request him to stay atleast for two days but jk being jk he never stayed more than one day I mean some hours everytime he returns before gguki woke up no matter what, he always says that he can't break his baby's trust.

And now things getting more harder cause jk's father is not well but still his perents don't pressure him to return they just wants their son's happiness he can stay wherever he want.

But today suga called him and said his father got a mini strock He is hospitalized.

Jk looked at the phone screen it's now 10 am, he didn't tell gguki that he is going today, that was not in plan actually but what suga said sometimes ago he have to go being a son it's his responsibility to look after his perents.

It's been just one hour he dropped them and return to the house now he have go again he thought to call Tae but wanted to see him and talk with him if there takes time in hospital. So he drove his car fastly to tae's workplace.

He entered in the caffe but as usual he can't see tae. "Hey hyung where is taehyung" he ask hobi who is arranging something on the table, hearing the voice he turn around "tae he went to a nearby shop will come anytime" jk nodded but decided to call tae.

Hello taehyung, where are you?

Why suddenly don't you know where I am

I know I mean here in your caffe, I want to talk with you about something.

Oh actually I came to a nearby bakery to buy some bread you wait there I'm coming within five minutes.

Okey I'm waiting then.

Is there something serious talking.

No no nothing is serious I.... Just um you come then I'll tell you.


He hang up the call, jk find his corner sit and waiting for tae.

Jk was sitting there when he heard bell sound someone entered in the caffe he thought it was taehyung but sadly someone else maybe customer. Jk again got busy with his phone.

On the other side of the shop, " hey hobi hyung how are you" hobi looked at the said man with a bright smile "oh bogum what's up bro after long time how are you?" They handshake.

"I'm fine where are others and tae he is early comer right where is he" begum roaming his eyes around the shop.

When jk heard tae's name he again turn around his head and saw that man who entered sometimes ago he is talking with hobi while looking surroundings.

"He is out for somthing, maybe on the way of back" hobi said slightly glance at jk who is already staring at them with frown eyes.

All of their attention caught by the bell sound this time tae entering through the gate with three bag in his hands. Jk immediately turned around now he is back facing them sitting on the corner sit little far from entrence.

After entering the shop before tae could search for jk he heard a loud voice "hello mr Kim how are you?" Bogum said and bowed in ninty degree angle infront of shoking tae, who seems confused for sometime and then burst into laughter "what are you doing gum, you have been very professional I see" he bowed.

"Sorry I'm just kidding, first tell me how are you, and gguki where he is" bogum excitedly ask. "I'm fine and gguki he is in school, what about you, how is your job going" tae ask while putting the bags. "My job is going very well and you know I bought a apartment two months ago, I thought to meet you guys earlier but I was busy with a new project, I missed you guys but seems like you guys didn't, and taehyung you didn't even call me once in this past six months have you forgotten me" he said in one breath.

Tae smile at him and shook his head "absolutely no I was just busy with gguki and you know right I am not into phone things". Bogum nodded his head "okay okay I'm little sad but you remember when I ask you for dinner six seven months ago ha..ha oh my this long time so.. you said later and I'll be free after this month so let's go on a dinner I bet gguki will be very happy he loves this things right" bogum just saying don't even notice others expression. Tae giving him a tight smile, cause he knows gguki is surly like this things but with his father "we'll see about it ". Hobi standing beside them staring at jk's back whose body is still without any movement. Bogum was going to say more things but his phone rang and he have to go "oh my bad actually I've go right now something came up I wish to meet with gguki but next time I'll surely okay bye then " he bid tae and hobi and left from there. Tae looked at hobi who is already staring at him "okay hyung put the bags inside I'm coming after talking with him " with that he turn around and started to walk towards jk.

Jk heard everything, he have no rights to feel sad he should be happy that tae's friends care for him and gguki so much but still deep inside his heart is selfish.. little bit... But he is...

"Jungkook" tae called from behind the zoning out jk. He turn around and give little smile "oh taehyung actually, there in Seoul somthing came up very important I've to go I mean suga hyung called me and it's very important *don't know why but skip his father's illness part don't want to tae to worried* and I... gguki don't even know about it so just handle him, call me if something happens and I'll be back like others day" jk is now standing in front of tae.

Tae fold his arms over his chest "I understand you should go, there must be something important I hope everything will be okay and about gguki I'll handle him don't worry" tae assured him. Jk nodded his head wanted to ask something but he has no place for that "okay I'm leaving then " tae hummed and give him side for leave. Jk sigh and left from there sometime it feels too much.

They didn't even progress a little bit, with every passing days jk feeling like he is loosing tae. This is hard very hard but he have to do...


Thank you 💜

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