《Hurts》33 confession ii


At night

Tae in his room staring at his phone with teary eyes "I thought you need time but you are now taking too much time it's already night when will you talk to me I can't take it anymore atleast msg me I'm waiting" his lips shaped in a little pout.

From the evening tae is waiting for jk if he come if he atleast call him but nothing he did nothing . He can't believe that jk is angry with him for this long, this is for the first time as the night grows darker his faith grew stronger. His heart is breaking even more. Thinking about this he didn't even realised when it was already 10 and it's time to seojoon's arriving. He was in his thoughts but heard his mother calling him from downstairs, he hurriedly whipped his tears and ran to the downstairs.

He saw seojoon standing there with a smile his parents are also there *I have to go to his house it was almost out of mind, but honestly I don't want to go after that last encounter with jk I have no guts to go with him, but he is already here there is no way to back*

" Tae come fast why are you standing there" his mother ask calmly, but his mother's calm behavior did not surprise him at all cause they are infront of outsider now.

"Yes mother, I'm sorry I'm coming" he hurriedly walked towards them. "Let's go taehyung I've already asked your parents they gave permission" seojoon happily looked at tae's parents they also returned the smile.

"Taehyung you never told us that seojoon is a teacher at your school we could have met him earlier" Mrs kim looked at tae with a awkward smile.

"Sorry mother, actually hyung joined a few days ago, I thought I'd tell you but forgot" tae said in a slightly scared tone, head hang low. (The truth is they never had time to listen him).

Seeing tae's scaring behaviour seojoon frown little, he is confused *why does he sounds so scary*

Mr Jeon understood the situation so hurriedly tries to cover it "tae didn't I tell not to say sorry for every word"

Tae realise his mistake, but again it came out automatically "sorry father" he tightly shut his eyes.

Whatever is his fault, 'sorry' is the only word he learned to say whenever he talks with his parents.

Mr Kim tried to control his anger "it's okay...ha..ha he is always like this"

"Okey it's getting late it's already 10:30 now you guys should go " Mrs kim change the topic.

"Oh thank for the reminder aunty, let's go taehyung we're getting late" seojoon said.

"Wait hyung I've to change" tae is wearing

(Without cap and mask)

"The dress is alright I guess you don't have to and beside that we are not going anywhere just my house and you are joining school tommorow right? So it would be better if you pack your school bag and a drees for school so tommorow we can go together at school, don't change it you can use it as your night wear also" seojoon said but the main reason is teahyng looking very tempting in this dress this was the first time he had seen him in shorts, those toned legs looking beautiful, he wanted to see him like this for a little longer.

But his hopes were dashed when tae returned with sweatpants replacing the shorts and his school bag "let's go hyung I'm ready"

Seojoon didn't like that, how those legs were all covered now but what could he do "okay let's go bye uncle bye aunty" they are ready to leave but Mrs kim grabbed tae's hand and whispered in his ear "don't do anything stupid" tae nodded sadly.


"Okey seojoon drive safely and visit sometimes with your mother, it's been long time, I feel bad that you just came and leaving already but next time we won't let you go that easily" Mrs kim said with a smile.

"Sure next time it'll be long meeting, bye then " they left from there.


As they planned, they celebrated the birthday, seojoon had already arranged everything, exactly at 12 they woke her up and wished happy birthday as seojoon said Mrs park beyond happy when she saw taehyung. According to her it was the best birthday celebration in her life she almost cried , then they cutted cake, then some chatting with some snakes. So all over everything went well their main focus is make her happy tae is glad that she is... From outside he was looking happy but he wasn't...

It's now 1 pm, they are ready for bed. Mrs park kissed both boy's cheeks and wished them good night not forgotten say thanks to tae again and again then she left for the bed.

"Okey hyung good night you also go sleep, I'm very sleepy" tae said and settled himself on the couch. Seojoon looked at him with confused face "why are you sitting here let's go to my room you can sleep there "

Tae felt little hesitant "no hyung I'm okey here " he is not ready to share bed with anyone, he never slept with anyone except jk so he is not comfortable with others.. it's just jk he is comfortable with.

Seojoon felt sad "okey there is a extra room you can use it"

At 3am, seojoon has not slept yet, how could he. His love is staying next to his room how he wished tonight he'll sleep with tae maybe with little cuddles. But nothing is happening.

He tiptoed to tae's room, he called tae from outside to chake if he is awake or not but there is no sound that means he is sleeping. Seojoon opened the door with spare key and slowly entered his room he could not control the urge to see his love in moon light but unfortunately there was no moon light it was totally dark he on the lights carefully observing tae's face there is no changes of facial expression that means he is in deep sleep.

Tae sleeping on his back slightly hugging a pillow mouth is little open. Still in same dress from his house.

Seojoon roaming his eyes on the lying figure from head to toe "this site is so tempting but still so innocent" he slowly moved towards the bed and sat edge of it put one hand on tae's thigh "this is no fun, why you covered them?" He ask that lying figure. "I can do many things with you right? But what should I do" saying this he grabbed the hem of tae's t shirt and started to move it upwards exposing his milky skin little and here seojoon forget to breadth, he lick his lips wants to touch the smooth milky skin but controlling himself . He knows if once he feels that soft skin, it will be difficult to control himself. He can't touch but can see so again moved a little bit upwards, there is a mole on upper part of his belly button "it's cute".

Seojoon was lost in that mole when tae moved a little turn his body left side and hugged the pillow tightly still in deep slumber. Seojoon hurriedly backed his hand from him, don't want to wake him up.

"You know I want to do many things with you right now but I'm not pervert...so good night my love sleep well " he stare at the sleeping figure for sometime then left from there. Taehyung was in deep sleep he had no idea what happened around him.


* * *

Jk lying on his back hands under his head looking at celling it's already 4am. There is no trace of sleep in his eyes, they are looking tired emotionless "what are you doing...are you in his place... I don't like you to there you know it righ, did you still go there? Pls don't do this...pls don't do that I'll totally go crazy. I want to call you want to know where are you but yet I'm afraid...." Unknowingly tears rolling down from his side eyes feeling so useless his mind is full of unknown feelings his heart is hurting

...........so much.

* * *

Next day in parking, jk is sitting in his car, hands are still on the steering but his eyes focused a black car little far which is parked just now. And there is no doubt that is mr park's car. If you ask why he's doing that he himself don't know but maybe making sure somthing and the same time he don't want to see that he want to run away from there but his body is not co-operating with him.

Jk saw mr park came out from car, jk held his breadth he tightened his fists on steering. But then what he saw he immediately closed his eyes...

Tae also came out from that car, tae didn't noticed jk's car he quietly got out from the car he didn't even wait for seojoon to open the car. He thanks seojoon and hurriedly leave from there he doesn't want to stay there for long especially around seojoon.

Seojoon got little bit confused, this is not the tae he knew. He has been noticing since yesterday that tae is behaving differently he smiles but his eyes are not. "I don't know what happened with you why are you looking sad but I want to make you happy just give me a chance I can't wait anymore..."

Jk slowly opened his eyes but there was no one. His eyes are red from anger he was breathless with anger. Rage flowing through his veins like lava, his body is trembling "so the last chance is over now you didn't do it right with me we are over now everything is over...!!" He gritted his teeth. He sat there for some time but his anger not mild even a little bit. We can say he has now turned into a ball of rage that will explode with a loud bang even with a little touch.

Tae was running towards his class but stopped by someone's call, he turned around . He saw seojoon running towards him "taehyung wait I wanted to tell you something but you left" he stopped near him while huffing little. Tae get little panicked he don't want to talk with him in here someone will see he knows very well what others can think "hyung the class will start anytime I'll talk you later he turn to move but seojoon grabbed his hand "there is still fifteen minutes left for class to start, I won't take much time just listen to me pls ".

Tae bit his lips as much as he wants to left from there but seojoon requesting him "ok say it fast"

"Not here come with me" he started to dragged tae somewhere "but where?" Tae tried to stop "pls tae" seojoon looked at him with pleading eyes and that's at for tae he let seojoon drag wherever he wants.

They both entered in a empty class room, they both standing there face to face "what is it hyung why we are here? " Tae ask confusingly looking around the room but he stopped his movement when he felt two pairs of hands gently touching on his hands. Tae looked at seojoon who had already moved closer to him

"h.. hyung" he rose his eyes.

Seojoon left out a long sigh and looked at tae's eyes which are already on him "I want to tell you that I love you I've loved you since you were fourteen and I still do, I know you don't feel that way for me but you can give me a chance right just one chance pls"

Seojoon was saying but tae was thinking *so kookie was right, I should have believed him. But I never thought seojoon hyung would feel something like that about me. I'm shocked very much but am i angry...no I'm not angry this is love. we can fall for anyone anytime ....like the way I fell for him there is no control over it...*

he snapped out from his thoughts when he felt two pairs of lips on him. For some moments he couldn't processed anything he was shoked as hell but when he realise he pushed others with all of his strength, tears brimming in his eyes.

"T...tae I... I'm sorry I l..lo...." Seojoon cut off by tae's shaking voice "I love someone else" with that tae ran from there. Seojoon fondly staring at the spot where tae was standing.a while ago.

"I know you love someone else and maybe I know that person but I'm so selfish to let you go" he said to himself and left from there.

Tae ran to the bathroom closed the door, breathing heavily tears rolling down from the eyes "I need to apologise to kookie, he told me... I should have believed him that day it's all my fault.... pls kookie I..... I'm s... so sorry......" he is now sobbing hard.

He cried and cried he don't know for how long he was there but he came back to his normal sence when someone knocked the door. He hurriedly whipped his face and opened the door, there was some students he didn't lift his face just said sorry to them before ran from there. He nervously walking through crowd in hall looking around searching for jk but someone grabbed his shoulder from behind he startled little "where were you all this time" jimin ask.

Tae sigh in realife "I was in bathroom" he said in a low voice. Jimin can say something is off but decided not to ask for now and cheered up his mood "oh, is everything alright?" Tae Just nodded his head.

"Okey then let's go the match will be start at 2:30 I want to sit on the front sit" jimin said started to walking little fast grabbing tae's shoulder. Tae confusely looked at him "what match?"

Jimin got shoked by his sudden question, but didn't react that much "don't you know... I mean the whole school knows that today is our annual basket ball match and right now everyone is going there... let's go "

Tae sigh sadly he don't have any idea but first of all he have to find jk and apologize to him though he does not know whether the other will forgive him or not "jimin..?um... have you seen jk?" Tae hesitantly ask.

"Umm jk....? Sorry but I've no idea " jimin said, hearing that tae stopped walking and jimin also "oh then I've to find him actually I've something important to tell him and don't mind pls you go I'll join you later"

Jimin little smile at him "don't worry go find him see you later then" saying that jimin walked away from there. Tae standing there for sometime looking here and there then decided to chake the class first.


Jk packing his bag angerly looking at tae's sit "where are you taehyung, I saw you coming to school with your hyung, but why you didn't even join the class" but suddenly somthing came into his mind, he stop his movement clutch the fist "don't tell me this whole time you were with him" jk's anger is just increasing every passing second there is no way to reduce the amger. He wants to destroy everything around him. He have thousands of questions in his mind to ask tae but he knows if ask single thing to tae he'll end doing something bad... something that they both will regret....

"Hey...here are you And I've been looking for you whole school" said someone as jk turn his head. "I'm not in the mood lisa go away pls" jk somehow said her. But she didn't move from there the whole class is already empty now cause everyone left for the match only jk was taking time hoping to see his tae for once but till now he didn't show up.

"I'll go but before that I've something interesting to show you" she moved closer to jk. He let out a sigh of annoyenc he grabbed his bag and ready to leave don't want any single conversation with her. But lisa stopped him by grabbing his hand "just watch it and then leave" she handed him her phone there was a video, she click the video for jk, jk was going to deny that but what he saw...

There is tae and seojoon in a dark empty classroom, seojoon holding tae's hand he looks little confused. And here Seojoon confessing to him tae didn't said anything but blankly looking at him and then seojoon kissed him and tae didn't pushed him immediately and the video ended here.

After watching it he was ready to throw the phone but lisa grabbed his hand "ah..ah don't.. it's my phone so do you like this surprise. I must say your baby is a good actor no one could tell that behind this innocent face there is a dirty secret...in a relationship with a teacher... even with a guy...a fucking gay your baby is such a dirty creatures if the whole school came to know about it what will they think...jeon jungkook best friend is a gay what a shame...." She said and jk was just staring at the floor, lisa smirk at his condition but again she moved more little closer to jk "look jk I'm sorry but this is the truth... and I care for you that's why I'm telling you " she put her one hand on jk's back and jk was standing like a statue.

But the atmosphere changed when someone entered there they both turn their face to the entrence, revealing tae who is heavily breathing cluntching his chest.

As much they are shoked tae also shoked by seeing the front scene lisa and jk alone in the empty class and her hand on jk's back but he surge off her thoughts cause he is here to apologize him. He gulped as he looked at jk's eyes, but those black orbs are not black anymore they are now blood red, the face is expressionless but those eyes speaking many things which tae couldn't understand " kook I... I want to apologize to you you were right about seojoon hyung that he has somthing in his mind..." Tae shuttering don't know how to say but soon he stopped by jk's booming voice.

"I don't want your fucking apologize, just go fuck away from my eyes!!!"

Jk's eyes burning in anger. Tae felt tears brimming into his eyes but again a voice caught there attention.

"Tae what are you doing here, I was looking for you" seojoon said as he standing behind tae. Seeing him jk's blood started to boil. Lisa behind jk stealing glance with seojoon.

"Why are you crying infront of him, did he make you sad somehow then let's go to my place tonight, it'll be fun like yesterday. Let's go from here" seojoon touched his back. And here jk loosing his control.

Tae looking at seojoon with teary eyes "what are you saying hyung"

"Come on tae don't be afraid of him I'm here with you, you don't need a friend like him when we are together and if you afraid about previous night then this things are common between couples so don't be" seojoon saying and gently caressing his back. Tae's body is numb already he could not feel those touch, seojoon said and tae looked at him with shoking eyes he wanted to tell something but his throat is hurting "h...hyung w ...what are y... you sayi...."

Tae couldn't complete his sentence but gasped cause jk suddenly grabbed seojoon's collare "aren't you too confident mr park?" Jk gritted his teeth.

Seojoon smirk at him"you know I should be you know many things about him and I also but the way is different"

"Don't you dare!!" Jk tightened his fists more into seojoon's collare.

Seojoon smile with satisfaction looking at jk's misery he whispered on jk's face that no one can hear "you know there is a little mole on upper part of his belly button that was so fucking hot, I want to kiss there for my li..." Jk didn't let him he harshly pushed him to the wall. And grabbed tae's chin who is now crying hardly don't know what makes jk this much angry.

"You can be this low, tell me one thing taehyung did you sleep at his place yesterday night? No matter what others said I want to know from you. Did you?" He gritted his teeth

Tae whimper at this harshness "ye..yes " and that's enough to loose the last hope to control his anger.

Here the sentence "sleep at his place" carrying the different meaning jk and seojoon where tae was just thinking I went there even though my jk forbade me. He didn't realize how deeply others were thinking about it. He is just scared....

Jk agressively grabbed his hand and started to drug outside of the class lisa and seojoon didn't said anything maybe the were waiting for this moment.

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