《Hurts》40 truth


Jk is now standing in front of the coffee shop with a flower bouquet his heart is beating so fast, he don't even know what he'll going to say but today he'll surly ask for forgiveness .

He nervously entered in the caffe, he welcomed by another worker, he moving his gaze around the caffe but he couldn't find him anywhere. Today there is not much people just one person quietly sitting on the corner sit. He then go to the counter "excuse me can I meet with mr taehyung, I'm his friend". The brown haired male frowned a little "taehyung?"

Jk feels little nervous "yes taehyung I'm here to meet him, can you pls tell me where he is "

The man is just nodded his head and pointed to a door "he is inside that room you can meet him there or wait here". Jk think for sometime then looked at the man "can I go there?".

"Okey you can" the male said and again started to doing his work.

Jk nervously stepped forward to the door tightening his grip around the bouquet. His legs automatically stopped in front of the open door. He stood there for a while holding his breath admiring the front scene where tae back facing him washing some plates, nothing come out from jk's mouth seems like he got hipnotized his mind is not working,

He came here thinking lots of things that he wants to tell him but nothing is coming out right now.

Tae doing his work not even realise someone's presence some distance behind him.

After good five minutes, he gathered his all courage and called out "tae!" Still holding his breath afraid of other's reaction.

Tae stopped his work after hearing the familiar voice it took some time to turn around his body, seeing the person his eyes got widen but he control his sudden emotion and speak politely "oh, hi what are you doing here?" Trying to be cool.

Jk's nervousness is increasing, he again lost in other's shoking face "can I come in?" That's at he could ask for now. Tae raised his eyes, feeling mix emotion not really happy not really sad but an unknown fear that he just want to run away from the revaenette "yea... Come" he said but his heart is saying something else *why you came go away*

Jk stepped inside the room but didn't dare to go more towards tae. Jk was nervously process everything what he is going to say but tae's words stop the process.

"So why are you here, any specific reason? Just tell me fast" Tae ask with a straight face. Jk gulped he is not used to this taehyung bold and emotionless.

"I.. I'm... I mean...... I'm sorry" jk lowered his eyes ashamed of himself, after many years he couldn't even say sorry properly. Tae frown a little "sorry..!? For what?"

Jk is now wants to bury his face in a hole, feeling dumbest person in the world " I'm sorry for what I had done with you three years back"

"Oh okay then I forgive you " tae betrayaly smile in his mind. Jk was shoked he didn't expect tae will forgive him this easily. He disbeliefly staring at tae.

"What now you came here for it I accept your apology you can go now" saying that he turn his face and started to doing his work.

Jk is not feeling well that's true that he wanted forgiveness and he got that. But he is not satisfied he wanted tae to shout, showing anger but nothing happened. Oh god if their conversation end up this fast then how will he going to ask his other questions. "Tae I brought this for you" tae again turned to him, a flower bouquet in jk's hand and there is all tae's favourite flower. Tae first blankly looked at jk then the bouquet he sigh and took that put on the side table "thanks I guess".


Tae was again ready to back to his work but jk stop him "umm tae I m..mean now we are like before right?" He hesitantly ask. Tae rose his eyes "I forgive you that doesn't mean we are like before".

Jk's hardly controlling himself from the breakdown "w... why?"

Tae annoyingly sigh and answered with same cold voice "look jungkook we are different now, things are not like before and honestly I don't want you anymore in my life, I have my son I'm happy with him and I don't want to bring my past back so yea... I don't want you, you can go live your life like how you were living in these years" jk couldn't anymore his tears started flowing from his eyes.

Tae feel bad seeing his love crying like this but he didn't let it bother him that much cause he is not the tae like before he changed he is strong now. He snapped out by jk's sudden question.

"I.. I.. is the baby is m...mine a... also? He ask without knowing cause he was so desperate to know that truth. Tae widened his eyes that was unexpected like jk know about it, must be his parents said what he will do now if jk want his son back then tae will be crazy. He was panicked but didn't showed "w..what are you talking about I told you guys yesterday then what the nonsense you are asking"

Jk now burst into tears he can't anymore he knelt down infront of taehyung started to sobbing hard "pl....pls tae that day I went to your house and read that dairy, I saw the stick so ... sorry but I know you are pregnant with our ba... baby. If the baby is not ours then what about our baby tae don't hide him or her from me "

Tae couldn't believe in his ears, what he'll do now he have to hide his baby if jk wants the baby back what will he do. Thinking that his tears automatically coming from his eyes "w... what are you saying he is not y... yours he is my baby " he said in cracking voice. Fear is clear in his eyes.

Jk now looked at him with a horrible expression "then where is our b... baby did you ki.." he spoke out without thinking anything but tae didn't let him finish.

"No!! Are you going insane! Do you think this low about me?" He is crying

"Then the baby couldn't survive right? It's all my fault" jk again sobbed out pressing his hands on his face.

Tae now feeling rage how jk's every possibilities end about the baby's death. He looked at jk he wasn't in his right mind he suddenly spoke out "what kind of father you are how could you say something like that about your own child!!! He survived my baby is alive" with that he immediately pressed his hand on mouth, eyes got widen cursed himself for not thinking before speaking. He is now scared to look at jk he was ready to run from there but he felt a tight grip on his hand.

Jk couldn't believe what he heard he was happy but he could express that tae ran towards the door but he was fast to stop him "so h...he is m...my son right? I'm... His fa.... father right? Tell me tae pls tell me I'm his father..?

He desperately requesting while sobbing looking at tae's back, the grip is still tight around tae's arm.


Tae hasrly sucked his tears and turned around, jerked his hand from others grip rage clear in his eyes "yes!! You are his father, you are his daddy for whom he is desperately waiting for, you are his daddy whom he talked about everyday, whom he misses everytime. Now what!?? What will you do!!? Snatch him from me"

Jk was already crying in mess but what he hear in last his teary eyes got widen he rapidly shook his head "w... what are you saying tae I never thought like this I ju..."

"Then thank you, leave us alone... you know I even don't want to tell my son his daddy came!" Tae cut off his sentence he was ready to throw some more hurtful words but a small voice shut his mouth.

"Daddy!?" Gguki excitedly entered in the room.

And tae froze in his place he don't want to look at his son's eyes he can't lie to the little baby while looking at his eyes. Jk quietly standing little far from them head hung low tears dropping on the floor.

The baby slowly walked to his mother tug on his pant "mommy?" Tae close his eyes calm himself, he wants to run away from there but same time he don't want to leave his son with jk. He knelt down infront of the little boy, and gently cress his bread cheeks "yes baby".

"Mommy where is daddy?" He whispered with hopeful eyes. Tae trying to move his gaze from those little doe eyes which are now full of hope to meet his father for whom he is waiting this long.

Tae trying not to sob out he eyed to jk once who is looking at them with teary eyes. But his attention caught by the baby again, gguki grabbed tae's both cheeks with his little hands moved his face closer to his mother and whispered in a low voice " mommy did daddy came?" Tae stare at his son's face for sometime.

On the other hand jk's heart started to beating fast. The baby whispered in low voice but still he heard what he is saying. He stood there holding his breath everything is dependent on tae's answer.

After staring at the little face tae felt like he zoned out maybe thinking something, after a while he backed to his scence and smiled little at his confuse son "yes your daddy came to meet you"

Jk couldn't believe what he just heard he feels like the world has stopped around him. His eyes couldn't not hold the tears anymore they are started to flowing like a waterfall but this time the tears are happy tears.... He is happy and taehyung made him happy again...

The little boy widen his eyes didn't ask anything waiting for the surety. Tae understood what he is thinking he smiled a little and gently kissed on his little nose and whispered "aren't you happy?"

"Welly!" The baby whispered back seems like he's also nervous like his parents. He is nervous because he is going to meet his father for the first time, his father is nervous cause he is going to meet his son for the first time and the mother is nervous cause he is afraid of the father's decision. But what he can do how his baby was looking at him with so much hope in his eyes he can't... He can't break the baby's heart so he have to throw his all ego all fears just for his son's happiness.

"Yes baby really, turn your head look he is behind you " as tae said the baby nervously turn his head.

Jk knelt down infront of the baby trying to smile but tears are not allow it. The baby slowly moved towards jk and stop infront of him but maintained little distance "daddy you came?" He ask in a little voice. Jk controlling his sobbed wants to embrace the little frame but he don't want to scared the baby "yes my baby I'm here look" he harshly whipped his tears and make a smily face.

The baby doesn't say anything for first some seconds just staring at jk's face fidgeting his fingers "can I hug you daddy " he ask so insecurity in his little voice. Hearing this innocent request from his won son jk choked into tears, how bad father he is his own son feeling insecure around him "he gently wrapped the little body with his big arms and pulled him against his chest the baby hesitantly wrap his tiny hands around his father's neck, carefully put his head on the hard chest "I missed you daddy" whispered in a tiny voice.

"I... I missed you too my baby" jk somehow said in his cracking voice, right now he is feeling like most happiest man in the world nothing can compare with this happiness.

Gguki backed away from his father's embrace and nervously looked at his father's eyes "you won't leave me again right daddy?". The guilt again showing in revaenette's eyes he lovingly cress his hair "never... I'll never ever leave you, daddy is sorry for not being with you for this long but I promise from now on I'll always be here for you everytime every second" hearing that gguki smile brightly he happily hugged his father again "daddy can we go on a picnic gguki, mommy and daddy! all my friends go with their mom dad, as you are here so I also want to go on a picnic with my mom dad.... Will you go?"

"Yes baby we'll go wherever you want and daddy will do whatever you ask just don't hesitate to ask daddy okey" jk ask and gguki rapidly shook his head as he understand.

Both father and son was so much into them that they totally forgot about someone's presence behind them someone looking at them with mixed emotions. He is happy to see his son happy he is sad if his son started to love his father most he is afraid if the father wants to take his son away from him. He couldn't anymore so he ran out from the room and he bumped with someone, he grabbed tae's shoulder "taehyung what happened with you why are you crying?"

Tae lifted his face to person and threw himself on other's embrace while sobbing hardly "hobi h...yung w.. what I'll do now h...his fa.. father has ca..came if he took my son away from m..me"

He trembling very bad.

Hobi trying to calm him down he can understand what the younger is trying to say "don't worry taehyung we won't let him take away gguki no matter what" tae didn't said anything just cried. After sometime he pulled away from the hug thanked hobi and glance at the open door before walked towards the washroom.

Hobi was still standing there when he saw a reven hair male coming out from the front room with gguki in his arms hugging the male tightly they both are smiling. Seeing them a little smile appear on his face without his knowing he can say already the revenette is gguki's father 'jeon jungkook'.

"Hobi uncle! Look my daddy he's going stay with us folevel" gguki informed hobi with a big smile. Hobi smile back jk walked towards him and bow showing respect he could introduce himself but before hobi open his mouth "are you planning to take him with you?" He coldly ask.

Jk just sadly sigh "look hyung I never ever thought anything like that, I know I'm his father I have all rights on him which I don't deserve but before that tae is his mother I'm not that cruel person to separate a child from his mother, I... I just want to love them stay with them.... Like my baby said forever..." He nuzzle his nose on the baby's soft cheek and the baby giggle.

Hearing this hobi's eyes become softer, he have no doubts on him anymore he patted on jk's shoulder "just stay strong for them maybe tae will never tell you but he needs you your son needs you, I trust you" hobi smile a little. Jk feels happy he smile genuinely "thank you hyung".

The conversation could have been more longer but tae came, he glance at three of them "come gguk it's time to eat something" he forward his arms. Gguki hesitantly looked at his father "daddy will you wait for me"

Jk again lost his words infront of the little request "of course baby I'll"

The baby pout sadly, again looked at his mother "mommy bring my food here I want to eat with daddy" tae was going to protest but stopped himself he didn't said anything and left from there.

Jk sat down on a chair and put gguki on table after sometime tae also come with his food and started to feeding him. The baby continuously asking his father for many things. Both parents all attention on the baby they don't have courage to glance at each other but sometimes their eyes met and they immediately moved their gaze.

Like this gguki finished his food and again crawled on jk's arm. Tae let out a sigh " baby let's go pack your toys we have to go home". Gguki excitedly looked at his father "daddy les go we are going home".

Gguki's words made the situation little awkward now, jk don't want to say no to him but he can't go with them, he helplessly looked at tae. He seems understand the situation "look baby daddy have some little work he can't go home with us you can meet him tommorow" as tae said gguki's face turned into a sad one his eyes got teary "you will leave us again daddy? But I wont to let you go I'll stay with you pls".

Tae panicked seeing the tears in his eyes, his baby is crying he can't see him like this. He always do everything what makes his baby happy, the baby is already very understanding and mature compared others children he never ask for big thing never whine or sulk around. But right now for the first time he is crying over something he have to give it.

Jk trying to comfort the baby by kissing his face trying to convince him he'll meet him tommorow, as much as he wants to take gguki with him he can't. He looked at tae just wanted to ask something but tae spoke out " where are staying you now?"

Jk got little shoked he didn't expect tae will talk to him this soon " there is a hotel named sunrise"

"Okey take him with you and here is my number if something happens just call me " jk is now very shoked but he realised one thing he loves gguki very much that he doing this for his happiness "are you sure?" Tae just nodded his head "thank you for trusting me " jk give a smile to tae but he didn't smile back. He moved his gaze to gguki "baby so today you are going to stay with daddy " he cheered up.

The baby pout at his mother "but mommy?"

"Umm mommy have little work in home so I can't go there " tae said. "I'm sad cause mommy is not going but I'm happy cause I'm staying with daddy for the first time " he happily clapped his hands. Both male staring at the baby with so much adoration.


Can you guys feel any of character's emotions here? 😗 I tried ~~~~~~

Thank you 💜

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