《Hurts》42 still


Currently jk is sitting on hotel room bed eyes focus on laptop when his phone rang he hurriedly picked that.

Hello hyung is the deal is done?

Not yet, I'm trying to convince them but they want to meet you as you are are head of this project. Just try to come here atleast for one hour things getting hard cause of your unplanned absence.

One hour is not enough hyung, you know I just met them how could come back this soon and gguki he doesn't even leave me for once. But don't worry I'm trying.

Not trying jk you have to come, you didn't planned there to stay this long here is lots of files that we need your signature, just come as fast as you can

I understand, okey hyung next day after tomorrow I'm coming just keep everything ready for me I'm not going to stay there for long just few hours. ( He said with a sigh)

He cut the call when his eyes moved on the phone screen he realised that it's already 1:20pm. He have to fetch gguki he was so much busy with his work that he almost forgot about it. He hurriedly put his laptop beside him and ran outside the room.

He is standing in front of the gate, many parents looking at him especially ladies they never saw anyone like him in this school, his look hits different. Some of them are very curious to know whose gurdian is this. But jk ignore all the weird stars he is getting from surroundings his eyes focus on the gate. After sometime the teacher came out with grabbing one hand of gguki "taegguk's parents!?" The teacher looking around trying to find taehyung but gguki jerked his hand from teacher's grip and ran towards jk "daddy~!" He pulled the running baby on his arms and kissed on his cheeks "hey baby how was your day?".

"It was good today I told my friends that daddy came and he'll take us on a picnic, so... When we are going daddy?" The baby ask excitement all over his face. "Umm how about tomorrow?..." Their conversation cut by someone.

"Excuse me?" A woman caught their attention. "Yes?" Jk looked at the unknown lady.

"I'm sorry but you are taegguk's..." She couldn't finished her sentence jk spoke out "I'm his father".

"You are his father..but Mr taehyung?"

It's clear that she is confuse.

Jk sigh but answered immediately without thinking anything "taehyung is also his... We are his fathers" he proudly stated, doesn't care about if she thinks they are weird. But the lady smile sweetly "that's really nice to meet you mr...."

"Jungkook Jeon jungkook" jk corrected.

"Oh Mr Jeon I'm taegguk's class teacher and he was vary happy today I see the reason is you " she ruffles gguki's hair who is now jk's arm.

"Nice to meet you too and I'm happy that he is happy and thank you for taking care of gguki " jk bow respectfully.

She smiled at them and bow back "okay then see you tomorrow" said while looking at gguki. "Let's go baby mommy must be waiting for us" jk bounce the in his arms and walked to his car.

The shop echoing with a baby's giggling sounds, after entering the shop gguki ran towards tae jk following behind "mommy tommorow we are going on picnic!" Tae carry the running baby in his arms.

"Really?" Tae trying to be happy with the baby's happiness. "Yes daddy said, me you and daddy we are going!! I already told my friends!" The baby seems very happy. Tae smile sadly thinking that his baby is very happy but the reason is someone else... Yes his father who has come in their life some days ago "that's good, we'll go then" he kissed on the his baby's checks. Gguki continue with his talking and tae humming, smiling. Jk watching them from behind feeling like leftover but somewhere he knows no matter how much he makes the baby happy at the end of everything he'll find the real happiness with his mother. But jk is happy... He is happy with whatever he has.


* * *

And here again the night came. They spend their day with same routine tae with working, gguki with his toys sitting beside jk though he wanted to play with his daddy but jk was really busy with his laptop and phone. Gguki whined for his father's attention but jk tried to convince him in various ways and he was successful cause the baby is understanding. Tae noticed everything from far he knew his son would understand.

Now jk again in tae's house sitting on the couch with laptop. Gguki is quitly drawing somthing sitting on floor and tae in the kitchen. After sometime tae come out from the kitchen settling the food on table "gguki!! Come baby eat your dinner" as his mother called the baby hurriedly started to packing his things. Tae walks to the couch, observing jk who is too busy to notice tae "jungkook come dinner is ready" jk moved his eyes from laptop to tae he wanted to say he'll eat later but he don't want to say no to tae. He hummed and put the laptop beside him before got up from there.

Tae served their food there was bibimbap, kimchi stew and some side dishes. Tae feeding gguki while eating himself and jk also eating quitly somthing glancing at tae and gguki the baby is very talkative during eating time also and jk didn't knew that till now. He smile in his mind he love this atmosphere having dinner with your family.... They are not really family but soon to be...yea...

Jk almost done with his food, he wanted to start some conversation so he said "the food was very good I didn't know you could cook this well" tried to casual conversation. Tae smile forcefully "you don't know many things about me" and he started to eat again. And their conversation stopped there cause jk lost his words after others answer.

It's now time to their bed, jk sitting on the bed resting his head on headboard with gguki in his lap, the baby is sleepy his head resting on jk's chest. Jk talking in phone timely kissing on the boy's head. Tae come out from the bathroom while dying his hair, he heard jk's tensed voice.

Hyung can't you just postpone it till next week.

I tried jk, but I think mr Lee's deal will be out of our hand. It would be better if you were here.

I am coming after one day, if I stay for that deal also it'll be more late and I don't know how could I make it up at time gguki will be upset, he don't trust me enough to let me go. So it would be better if I could return soon but how...( He let out a long sigh rubbing his face)

Okey do what you think right I'm trying here.

Hmm bye then

Jk tiredly put the phone on the bed, kissing the baby's head who is now looking at him with sleepy eyes "want mommy" jk smile at him and lift his head to look at the bathroom but he saw tae coming towards the bed. Wearing a black shorts and a thin tshirt with wet hair looking so tempting but jk moved his gaze this is not the right time to think of that. Tae climb over the bed and the baby hurriedly cling to his mother "hey baby are you still awake?" Kissing all over his face and lay him down. "Yes mommy I can't sleep without you" he hugged tae and nibbling on his chest "correction not me but this" he point out on his chest. This time jk glance at them for fraction of seconds and he loved their gesture. After moving his eyes from them he is now staring straight at the wall his mind is occupied with so much things feeling tensed, pressurized. He didn't moved his eyes when the light turned off but he closed his eyes when he heard the melodic sounds of tae's feeding.


"Taehyung can I hug gguki like yesterday today he must be forgot about me see he didn't grab my hand" showing the hands to tae still close eyes. Tae try not chukle "yes you can he is your son also" . With tae's permission jk slowly moved his body towards them and wrapped his arms around the little frame and trying to enjoy the moment but tae's voice snap him out.

"So when are you going?" Tae ask in a low voice. "The day after tomorrow" he immediately answered. " You go take your time I'll handle gguki" he runs his hand on gguki's hair. "I'll try to return as fast as I can and thank you for understanding" jk thankes but tae didn't replied just hummed so jk also didn't say anything farther, after sometime they both draft in deep slumber.

Jk's couldn't sleep that much today so when the little flash of sunlight hit on his face his sleep got distributed he slowly opened his eyes, adjust the light slowly stretching his body. When he fully awake he realised he is first today, he got little excited in mind and slowly lift his head by his arm wanted to admir his love of life.

He saw tae is sleeping soundly with a little pout on his lips *still same* a smile formed on his lips. He slowly moved his eyes from tae's face and he saw something that his face turned into red, tae's naked upper body which is glowing by the morning light and those soft swells once he was obsessed with... Everything is so tempting. Jk's eyes still on there, feeling like his body temperature rising couldn't stop those long going desires, right now he want to do something like before. He come back on his scence when he feel little movement between them he lowered his eyes and saw gguki searching for sometime in his sleep, jk understood what he wants. He slowly guide the baby's face to tae's chest and the baby immediately latch onto his right nipple and started to sucking like a hungry one. Jk carefully kissed on the baby's check and went back to his previous position on his arms and silently staring both of them. He feels good like this observing those sleeping figure of his love ones.

After staring at them for good five minutes jk noticed somthing like gguki is sucking little aggressively while fisting tae's skin tightly. Tae's face seems like he is in pain jk couldn't understand what is going on he thought to waking them up but decided to wait little bit when tae suddenly opened his eyes got up from lying position while hissing in pain touching his right chest.

"Aghh! Oh god it's hurting like hell!!" He hissed in pain. Jk hurriedly moved towards him careful with the baby under him who is whining little cause loosing of the warmness. Jk doesn't even think for once and touch on tae's right swell "oh my god" he gently cress the nipple area where the little tooth marks formed. The biting marks looking horrible seems like blood can come out from there any time. Tae hissed in pain "in the closet there have a drawer there is a red colour oinament pls bring that" he said somehow. Jk nodded and jumped out from the bed and immediately bring the oinament opened that and started to applying on injury place. Tae close his eyes due to the pain "it's burning" he whispered. Jk worridly looked up at tae and then his chest and started to blowing air on his that burning place, jk's one hand still on tae's right chest and other hand he grabbing the oinament. They both didn't even realise what position they are in.

After blowing air for some minutes jk looked at tae "is it okay now" still caressing around the nipple. "Yes it's feeling better now" he sigh and worridly looked at the baby under jk's body, jk also followed his gaze "what happened to him suddenly?" Jk aks with a confuse face. "I guess some bad dreams he has done this many times before" tae's eyes still on the baby. Jk moved his gaze to tae's chest he examined both chest and he saw those old scars, the little bite marks are still visible on his both swells. "This is horrible we should take him to a doctor" jk said again looked at the baby. "I already did but nothing is working " this time his eyes on jk, he seems very worried. Jk put his hand on tae's thigh "let's change the doctor" jk stated directly looking at tae's eyes. Tae lowered his eyes on his thigh where jk put the hand and hummed in a low voice and then he realised what they were doing. But he didn't do anything stupid which made the situation more awkward, he gently remove jk's hand from his thigh "I'm going for fresh up so you can go after me" he said but didn't looked at jk and got up from the bed covering his chest with tshirt which was lying on the floor, tae didn't ran but casually walked to the bathroom with his jumping heart.

Jk was still in the position he took time to realise the whole situation but surprisingly he didn't get panicked he smiled in his mind after all they used to it I mean touching on there. He sit back to his place and staring at the bathroom door a little smile plastered on his lips.

After they finished their morning routine, tae wake gguki up and get ready for school. They dropped him at school and left for their own work. Tae and jk didn't talk with each other after that morning encounter things is now little awkward between them. At the right time jk picked up gguki from school and took him to tae's workplace.

"Mommy let's go we are getting late" the baby jumping around tae. "Yes baby I'm doing just two minutes" tae said while cleaning the table.

So they are going on a picnic as the baby demanded, tae is taking an early leave for that. Jk is sitting on a chair doing something on his phone while the baby jumping around deo to extreme excitement, he is very happy cause today he is going on picnic with his both parents for the first time. Tae smile at his jumping baby, he hurriedly change his dress and went to gguki "let's go I'm ready" seeing his mother the baby ran towards jk and started to pull his hand "come on daddy mommy is ready" jk lifted his face and saw tae standing there with a blank face. Jk understood others feelings but he don't want to give up. He looked at the baby and carry him on his arms "let's go" he smile at him gguki started to giggle. Jk walked to his car with gguki on his arms and tae following them.

Jk stop his car infront of a shopping mall "daddy why we are here?" Gguki ask. Jk turned his face at back sit saw tae confusingly looking at him and gguki also. "I thought to buy some toys for gguki then we can go any park or wherever you want" as jk said the baby's face light up but he didn't show the excitement. They walked inside the mall, first they went to the kids section he toom gguki in a toy shop "see baby there have lots of toys you can pick anything from here" jk put down the baby from his arms. Gguki quitly looking around his baby mind surly got excited but didn't show up he standing there grabbing jk's finger.

"Anything?" He looked up at his father and hesitantly ask. Jk is shoked he really didn't expected this kind of reaction from a three years old baby who is literally standing in middle of a toy shop "Yes baby anything, daddy will buy that for you. You have to just say " he ruffles his hair. Gguki nervously glance at tae maybe for permission, tae's heart sweeld up his baby is so understanding. He sweetly smiled at him as the baby understood and started to move towards the toys.

He stop in front of a big remote control car, he stare at the car for sometime then picked a small remote control car beside the big car. Both parents observing his action, where tae's eyes got teary but jk feels so proud on his son. Gguki slowly walked to his parents, showing them the car "daddy this I want this". Jk knelt down infront of him "so you want just this" the baby nodded his head as yes. Jk cooed at the innocent baby he kissed on his forehead "but daddy want somthing for gguki" jk walked to the big car and pick it up. Tae knows what jk is doing but he didn't said anything.

Jk paid for both car, gguki in jk's arms his eyes on the big car which is now in his father's hand but still he didn't ask for it. After paying they came from the shop and handed the car to gguki "this is for you". Gguki satre at his father for sometime and touch the car "really?" He ask in a low voice. "Really this is for you and this also both for my baby" he point out the small car. Gguki jolt into happiness he hugged the big car still in jk's arms "look mommy I have a big car now" he said to tae who is staring at him with happy eyes.

"Daddy thank you I love you" he shyly kissed on jk's lips and jk smile brightly, attack the adorable baby with kisses "welcome baby".

Jk now looked at tae "do you want anything tae" he hesitantly ask. Tae snapped out from the daze "no, thank you" he blankly answered. Jk sadly sigh don't what to say "okey then let's get out from here so we can go any park ". Tae hummed and started to walking.

They are now in a park, tae quitly sitting on a table staring at both father and son who are now playing with the car. They are playing car race jk with the small car and gguki with the big car, gguki hardly can control the car, trying hard to win against his father and jk happily let him win. The smile on gguki's face whenever he win that's so heartwarming jk feel like he can do anything to keep that smile.

Tae's eyes never leave those both running figure feeling little happy but scared also. If that day jk had listened to him maybe things would be different today. Tae shook his head don't want to think about the past... The past he left behind...

They played for about two hours, both walk to tae and sit beside him. Jk sat there while breathing heavily gguki climb on tae's lap "mommy water pls" tae took out a water bottle from his bag and help gguki to drink the water. Then he passed the bottole to jk, he stare at the bottle for sometime try not to smile he like that tae offering him water without asking. He took the bottle from his hand "thank you"

Tae didn't said anything he focused on the baby " did you have fun?". The baby happily nodded his head "so much I win 3... 4... No umm 5... Yes 35 thirty five time yea!!!" Showing his fingers while smiling excitedly. Tae smile at the baby's cute action "wow I'm proud of you " he kissed the baby's finger. The three of talked for sometime, I mean the baby was just talking and they were listening.

After that they had their dinner in a decent restaurant. Gguki got tired easily, always clinging with tae. It was 8:10 when they finished their dinner after that jk drove them back to tae's appertment. That day they fell asleep fast.

Next day jk drop gguki to school on time. Tae was with him sitting on passenger sit, jk looked at him "taehyung today I've go back I'll try to return in evening or more sooner just call me if he cry or something... Pls..."

Tae nodded his head "you are going now?" .

"Yes after dropping you I'll leave for Seoul, just call me pls if I get time I'll call you" jk said with a requesting tone. Tae didn't said anything just nodded his head while moved his gaze to the window.

They reached at tae's workplace, tae didn't said anything he got out from the car and started to walking to the door. Jk feel little bad how other ignore him even a little glance. He didn't move from there just staring at the leaving figure. But he got little shoked when tae stop and hesitantly turned around and wave his hand. It took some time when jk realised it was for him and he also wave back and smile but the moment was not for long time cause tae immediately turned back and ran inside the shop. Jk smile in his mind this is cute action.

Jk called someone still standing there.

Hello hyung get everything ready I'm coming, I want to finish everything as fast as possible.

With that he cut the call and drove away from there.


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