《Hurts》9 weird


Taehyung's pov

Today he drove me home at eight . I came home early today so father didn't say anything. He bought me my favorite food black bean noddles. I will eat it after bath and then I have to take medicines. somehow I felt happy today because kookei is single now. It's wired right? But I can't help myself after all I love him.

after finished bath I stood in front of the mirror, I saw myself in the mirror still there has fingerprints on my cheeks, some on my tummy I slowly caressed the buries and hissed a little. Then I gently applied ointment on them.

Nowadays my chest hurts a lot. I looked at my chest ohh god they are looking little swollen if they are growing bigger day by day like boobs, though it is not surprising for me because I'm different. But I was scared to think of that ,if my chest continue to grow then how can I go in front of everyone it will be look weird, I touched my chest ahh it's hurts for swollen up it's become fluffy now ,it's not hard anymore like boys. But I'm a boy right? Then why my body is not like them why i had to be born different. I don't want this (drop of tear rolled down from his eyes). When everyone comes to know about my truth no one will love me everyone will hate me like my parents (he started sobbing hard while standing in front of mirror)

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Jungkook's pov

After drove him home I came to my house. After reaching my room i entered bathroom for a good shower. After bathing, i came out and started drying my hair. I really needed this bath for refreshing my mind what happened to me today? What am I thinking about my baby.

I finished my hair drying now i should get ready for bed. I put on a shorts and lay down on the bed. I'm not really hungry .

Now I staring at ceiling and my head is full of his thoughts. "Do i want him" i asked myself though I'm not sure about it . But today, in front of the store, the medicine slipped out of his hand when he bend down to pick it up at that time his hoddie was slightly up it gave a good view of his ass damn he has a perfect ass . I have never seen him like this way. We always stay together even he had many sleep overnight in my house we always cuddle in my bed whenever we got time he loves cuddles very much and I also love cuddles but only with him. But it must be accepted,


the peace that I feel embracing him I don't feel it with anyone else. In one word 'peace' he is my peace. Ahh now I'm missing him very much i really want to see him. Wait i should video call him but what if he falls asleep already still there is no problem to try once. He took his phone and called him and he waited patiently for him to pick up the phone.

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No one's pov

Tae whipped his tears for last time and started to search for his night dress then suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the screen omo it's kook what should I do now, he never did video call me at late night before he hurried to look in the mirror ahh he suddenly screamed by saw his own face his face is completely swollen for crying. Then his eyes went to his chest

AHHHH? I'm naked from my upper part , if he...oh god I have to answered the call he jumped on the bed and covered himself with a blanket and right before stop ringing he answered the call . Hello kook what happened?

Jk smiled at him through the phone and replied - nothing. Were you sleeping? I'm so sorry for distributing you.

No need to be sorry I was not sleeping

Don't lie, I can see Your face is swollen and your eyes are red it's because of sleep right?

Tae just shook his head he can't tell him the truth

So you lied to me

I was sleeping but now I'm up. So tell me why did you call me.

Umm nothing important i just miss you and want to see you so bad.

And here after hearing this, tae felt a warmth his heart flutter little bit. He then asked in a low voice "you did?" You missed me?

Yes i did, i missed you that's why I called you. Umm are you feeling cold?


Then why you covered yourself by this thick blanket (he point at tae's blanket)

Ohh this.. tae awakrdly laughed at him umm actually I ..umm then suddenly his blanket slipped down from his shoulder one side of his body is visible now . Ahh he screamed and hurriedly covered his chest with his both hands.


Jk's eyes widened. Ohho why he covered himself, he really wants to see him jk thought in his mind . He can't help but asked " are you naked"?

NO!! It's just my upper part. I have a clothes on the bottom. Look ,He said and started showing his pants.

Jk laughed and said "ok i believe you"

But why you are covering your upper part we both are boys right? Look I'm also naked from my upper part and you have see that many times. I never cover myself in front of you then why you ?He asked curiously.

Taehyung now feel very nervous . I... it's.. just...you know my body looks weird it's not like you guys muscular build up body and moreover everyone said I have a feminine body so that's why. He complete in a low voice.

Jk just looked at him through screen he felt bad for him, he looks very sad.

Hey baby don't be sad don't listen what people say. It's not your fault that your body is like that. What did i teach you always keep your confidence level high never let it down in front of anyone, no matter what people say you have to fight for yourself got it.

Taehyung just shook his head like a 5 years old child.

Jk cooed by his cuteness "aww my baby look so cute you know no matter what people say but for me you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen my life. Your face is beautiful your mind is beautiful and your body also beautiful though I've never seen but still" he said teasingly.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed red. He moved his face from the screen and whining loudly kookieeee stop.

Is my baby feeling shy ?Let me see your red face plzz jk dramatically pleaded.

YEA! you stupid bunny just stop it. will you?

Ok ok i will. Now tell me when are you coming to my house tomorrow? As you can see I'm here missing you so much and wants to cuddles you so bad. So tomorrow come little early so we can cuddle little longer. Okei

Hearing this, he felt sad ,he brought his face in front of the screen and said I'm so sorry kook i may not be able to come to your house in next few days . Because my parents are going on a business trip I have to help them with packing ( it's true that his parents are going on a trip within next two or three days before that some employees are coming to their home for work or maybe discussion about trip so he have to make breakfast for them so that's why he may not be able to left home early).

Ohh ok jk looked at him with a sad expression but you are coming school tomorrow right? See you then. For now good night sleep tight.

Yea I'm coming tomorrow and good night you too.

They said goodbye to each other and cut the call.

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After cutting off the call, he sat down on the bed with noddles .As he ate, he started to think of jk . "He said he missed me so much today" taehyung muttered himself while blushing hard. After a while, he did not even realised when he finished the noddles because he is thinking about his kookie. When he realised, he hurriedly washed his hands, turned off the lights and went to bed and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

And here again jk just staring at the celling . He thought ,he would get a good sleep after seeing his tae .But how wrong he was ,he's not sleepy even a little bit ,he just thinking of the exposed skin that he saw accidentally.

he must say that tae has very beautiful and milky skin that he wants to touch. And like this all night he was lost in his baby's thoughts.


Thank you 💜

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