《Hurts》25 excited


Tae and jimin on there way, they finished their little hangout. They are standing in front of the caffe ready to go home. For the past one hour tae worridly looking at his phone and jimin at tae. But things now getting annoying " tae stop calling him, he must be busy with something, let's go I'll drop you to your place" jimin said.

"No jimin it's now already little late if you come to drop then you will be get more late and moreover our home is totally opposite direction it's the big problem here. Just wait a little if he doesn't come then we will take a cab " tae assured him.

"Exactly, I'm saying the same thing he won't come today let's take a cab, you have to go back to home on time did you forgot that "

"No jiminah I didn't forget that it's just he never did anything like that, he said he will pick me up if he couldn't come he would have informed me but he did nothing, he didn't even picking my calls. I'm really worried about him now " he utter in a low voice.

Jimin softly patted his back "you are thinking too much everything will be fine and let's just wait for a little bit for your kookie " jimin said as tae happily smiled at him with little thank you.


Jk standing on the balcony looking at the night sky, cold breeze touching his face. There is something blur in deep inside of his heart. He just couldn't get it, is it that to understand or he making it hard... He don't know. Jk closed his eyes feeling restless, and again his mind occupied by tae, he suddenly open his eyes " oh I should call hi....oh no!! I have to pick up him how could I forgot that, he must be worried by now" . He hurriedly check hi phone " oh shit 23 missed calls, lots of messages" .

He hurriedly grabbed his jacket and ran downstairs.

"Mom! I'm going" jk manage to say while putting his shoes on. His mom come out from the kitchen "again? Where are going now?".

" Don't ask mom, I said taehyung I'll pick him but I totally forgot, and I didn't even check my phone he must be waiting for me that long...oh god I'm sorry baby " jk murmured last part.

Jk's mother smiled at her son's childish behaviour, she gently ruffles his hair " don't worry kook he'll not get mad " jk stopped his mother " he will get worried mom, you know him". Said that jk left from there. He started his car and call tae, he answered the call but jk started before tae could say anything " hello baby I'm sorry, I was just little busy. Are you still at the coffee shop tell me I'm on the way"

" Kook it's ok, I was little worride that you didn't informed me now just come carefully, we are waiting"


"Ok ok thanks, I'm coming" he cut the call and concentrate on driving"


After good fifteen minutes jk reached his destination, he quickly got out of the car and saw jimin and tae standing in front of the shop, he smiled at them little but what caught his attention the most is that crush boy of tae staring at them through the glass window. Jimin and tae looking like they are not aware of that. Jk somehow felt jealous previous things coming into his mind *tae's crush*.

That time he did what he thought was right, he ran to tae. Tae was going to say something but jk didn't let him, he tightly hugged him and lightly kissed on his side neck which is visible by just that crush boy but not jimin cause he was in opposite side so for him it's just a hug. But tae can feel jk's little kiss, he didn't say anything just hugged him back.

"I'm sorry baby it won't happen again" jk again kissed on tae's neck and earlobe and glar at that boy who is now moved his gaze from there, jk smirk and backed away from the hug. Tae fixed jk's hair and said in a calm voice "it's ok koo, let's go now I will be late, we also have to drive Jimin to his home.

"Oh ok then let's go, jimin come" he grabbed tae's hand and lead them to the car Jimin followed them.


After leaving jimin, they are now sitting in car, the car is two house far from tae's house. There was a awkward silence until jk dicide to break it "so... you have a secret crush, and I don't know anything" jk said in sad voice. Tae confusingly looked at him"what are you saying koo I don't have any crush on anyone, who told you this nonsense?"

"Then what about that picture and that caption?" Jk eagerly ask. Tae took some time to process something, when he realised he cupped jk's face and let out a little chukle "so are you upset I didn't tell you, so don't... cause I'm telling you now that he is no one jimin was just teasing me. But I must say he was handsome but not my crush, I never think about anyone in those way" tae give him a most sweetest smile that melt jk's heart he looked at tae's eyes,he is now feeling so much guilty he shouldn't have doubt on his baby.

Jk suddenly hugged him "sorry" that's all he could say. Tae also hug him back but he can feel something off so tried to pulled away from hug so he can see his face but jk tightened his grip and said in a small voice "want to stay like this for a while". Hearing this little demand he could not resist anymore, he put his one hand on jk's back and other one cresing his black locks. Jk pushing his head more into tae's neck smelling his favourite smell . But this time again he say something that come from his mouth kind of unknowingly "I missed you".


Tae felt sad for him now it's been really long time he didn't spend quality time with his kookie, he also missing him but he was too busy to realise that. But now he can feel other's feelings cause he also feels the same. And beside that he is now little more happy that jk was upset cause he misunderstood about the crush thing, he asked him *was he jealous that I have a crush or he was just upset that I didn't not tell him about having crush* tae thought with a pout, jk missed this cute thing he stuffed his face on tae's neck so he is unknowingly unlucky. And for as deeper he thinks, the more his confusion increase. So for now he has more important things to think expect that so he let it go, his kookie is upset he have to give more attention on that.

" Kook how about that if I spend tommorow night at your place" as tae said jk suddenly pulled back from the hug looking at him shoking eyes "you mean tomorrow night like w..hole night?" Jk ask with hesitation. Tae smile at his shoking bunny "yep the whole night cause my parents are going on business party and they will come the day after tomorrow probably after attending the office. But I couldn't come after shop, I have to go home first, when they will leave then I can".

Jk excitedly hugged him now their face is very close to each other "so.. I'll pick you up from your place just call me when they will leave " jk whispered on tae's face his hot touch on other's face which is already red and hot. Tae lowered his gaze he couldn't looked at other's eyes for long he is feeling shy "alright" he whispered even more lowly but jk able to hear that.

"I'm so happy that I want to kiss you" jk again whispered. Tae moved his gaze to other's black ones, he felt shivers in his spine "then do it" tae whispered. Jk smile little and leans felling the gap between them. Their lips touched, they stay like this for a while. Tae wrap his arm around jk's neck slowly pulled him closer and jk also pulled him by his waist their chest collide to each other, their eyes close. Jk slowly started to moving his lips give a little suck on other's bottom lip tae understand he also started to moving his lips. Now their lips moving with each other, there is no tongue involvement. It was just a sweet kiss with some unknown kind of emotions except lust. The kiss was different from others day they must admitted. Jk's hands are not roaming around tae's body just stayed still on their place. Because his mind is now working on some emotions which he wants to let other know but he didn't even know himself.

They slowly pulled away from the kiss. Their face were close to each other. Jk open his eyes staring at his front beauty who is now breathing heavily with close eyes, biting those swollen red lips that jk want to kiss again again. In this drakness he can say without any doubt that "taehyung is ethereal".

Staring at him for little while he can feel his emotions now turning into wild, which he doesn't want now. So he moved his face from other tempting face and hid it on neck. Jk tightly hug tae for this sudden movement tae open his eyes and hugged him back.

"I'm really missing you taehyungie.. not for the sex, but other things we spend together, I'm feeling like we are now spending less time together, why is that? Let's spend some time like our old days, where I'll be idiot and you'll be scolding me. Sometimes I think you smile less, but I want you to smile more if something bothering you just tell me I'll always be there for me. I also want you to see happy like you want me. I love you tae, I don't know there was anyone in the world who loved there their best friend like I do and I don't really care but just know that I love you, I genuinely do" jk let out everything at once but still snuggling in tae's neck.

Tar was overwhelming after hearing to that, he is controlling his urge to crying, feeling so happy that he wants to tell jk how much he love him, but end of everything there again come " best friend things " tae hate it, but he somehow convince himself that maybe jk's love was blooming but he is not able to realise for now, that's why he is naming it as friends love but as time pass he will realise if not then he is here to help him out (a sweet mistake that will be the reason of his sadness ).

Tae pulled away from hug and cupped jk's face " then let's play game you will let me win, watch a disney movie with lots of cuddles like lots and lots and lo..mmhh" tae was excitedly saying but jk deeply kissed him and immediately pulled out, give a bright smile " okay whatever you say " . Tae also smile and happily nodded head " okay then I'll go for now, call you tomorrow ".

Jk let him go but before that he kissed on his forehead , they bid eachother good night. They both are very excited for tommorow.


Thank you 💜

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