《Hurts》12 ignore


Taehyung's pov

I woke up earlier,I looked at him and saw he is nuzzling deep into my chest.

Oh god that means we slept the same way all night. Now my chest will definitely hurt again. Today, I think I should take a pinkiller . I slowly removed his head from my chest and placed it on the pillow. He groaned little bit. I slowly got out of bed without waking him. I went into the bathroom to do my morning routine.

Jungkook's pov

When I woke up I couldn't feel that warm feeling around my body, those softness around my face, Was that any kind of dream? But i can sme... Ohh how stupid i am, he slept next to me all night and here i think it was a dream . I laughed out awkwardly. I remembered the last night his soft chest, it was my best sleep over night ever. So today I'm sure that I'm attracted to his body. But do I want him? If yes, then how do I tell him, it's impossible i can't , how could I... he is so innocent, my baby....I was debating in my mind . Suddenly i heard the door opening sound, i looked at that direction. He is ready to go to school.

" Kook you are awake, did you slept well?" He asked.

"Yes , had a good sleep in your arms" i answered in cocky voice." Are you flirting with me in this early morning", he narrow his eyes.

"It's not morning at all, it's now only 8:30, and YES! I'm flirting with you did it work".

" First of all it is, it's early morning for a sleepyhead like you and about flirting NO! It didn't work you und..."our fight gets interrupted by a knocking sound.

" Babies are you awake?" Mother's voice came from behind the door. Yes mom we're coming. Come fast breakfast is ready. When we heared her footsteps leaving from there, tae looked at me "not we it's you I'm going down. Get ready quickly and come down. We have to go to school, we're getting late" saying this, he hurried out of the room. I just looked at his back, after his leaving i truned my head at the bathroom, i sigh, I have to finish my morning routine. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. Today is going to be a long day with him, how will I control my wild thoughts around him, i cried out mentally.

✿ ✿ ✿

No one's pov

After getting down, tae went to the kitchen. Mrs jeon was cooking there. "Good morning aunty, what are cooking? You said you're done?"he asked her confusingly.


She truned at him and smiled " good morning umm yea I was done , but i was thinking that what about i will make your favourite milkshake by my own hand today" she said with a sweet smile. Taehyung just looked at her for a while and suddenly hugged her , "thank you" he couldn't say anything more. She ruffles her hair.

" I'm like your mother right? So don't thanked your mother". You are more than that, Tae thought in his mind.

They continuing their sweet moment when someone pulled teahyung from behind by his waist , he startled by sudden pull.

"Mom why are you hugging my baby? and what about me don't you love me?" Jk asked in baby voice.

I love both of you and about your baby, he is not only your baby he is mine also. Now stop pouting and go sit oy the table,I'm bringing your breakfast. Call your dad too.

Everyone ate together. Then jk's father left for the office and they said goodbye to mother and left for their school.

✿ ✿ ✿

Today jk's mind is not in right state. His mind is just lost in the thoughts of kim taehyung. Currently he is sitting in the canteen with his friends and tae is sitting to his left. They are talking and laughing except him, he just kept thinking about something, sometimes looking at his left side sometimes looking at down. His friends have asked him many times but he can't tell them the real reason so he just trying to ignore them. Everyone laughed at his behaviour, his friends thought that his girlfriend had left him that's why he was upset.

But one person,he can feel that's not the real reason . this is not his first time he had breakup with his girlfriends many times before. But what happened this time, did he really love her?

NO! He don't, if he loved her, he definitely have told me right? Taehyung is lost in his thoughts when someone called him from behind.

Baby the bell rang already, You have to go to class ,came on let's go. Jk slightly pulled him by his hand. Tae looked at him worridly and asked "kook are you okay?".

"Yes of course I'm okay, now come on" jk dragged him towards the classroom, taehyung just kept following him.

✿ ✿ ✿

Two days had passed,nothing has changed in jk's behaviour. Jk unknowingly started to ignore tae. He doesn't pay enough attention to him( tae) .He is always in his own thoughts. Tae seemed very worried about that, and his ignorance he can't tolerate it anymore, it hurts. He made up his mind that, today he will definitely asked him( jk) about his strange behaviour,and he have to tell him . Tae was lying on the bed and thinking about these things.


After a while jk entered the room and saw taehyung lying on the bed. When he ready for entered the room a question come from behind. "Where have you been for this long"? Jk truned around and saw taehyung starightly looking at him. I was with my father in his office room, You should have fallen asleep already, why are you awake? Jk said and stepped inside the bathroom." I was waiting for you" tae answered in low voice knowing his voice didn't even reached in jk's ears. he laid there silently.

After 10 minutes jk come out of bathroom wearing only a sweatpants, he always sleeps like this wearing only sweatpants and nothing on upper part. He slowly went towards the bed. He got up on the bed and went under the cover. He glanced at tae's face and lightly kissed on his forehead then he lowered his head to taehyung's chest, he removed tae's hands around his ( tae) chest. Jk moved his face closer to tae's chest and buried on it while hugging him by his waist. This routine has been continued from last two days, he hugged him like this and slept while put his head on tae's chest. According to jk this is the most comfortable place for him after a tiring day.

Jk is now relaxing his body in his baby's comfort embrace when he heard a sobbing sound. He lift his head. Seeing the scene in front of him, his heart ached, taehyung is crying silently . He got up quickly and sat down, he pulled the crying figure into his lap. He lift tae's face by his both hands. Taehyung looked at him with his red fluffy eyes . jk's heart ached when he saw his face.

Why are crying angel? he wiped tae's tears, tell me, did anyone say you something ? Tae shook his head as no. Then!?.

W...why are y..you ignoring me? Taehyung somehow speak out and then again broke down in tears. Jk pulled him in his chest and gently rub his back. Now he realised that what he was doing from past two days. He was ignoring his baby without knowing.

"I'm so sorry bub i didn't even realised that I wa.." tae speak out before jk could finish "do you love her that much?" Tae looked at him with a hurtful eyes.

Jk confusingly asked "her? love? What are you talking about i don't love anyone" jk claimed.

Don't you love jia? Why would I? Cause she was your girlfriend and you loved her but you guys broke up that's why you are upset right? You even ignoring me ,Tae finished in a broken voice.

Jk now realised what he was doing, but he can't tell tae the truth that he was upset on himself because he can't find out about his feelings, he is sure he is attracted by him ( tae) but does he want him? He isn't sure yet. Though he wants but how would he tell him, this is so embarrassing. Jk's thoughts cut off by loud sobbing sound, he was lost in his thoughts that much that he didn't even realised someone is waiting for his answer.

"I knew it, you loved her, Why didn't you tell me about your problems? Am i not your best friend?How many times have I asked you?But you said nothing, you just ignore me" tae said while sobbing.

I'm so sorry baby, jk try to calm him actually there were some problems in my father's office he has been tense about this from three days. He told me too, if we can't overcome of it we will face a great loss, so that is the reason i can't concentrate on anything, He laid.

Tae listened silently "then why are you ignoring me? Still sniffing". Oh god what will he say about the reason of his ignorance, he can't tell him that whenever he is around him, he feels weird.

"What happened?" Again tae's questions grab his attention. Umm you know the office issue, it's really district me i always think about that so I can't even realised what I was doing, I'm so sorry bub.

Hmm you don't have to, i understand. But... (Tae slightly hit his chest ) why don't you tell me the reason, it's hurts you know, i thought you didn't want me anymore tae again burst into tears.

Jk hugged him tightly, he felt bad for him, I'm sorry i didn't even realised I was hurting you. But now on i promise you I'll tell you everything and never will hurt you. Tae's face lighten up "really". Hmm i promised you remember?(

They both hugged each other and lost in their dreamland.


Thank you 💜

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