《Hurts》35 disgust



Tae flinched by the sudden out burst though he knew something like this would happen. But he could not move from his place.

His mother came out with the pregnancy stick in her hand, she saw tae standing in front of the door without any words she hardly slapped on his face, the sound echoed in all over the house, hearing this his father ran to the upstairs and saw her wife farming in anger looking at tae's trembling figure.

"What happened?" his father confusingly ask, but his mother didn't answer the question she extended somthing towards him still looking at tae. His father took the things from her hand and immediately he understood what the thing is.

Tae was tightening his mussels cause he knows what is going to happen with him right now his father is more dangerous than his mother he was waiting for the second slap but it never came instead of that what he hears he felt totally numb all over his body.

"Abort the baby" his father stated with a straight face. Tae shokingly opened his teary eyes looking at his father he can't believe it "w...what are..... How...?" That's some words tae could say with his cracking voice.

"How long!!??" His father again ask but tae didn't answer just crying silently. "I asked how long!!" This time he ask loudly making tae flinched.

"I... I th... think .. two or th.. three weeks..." Tae answered with his cracking voice.

"Then some pills will be enough, I'll bring them for you just take them on time " saying that his father turns his body to leave but stop by tae loud crying sounds "no..no f.. father I... I can't.... I can't abort it pls...." He burst into tears and hugged tightly around his stomach.

"You have to cause I won't allow your this disgusting things in my house" his father didn't turn his face he climb down two stairs but again stop by tae's voice "I'll r...ise the b...aby alone and w...work h..ard" tae said in a low voice somehow wants to convince his father though all are useless.

This time his father turned around "tell me one thing does your sex partner know about it"

Tae didn't like the word 'sex partners' but it's not important for now "I didn't.. I haven't told him yet" he don't even know when and how will he tell jk how will he react he don't know anything thinking all of this more tears started to coming from his eyes.

"Will he accept it?" His father mocked. This time tae lower his eyes he himself don't know jk will accept it or not the chances is very less. Jk already hate him after hearing this he'll disgust him so tae can't give the answer.

His father made a disgust face "just do what I'm saying"

"No..n...." Tae cried out but his father didn't let him speak "abort it or leave the house if you don't follow my orders then you know very well what I can do" with that his father leave from there.

After his father leave from there his mother looked at him "don't increase our difficulties anymore pls.. that we are already in cause of you" her mother clasped her hands infront of him seeing that tae widen his eyes "m..moth...."

"Pls...." And then his mother also left from there. Tae sat down on the floor, the facial expression is blank without those blurry eyes.

So difficult his fate, his life, the situation everything.... He is not able to think with his straight mind, what will he do now he can't abort the baby he could never, he can't even left the house he have no where to go and it was true that he is the biggest problem of his parents life. Sometimes they even tried to kill him what will they do with the baby just thinking about this he felt gousebumps all over his body, he have to do something he have to tell jk afraid of his reaction but still....


At the night his father rushed to tae's room he called him. Tae hurriedly open the door looking very scared. His father gave him a tablet on his hand "take it" his ordered.

For first some seconds "he was just stare at the pill afraid to look at his father or ask anything. When he still didn't understand he looked at his father but seeing the merciless face somthing hit on his mind unknowingly tears started to coming from his already swollen eyes " fa..father p..pls" he choked on tears.

" You have time till the morning, tommorow or next day we'll again check the result if the pill doesn't work then we have to visit the doctor " his father said in a straight face and leaving there a broken taehyung.

He can't even think of taking those pills whole night he cried grabbing his stomach and rapidly saying sorry to his unborn child. The morning comes he didn't realise when he fall asleep cause of crying hard for the whole day and night.

He woke up when he felt pressure on his face, he suddenly open his eyes he saw his father who must have entered with the spare key forcing the medicine into his mouth his eyes got widen he jerked his face from his father's grip and started to spitting out the medicine, "what are you doing!" He ask little loudly wrapping his arms around the stomach tears brimming into his eyes. his father angerly grabbed his chin "you waste the medicine, why you didn't take the pill now I have get another one for you "

Tae's face change into a horrible one "no no I'm not killing the baby, I could never I will..." He couldn't complete the sentence a hard slap land on his face. But still tae didn't stop from blabbing his all fears gone the baby is now his first priority he is willing to go against the whole world for the baby.

Seeing tae talking back like this made his father even more angry, he got up on the bed and stand infront of the half lying tae "wait I'll destroy it without any pills" with that he hardly kicked on tae's side stomach. He hissed in pain he took a while for process everything when he realised what his father was trying to do he crawl on his stomach to save the baby and somehow got off from the bed before his father could kick him again he ran from there, he directly ran to the main door,hears his father angry voice coming near him. Not even looking back he hurriedly open the door and ran outside from the house, the last sentence heard from his father that "never come back to this house you are no longer my son..."

Tae quietly sitting in the bus stand the tears dried already a faint smile on his face looking at his stomach "my baby you are safe now" he lovingly cress his stomach. After the sweet moment reality hit him, what will he do now. He didn't want to tell jk now maybe someday but not now, he don't want to burden on someone, but the situation is very deficult he have to be selfish for his baby he decided to tell jk everything.

He checked in his pocket there is some little amount of money he decided to go to the school there he will find jk.

After reaching the school he stood in parking lot waiting for jk, this is still morning no student has come yet after sometime the students started to coming the parking area already full tae eagerly waiting for jk he can't even check the time "if kook doesn't come today then I've to find jimin" with every passing seconds his heart beat is increasing there is lots of things to tell jk hope he doesn't freak out.


According to tae it's already now time to bell rang the school will be start after that "should I go to jimin first I can call jk from his phone, it will be good" he was ready to go from there but suddenly three car entered in the parking lot and tae immediately recognised the black Porsche taycan it's jk's car his eyes fixed on the black car he didn't even notice other two which are entered before that. Standing there in corner tae collecting his all courage to face him to tell after three weeks he's going see him he is happy and afraid as same time. He looked at his stomach "let's meet your daddy" he whisper gently rubbing there. He again looked up to the car direction and saw jk hurriedly walking to the exit. Tae moved little forward, let out a long sigh and called out "ko.. jungkook.." don't know why but his voice was not that loud he could not called him properly the loud voice stuck in his throat he thought he might have to call again but he saw jk stop walking didn't turn but stopped. Tae's heart beat skip a little he step forward towards jk when someone hugged him from behind.

"I missed you" seojoon said. Tae's eyes got widen and those shoking eyes met with another pair of shoking orbs little far from him.

⁠ ´‿'

Jk's pov

I was hurrying inside the school because it was already late today, last night I couldn't sleep well cause I was really worry about tae if today also he doesn't show up I'll surely go to his house. I parked my car and walking away from there then suddenly I heard tae's faint voice like he calling my name, I didn't hear any wrong the voice is low but I can tell it was taehyung. I was happy... So I excitedly turn around my head but what I saw that makes me shoked as hell and then slowly my body strated to heating up from anger I can feel it. All these fucking three weeks I was worried about him I was looking for him like crazy and all those time he was with that seojoon, so they are together, today you called me to show up this your nasty deeds.

I was thinking to give a last chance to explain everything but looks like I don't have to, every fucking single thing was right... You are gay and I hate you... The lump is stuck in his throat he gulped hard don't want to cry not infront of them.

End of jk's pov

Jk was too much into his thoughts that he didn't even realise when tae pulled out himself from others embrace and started to move towards him with wobbly legs "ko..kook!" Tae whispered want to burst into tears hugging his love but it's not right time to break down.

"Kook I.. I w... want to tell you something" tae looking at jk's blank face not getting any response. His silence hurt him even more. Jk moved his gaze to other direction cause tae is looking so heartbroken, jk is afraid he doesn't want to melt by others broken state the one thing coming into his mind right now *what a good actor he is*

"Kook I want to tell you that" started to saying fidgeting fingers while looking at the ground but jk stop him in middle.

"Lisa!" Jk spoke out, tae lifted his head saw lisa standing behind jk. "What are you doing here?" Jk ask annoyingly

"I saw you here so I came " she said eying on tae's nervous figur. Jk followed her gaze which on tae who is now looking at the floor. Then he looked at his behind seojoon looking at them with a confuse look. Jk close his eyes to control the anger, looked at lisa and then what he said made three of them shoked as hell.

"Lisa will you be my girlfriend?" Jk ask lisa while looking at tae and here tae immediately lift his head looking at him with shoking eyes couldn't believe what he heard before tae could say something lisa happily cling on jk's arm.

"Omg yes yes I would love be girlfriend" jk didn't even glance at her still his eyes on tae's shoking face "pls don't distrub me you can see I've a girlfriend and she don't like you and I'm pretty sure you used to say that you don't want to be the reason of my break up, do you?" Jk ask with a emotionless face.

Tae satre at jk's face for sometime, so there is no hope. He have a girlfriend now and it's also true he don't want to be the reason of other's breakup. Tae chuckle though the stupid tears started to showing up, but he chuckles .... Chuckles at his fate the most pathetic person in the whole world.

He shook his head "no... I don't want to, I..i j...ust"

but lisa cut him off he cling on jk's bicep "let's go to baby we are getting late class will be start any time" lisa started to drag jk but jk didn't responding any of her word from the starting to the till now his eyes fix on tae but this time he turn his face to lisa and nodded his head, he walk two steps but tae stop him and he immediately turn around like he was waiting for that.

Tae called him but can't decide what to he have many things to say but that is the last he could say "k..kook c..can I hug you this is for the l.... last time I'll n...never ask you for a... anything I promise" he somehow said those words his throat feeling like burning with every word, this will be last time for everything.....

Jk didn't say anything, as his words slowly processing into his brain and all the emotion rushing all over his mind.

"I...if you don't w...want t...."

"You can" jk cut his sentence off. Jk lightly jerked his hand from Lisa's grip while looking at tae's teary eyes, once there was sparkle, joy, shyness, hapiness.... But now there is just sadness those eyes looking so helpless, so tired. Jk tried to read his favourite those ocean eyes but why it's so hard before he could say others emotions by looking at those eyes but today he can't....

Jk's eyes moved from tae's eyes to his face which is little close now. Tae slowly wrap his hands around jk's neck pulling own body little closer to jk unknowingly his body started to shaking. He carefully put his chin on jk's shoulder tried not to choked out of tears. Jk didn't hug him back he just stood there like a statue he knows if he hugged him back he couldn't able to hold himself back anymore he'll surly burst into tears. The war between ego and emotions still in there in jk's mind.

Seojoon and lisa standing little far from them but still they can see tae's trembling figure hugging jk like his life depended on him, the guilt suddenly hit on there mind the scene was very heartbroken.

"K..kookie th.. thanks for everything, I.. I love you, I'll always"

Hearing this cracking words jk couldn't hold him back anymore, in this moment tears strated to rolling down from his eyes he slowly lift his hand for hug him back but tae backed away from the hug...

"and sorry for everything" he put his palm on his mouth to stop the sobs and turned around meet with seojoon guilty face tae gave him a tearful smile "you are happy now, right hyung?" That's at.... he wanted to ask many things to seojoon but the situation is not with him. He couldn't take it anymore and ran from there from the back exit of the parking lot.

Three of them staring at the running figure until he disappear from there eye sight.....


Thank you 💜

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