《Hurts》21 prittiest


"Then he'll be mine..." Lisa said with a smirk

"But I think you have to work hard for this, he will leave everyone but not his baby" jia warned.

"We'll see that, whom he keeps and whom he leaves. You know I'm not like you brainless" lisa mocked to jia, and jia just rolled his eyes "whatever".


On the second day of Lisa's arrivals, lisa and her friends all were chatting in the corridor, then suddenly her eyes fell on someone who entering through the gate with black jeans, black leather jacket one hand in his pocket, sharp jawline build body all-over he is the most handsome man she has ever saw.

Who is this? Lisa ask to jia. She looked at her direction and immediately understood about whome she talking about. "He is Jeon jungkook bad boy of our school handsome but no fun" jia said with little annoyingly.

Lisa confusingly rose her eyes "no fun what do mean? Handsome, badboy but no fun really what a waste".

"Just waste!!?...totally waste, every girl of our school are crazy over him, everyone is ready to do whatever he says, but he being Jeon jungkook he knows nothing without his baby " jia mocked.

"Oh he has a girlfriend, but it's not surprising, how can someone like him without.."

But jia stop her "if he was his girlfriend at least it was okay with us, but not that stupid is his bestfriend whom he loves the most. He can fight against the whole world just for that fucking bestfriend and you know..."

Jia going to say something more but lisa cut off her " wait wait did you say 'he' that's mean this hot guy Jeon jungkook is a gay!?"

Jia widened her eyes "ohh no no he is not a gay even he hate gays, no one in our school does not dare to come out as a gay because everyone knows if someone dare to do that,jk and his gang will bully them hell out. You know I was also his girlfriend but he broke up with me just because of his baby, not only me almost with his every girlfriend he did same. He can't tolerate when someone says bad about his baby and his every girlfriend did this thing at least onec " jia huffed in anger.


"Oh okay baby, bestfriend whom he loves the most, without girlfriend and lastly not a gay, it's little complicate but not that much, even if he was a gay then I would made sure he became staright. But it's more easy now , I'll make sure his love for his baby not remain for long. I'm coming Jeon jungkook soon you will hate your baby and started to love me" lisa smirk.

Flashback end

School is over, everyone is standing in front of the gate to bid eachother. Jimin and suga giving taekook a confuse look, because jk is sulking, whining around tae without any reason okey they think so, but there is a reason of course there is one just no one knows expect taekook.

"Baby ~ it's been five days too long I can't wait anymore, I'm missing you so much. Can't you just take one day off for me " jk make a sulky face.

"Seriously kook, past two weeks I have already taken three days off in total, I can't anymore. what would jin hyung think about him?" Tae tried to convince him.

"Ok then what about school..."

Tae cut off jk's sentence " no we will never skip even a day, we can't miss the classes. Our final exam is coming , and there have lot of assignments to complete".

You have been saying the same thing for a long time. your parents are not going anywhere, You can't take a day off from work, you can't skip school then what about me, I also need you " jk feeling frustrated but next moment he realise, he calm himself it's really childish to complain your best friend why he couldn't manage some time for doing sex , oh god it's even thing to complain about. Jk looked at tae with guilty eyes who already looking at him, his eyes are saying many things but jk was just able to understand one thing that is 'sadness' . He did not understand other things.


Jk sigh and pulled tae in his embrace and kissed his shoulder "I'm sorry baby I reacted too much it's totally okay that you couldn't manage I understand, it's just I'm missing you very much, I'm sorry that I'm whining around just because of that stupid things it's wired . I'll wait for you , We'll spend time together when you have time okay".

Tae smile and nodded his head "thanks for understanding kook, I promise if I get any off day then we will spend time together" (But that time he totally forgot about tommorow that he have a day off and he already promised jimin to hangout).

Jk just smiled at him. He shouldn't pressurized him, he knows that his baby always keeps his promise so he should wait for him, jk thought and kissed tae's check to make him smile.

"Of course my baby I'll always understand you". They both smile to eachother.

But their sweet gestures is now under someone's bad eyes and she will make sure to end everything little things about those bestfriend.

* * *

Jk is now lying on his bed, waiting for fall asleep but nothing is helping him.

"I'm missing him so much, what should I do now, I really wants to cuddle with him, snuggle my face on his soft chest. It's better for you kim taehyung if you take a day off as soon as possible otherwise I'll go crazy ". Jk looked at the celling and mutters to himself.

He was lost in his own thoughts. Then suddenly a notification popped on his screen with notification sound, jk looked at his phone. Someone has texted him, jk rose his eyes "unknown number?who could it be?".


I want to say you something.

That you are the most handsome

I've ever seen in my life.

Guess I'm not really interested to know who are you. But you dared to flirt with me openly. Don't you know who I am?

First of all, i know who you are

And secondly,I'm not flirting with you

It's just you are very handsome and hot too.

I really want you to know me. So we can be friends or more than that.

Who said I want to be your friend?

No one just check it out ,

then think.

(An insta link)

After checking the account jk smirk, "this is the girl from canteen currently most beautiful girl in our school, everyone drool over her, but she herself came to me intresting. Like always no one can resist me, I must say she is pretty".

When he returned to the home screen from Insta, a sweet smile appeared on his face.

( Jk's wallpepar )

"But my baby is the prettiest" he smiled unknowingly .After looking at his picture for a while, he put his phone next to the pillow and fell asleep.


Thank you 💜

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