《Hurts》32 confession


The night view of sea always made a great effect on people's mind, thousands of thoughts coming out seeing this deep ocean, the little sparkly waves wants to tell you something... something that no one knows.... the sea help to feel you emotions that buried deep inside our heart...

There is sitting two figures to feel those emotions by looking at the sea. Jk is sitting there with full of thoughts in his head waiting for tae to say something... something that he want to know.

Tae is sitting there his head resting on jk's shoulder, he is not enjoying the view he just collecting all his courage to say something... something that he want to say.

Jk want to ask him cause he is taking too much time and they don't have much time tae have to return on the time. "So do you like this" jk start the conversation.

"Yes I love it, it's so calm here ( the silence before the Strom) tae lift his head little turned to jk "kook I want to tell you that " Looking straight to jk's face feeling like his throat getting dry.

Now jk turned his head looking at tae's eyes the nervousness is clear on those eyes he wanted to ask but stop himself cursing in his mind *don't say anything noncence taehyung don't make me angry*.

They both looking at each other no one said anything, tae continuously biting his lips but didn't moved his eyes from those black orbs, he slowly opened his mouth "kookie I... I..." gulping the saliva which is now stuck in his throat.

"I......?" Jk desperately looking at him for complete the sentence.

"Kook I... I lo... love y......yo....you" he almost whispered.

Jk rose his eyes cupped tae's check by his one hand "not this taehyung, tell me what I don't know"

Tae now lowered his eyes, feeling like crying he didn't knew it will be that hard but he already started he have to finished it "kooki.. I... I lo..love you n...not as...as a friend b... but as...a l...lover.... I'm sorry kook but I didn't realised when did it happen I just know that I love you more than a friend" tae first shutters but next moment the sorry things he said in one breath. After waiting some moments he didn't get any response from others so he nervously lifted his head but seeing the front scene his heart beat stop an unknown fear was visible in tae's face....

"So you are a gay!!??.." the first thing jk spoke his eyes were blood red and same with his face. In this night time jk's horrible angry face is still visible by the moon light.

When tae was shuttering jk was just patiently looking at him when he complet. In first place jk couldn't process anything but when the reality hit him he couldn't believe in his eyes, before his emotions can change his mind his anger burst out cause the reason of his emotions were deep inside in his heart but the reason of the anger is all over his mind and head. So he was late to feel his emotions and this was his big mistakes.

"K..kook lis..." Tears rolling down from tae's eyes the question is expected but his facial expression is so horrible. Tae was shivering... his sentence cut by jk.

He stood up from his place, tae do the same. They both are now standing face to face.

"So it was true, everyone was telling me that you are something like that but I never believed in anyone, I ignored them sometimes I even fought with them. You know why....!? ...huu!?" Jk harshly jerking tae's body by grabbing his shoulder.


Tae shook his head as no tears rolling down from his eyes. He whimper out by the jerk.

"Cause I believed in you... I trusted you with all my heart. And what did you do? You broke my trust. You hide things from me, you lied to me You've done everything I don't like!!" Jk said in anger his mind is not working anymore *taehyung is gay then those things between seojoon and him could be true... but he said he love me...he is testing me.... testing reaction of being his gay, that doesn't matter now it's me or another person.....in the end of everything he is gay... taehyung is a gay* jk thinking all of this by looking at tae's tumbling figure who lowered his head and hiccuping sounds coming from there.

"K..kook you d... don't have to l... love m.. me b.... back let's ju... just forget it" tae tried to touch jk's hand. But jk jerked his hand off and tightly grabbed his chin, there face is close now jk looked straight at into other's teary eyes "forget it... I'll never forget you broke my trust you had done every single things that I hate , if it was other person then I could tolerate it but you... you know I hate those things then why...!!?? Why you have to be gay taehyung!!?? You disgust me You know I hate gays and you are one of them so.... I hate you...." Jk spat out leave tae's chin with a jerk.

Tae couldn't take it anymore, he knelt down there. He is now mess crying his heart out hiccuping so bad, Not a single word is coming out of his mouth, his throat is hurting but his heart hurting the most. This is too much he didn't expect it. He wants to apologize wants to beg him not to hate him....

After crying his heart out for good five minutes he slowly stood up by his tumbling legs moved towards jk who is now standing there facing to sea.

Tae tried to touch his hand from behind but jk jerk it "don't touch me!! You are free now I'm not going to tell anyone that you are a disgust it's the last thing I'll do for you... you are free now and you must be happy right cause you and your seojoon hyung will have fun tommorow night" this time he turn to tae. Tae's teary eyes got widen *he already knows but how*

"What are you thinking how did I know" smile betrayally. Tae gulp little

"I have my own ways I know everything that you were hiding from me .... you know I'm curious.. What did you guys do that day and what will you do tomorrow? Fun..? what kind of fun? That could be anything cause you are a gay and I'm sure he is also you guys can do anything... should we name it one night stand...?"

Tae staring at him disbeliefly "what are you saying kook? He is not a gay and there is nothing between us he is like a brother to me " tae said in teary eyes.

Jk clapped his hands "good!! Still protesting that hyung. I knew he became important to you more than me from that day when you started hiding things from me. Now go have fun tommorow night I'll not distrub you anymore"


"Don't kookie me just jungkook!!"

"It's not that w.... what are y ..you thinking pls, tommorow is his mother's birthday that's why...." But jk didn't let him comlete and tae again start hiccuping.


" Don't lie anymore, you broke my trust so you lost me from now on we are not friends anymore, I don't do friendship with gays" jk angerly spat out and walked to the car.

Hearing that tae feeling like his world shutter down he ran behind jk " k...kook let m.....ne explain pls, don't hate me don't break the friendship"

Jk stop near the car turned to tae "look taehyung I don't want any explanation you are gay and that's enough for me to break the fucking friendship "

Tae was already crying hard now he is crying even harder, feeling like the world is stopped around him...he don't know what to say. Ohh how he wish that anger of the older vanished somehow and pulled him in his embrace and said "it's okay"... But nothing happened like that *he must be angry for now, he is saying those things from anger but tommorow or next day he'll be okey... they will be okay* last attempt to comforting himself.

"Now don't waste my time by standing there come fast I have works too" jk spat out angerly.

Tar staring at him for a while "you g..go I.. I want to s..stay here for a while" tae moved his gaze to the ocean.

Hearing that jk got more angry "don't make me angry anymore taehyung I brought you here so it's my responsibility to bring you back and I know my responsibility. If you want to stay you can come here again after I drop you cause then you will no longer be my responsibility"

Those words broke his heart more that it was already broken. Tae didn't say anything he slowly walks towards the car with his shakey legs.

He nervously glanced at jk but jk's eyes focus on the road cause right now jk is driving and tae is sitting beside him with teary eyes his throat is burning due to the crying. No one said anything there was just sounds of tae's sniffing...jk did steal little glance at the crying boy but he's too hard to melt now....he is angry so much angry that still he didn't realise what he had done.

After sometime they reach infront of tae's house tae's head still hanging low. After stopping the car jk is waiting for taehyung to out of the car. But tae just sitting there like a statue. "Get out!!" Jk shout out. Tae flinched by this loud voice he lift his head and looked through the window "I have to leave now"

"Are you deaf!?" Jk gritted his teeth.

"Ko.." tae tried to say that but jk stop him showing his hand. "Don't.. don't say any single word just get the fucking out of here pls"

Tae looking at him with pleading eyes with his blur vision cause of tears. But he somehow able to read those black orbs and they are showing just hate... they are not like same as before full of love and care. Tae understand so he slowly got out of the car but he didn't walk he stood there for the last hope but jk broke it by immediately leaving from there without saying anything.

Tae smile at himself through the tears, feeling dizzy want to cry his heart out want someone to embrace him want to hear some soothing voice want his kookie...but his kooki is gone....

He didn't even realize how long he had been standing there like that but when he realise he slowly dragged his body to the house. He opened the door with the spare key revealing his angry father he didn't not looked at his father. He understands that he had done something wrong. He should be afraid but he is feeling nothing...

"Where have you been all this time!?" His father voice boomed in the house. Tae didn't even flinched by the sudden loud voice cause he is feeling numb his body is not responding that much "actually father I had a fight with a friend" don't know why but he couldn't lie to his father .

His father moved little closer to him "so... that's why you are crying?" His father ask.

"He was one of my good friend" still looking at ground, he didn't shutters today for once , he is not afraid today thinking about what will his father do with him cause he has already experienced about the worst moment of the life... He don't care anymore.

"He....?" His father angerly slapped on his right cheek. Tae just standing there like a body without soul his facial expression didn't even change a little bit. Now he slowly looked at his father eyes "father we were just good friends".

His father again slapped on the left cheek "don't you dare to do something that you regret later" tae just nodded his head "now leave front of my eyes!!" As his father said tae ran to his room. He closed the door and dropped his body on the bed. Again those stupid tears falling down from his eyes. There is just tears no sound of, in the dark room a body lying on the bed with open eyes and tears falling from them.

*So I loose him....he hate me....I'm disgust....*

Somewhere taehyung knew he should not fall in love with jungkook cause jk is far away from his reach... But love is something that no one can stop if it decided to make you fall helplessly....

*And this what love feel like atleast for me..... tears.... and tears*

The whole night taehyung couldn't sleep he just cried silently but still he is in so much pain. People say that crying erase the pain. But looks like it's different for kim taehyung.

On other side, jk also couldn't sleep his mind was full of with one thing that tae broke his trust...

* * *

Next day tae was done with his morning routine he is ready for school didn't forget to apply make up on his cheeks which were already reddened by his father's slap. He is not in the state to going school but today is the last day for submission of his last assignment so he have to go maybe he can talk with jk.

But tae felt more hurt cause jk didn't come today He sent the assignment by his one of friend.

Tae was going to the washroom but seojoon come infront of him "today you are coming right, I'll go to your house around 10pm be ready"

Tae wanted to deny, he is not in the mood but he couldn't tell him any reason so there is no way to get back "okey hyung" give force smile. Seojoon smile widely "okey bye I'll call you later then" with this he left from there.

Tears brimming into tae's eyes he ran to the bathroom. He don't want to cry not in the school he hurriedly strated to slapsh water on his face and rubbing his face after sometime he calm down he looked at the mirror now the red burie is visible on his bread cheeks. But suddenly the door open tae didn't dare to look his back he doesn't want someone to see him like this but the voice mede him freeze on the spot.

"Tae!? What are you doing here?" Jimin ask standing behind him. Tae didn't turned his face, feeling like the words stuck in his throat. Jimin became more confused seeing other's behaviour. He grabbed tae's shoulder and turned him around. Jimin gasped seeing tae's face his heart ached.

Tae's face is red swollen cover with tears buries on his cheeks. Jumin gently touch on his cheeks " tae tell me who did this to you!?" Rage clear on his eyes. Tae didn't say anything just looking at his feet. There is no way he can assured other that he is okey.

"Wait you won't tell me right? Then I'm calling jk he'll find out" jimin ready to call jk but tae grabbed his hand "no one did this and don't call him pls" he request him. Seeing his pleading eyes jimin stop his action "ok I'm not calling him but tell me who gave you those buries and don't you dare lie to me" jimin desperately looking at him.

But tae didn't say anything he don't know what to say, he is feeling so pathetic trying to sallow the tears.

Jimin is getting more worride seeing other's horrible condition, he gently pulled tae in his embrace "trust me tae you can tell me anything... anything you want just say it pls I promise I'll listen to you" he carefully said and rubbing tae's back.

Hearing this tae burst into tears, this is affection he was longing for he hide his face on jimin's shoulder and sobbing hard. Jimin can tell easily somthing bad happens to younger.

After sometime his loud sobs turned into sniffing. No one said anything jimin just gently rubbing tae's back "tae I don't know what happened with you, why are you crying but just want to let you know that I'm here you trust me no matter what I'm here..."

This time tae didn't break down, fiddling his fingers, he can't lie to jimin cause he trust him "my father slapped me yesterday night.

Jimin got little shoked but he didn't reacted he doesn't want tae to break down again "why..?" He waited for tae's answer

"cause he doesn't like me"


"Cause I'm not perfect I'm a useless" this time a drop of tear rolled down from his eyes. Jimin couldn't anymore hr turned to tae slightly rubbing on his arms "no one is perfect taehyung we all have flaws, we should accept it"

Tae looked at him with teary eyes "but my flaw is disgusting my own parents couldn't accept it how others will..?

"What is it taehyung" jimin quietly ask don't want to rush thinking that might be a very sensitive topic for younger.

"It's a secret jimin a pathetic secret of my life I've never told anyone before not even jk" tae looked at jimin, he eagerly nodded as understand.

"I can get pregnant... I'm a boy but I can give birth... I'm not like you guys... I'm different in a very pathetic way " as tae saying his voice shaking tears again started to flowing from both eyes. For sometime jimin didn't say anything took some time for process everything " then I think you are lucky taehyung, you are special" he touched tae's cheek.

"I don't want to be special like this where everyone disgust about me even my own perents" he again broke down into tears.

Jimin hurriedly hugged the crying figure "don't say like this tae, I don't think you are disgust you are so strong... I proud of you "

"Don't say this to anyone not even jk pls" tae looking at him with pleading eyes.

Jimin got confused "why not jk..?"

Hearing this suddenly he remember everything but he controlled the outburst moved his eyes from jimin's "I'll tell h..him later" and then again looked at jimin "I trust you..."

Jimin give a comfort smile to him and said "I know..."


Thank you 💜

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