《Hurts》3 best FRIENDS


Taehyung's pov

I walked downstairs and decided to just wait for him in living room. I was scrolling my phone when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned and saw jungkook , now he wearing the dress I choose for him

He looks so cute( I thought and smiled)

Whatcha making mom!? He asked looking at his mother.

Pancakes and omlet she smiled, once she has finished she placed pancakes and omlet on the plate. Come on tae have a breakfast with us.

Aaabb no...i a..ate- i said in a low voice.

Really!? She raised her eyebrows and asked. She looked straight into my eyes for an answer. But I couldn't not look into her eyes. I can't lie to her. Because she is like a mother figure to me. She loves me like her own son. I sighed...

Actually I didn't eat anything (suddenly I thought and I was scared to think that if she asked the reason then how can I tell her the truth) I started to feel nervous. Suddenly I was startled by a touch.

Hey bub, what are you thinking about? asked kook

Ahh nothing koo

What are you two doing there? Come eat frist breakfast are getting cold.

Yes coming mom! Come babe he said and I nodded.

Smells great aunty! Thanks she smiled. We ate our food peacefully making small conversation in between us. We placed our plate in the sink. Me and kook grabbed our bags and headed out the door.

* * *

No one's pov

Jk and tae came out from the car . Both walked to the hallway everyone looked at jk with amazement.

Hey buddy what is this!? Have you changed your style, scary lion to cute bunny, Jackson said with a cocky smile.

Jk glared at him " shut up you bitch". And don't dare to call me cute! Only (looked at tae) he can call me that. GOT IT!!? Everyone shut their mouth and nodded. we walked to our friends

Hey guys what's up -jimin said

Suga chuckled and said why you two are always late hmm?

It's not my fault. It was he, why he is so sleepyhead, tae rolled his eyes.

Jk with a sad pout, it's not my fault. Why can't you came earlier to wake me up?

After hearing this, he sigh what can he say about the reason.

He hurried downstairs to make breakfast when he was entering the kitchen, suddenly someone shouted from behind he was startled. Yea can't you get up earlier!!? I'm getting late for my office, useless! Can't you die just- said his father.

I...mm sorry father.

Your sorry is no use now just make it fast.

Yes father...

He made breakfast as fast as he could,he arranged the plates on the table then he served them, and here again his eyes got teary cause they are just eating by their own, not even try to ask him if he was hungry? after finishing their breakfast they go out for their own work. Then he cleaned all the dishes. After all this work he can come out.


For me, jk also has to come late in school. He feel so sorry about that.

sorry kook ... Because of me...

No baby there's nothing to say sorry don't be sad. He kissed tae's head and said.

But koo~~. No buts, we just come late but didn't miss any classes so don't worry okey.

Yea okey tae smiled at him

That's my bub you looks so beautiful when you smile.

I know you always said that

Yea I always say that because it's true ( tae giggled cutely)

Aww your so cute taehyungie. I just want to see you cute giggle everytime- jiyun said with a bright smile

You can see me whenever you want cause we are friends ,right?

Jiyun is a transparent student. He came to this school about two months ago. They became friends because of their detention, one day tae and jiyun didn't complete their assignment on date so they both got detention for one weak in row, so their friendship started from there. He always flirt with tae, but tae really don't mind at all this are just friends things . But jk doesn't like it, he hates jiyun. Touchy little ass- this jk always called him ,he didn't mind though.

Yea yea just a friend jk annoyingly said.

But I want to be mooooree~( jiyun get close to taehyung and said with a flattering tune but jk pushed him)

He is mine ( jk possessively wrap his arm around taehyung)

Yours!? (jimin raised his eyebrows and asked).

Of course! he is mine ,he is my best friend so he is mine.

Taehyungei now our path is clear lets go on a date (jiyun dramatically offer his hand but jk glared at him).

Do you want to die (jiyun chuckled as jk said)

Jiyun put his hand on jk's shoulder

Why are you getting so angry man? you are just his friend.

BEST friend! Jk corrected him with angry tone.

Ok best friend not lover so what is the problem if I want to go on a date with him.

Problem is you. I can't let him go anywhere with a idot like you. Now get away from our way come bub, just ignore this rat and YEA you ( point to jiyun) you are a rat a ugly rat.

Tae looked at them with a done face seriously, they just quarrled over him (he sigh) then,bell rang now enough guys everyone go to your classroom jimin said to us.

Tae's pov

After class we went towards the canteen. We sat on the tools,

baby why don't you wait for me,kook barged towards me while whining.

(it's wired right ? The great Jeon jungkook, whom everyone is afraid the most ,he behave like a lost puppy around me and now he is whining in middle of the whole canteen but no one dare to look at this whining puppy honestly he didn't care about this )


why should I wait for you when you were flirting with your butterflies.

I ask once, he sat next to me I felt him lift me up and placed me on his lap and placing his arms around my tummy and his chin on my shoulder.

Are you jealous hmmm? Jk asked with a teasing tune

Nahh... Why should I be jealous


Shut up you stupid bunny.

Sometimes I think that you guys are really clingy to each other like too much, jimin said with a smirk.

Yea you shorty what do you mean by too clingy ,of course we are too too much clingy cause we are best friends and he is my one and only baby .(jk replied while placing soft kiss on tae's neck , jimin just rolled eyes)

Yea yea whatever

now stop this kook I'm really hungry I want to eat something.

Ok sit here I'll get you something to eat, he put down from his lap. He brought food for us we all started eating together. Then suddenly we heared a girl's voice.

Hey baby...

I felt very angry to see her, ugly rat but I can't do anything but eat quietly.

Hey sexy...jk also greet her with flatring tune and hugged each other.(I just wanted to cry) then she sat next to him.

Hi guys, everyone also greet her including me. Hey baby today you look so cute and hot at same time she said seducingly.

Oh thank you actually this is tae's choice.

Is he is your servant or what? She smirk.

JIA!! HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO TOLD YOU THAT ,DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT.(everyone around canteen looked at us) kook calm down I grabbed his hand.

Apologize to him NOW! ( She trembled with fear) jia looked at jk frist and then at me.

I.. I'm sorry( she looked at me with a angry face) I smiled nervously and said no problem she looked at jk for last time and left angerly.

Jk sighed, babe are you ok? Don't mind her she is just a stupid girl. I looked at him and slightly caressing his cheeks hey kook don't say like that she is your girlfriend.

Yes jk (We turned at jimin) if she breaks up with you then it will be your 9th time just because of this same reason , jimin said with a done face.

But why don't they just understand such a simple things that he is just my best friend jk replied annoyingly.

But you guys behaive like couples.

Right. And you guys always clingy to each other jiyun annoyingly said. There have many bestfriends at our school but you guys are just too much. Like who always puts his friend on their lap and kisses on the neck, hand,head,cheeks,hair,shoulder,back,ear,nose and everywhere he said in one breath while panting hard(my cheeks started to turning into red)

Are you done? Jk glared at him

Huu? ahh NO! (Looked at jk's angry face) ahhhh i mean yes..yes.

But you know he is right you guys are too much suga coldly said.

Jk glared at him and sighed , and said I just can't help it look at him (he hugged me tightly and said) he is so soft a cute little bean.my baby (whining in a baby voice)

"Such a whiped bunny " jimin rolled his eyes. That's why all of your girlfriend leaves you- jiyun said.

I don't care if they are jealous for this reason can't they understand that he is my best friend? And moreover I'm not a gay he said in one breath.

"Wherever "everyone said and rolled their eyes.

Tae? Won't you go to the shop today?yea I will go after school like always why?

Ahh nothing I was thinking if we could hang out together you know that we don't go out together for long time jimin said with a sad face.

(actually jimin is also a good friend to me he is jk's friends but three years ago we also became friends and he treats me like his younger brother and a good friend. We hangout together whenever jk gose out with his girlfriends)

I'm sorry jimin...but you know,i don't have much time frist school then shop and lastly I have to go home early.

But why do you work that shop ? As far as I know you belong to a rich family. Suga asked curiously.

Suddenly I felt nervous abb.. actually you can see I have grown up like a big boy now I want to do something on my own.

But you can join your father's company why did you go to work in the shop? This time jimin's questions (ohh jimin just shut up stop your questions oh god how much I want to disappear from here)

What happened to all of you suddenly? Stop this stupid questions he has said many times that he likes flowers very much and he wants to do something on his own.(thankfully kookie stopped this conversation)

"Have you ever thought deeply about anything you coconut head" jimin mumbled.

Whatever hey bub can you go to the store alone today? Jk asked while rubbing his neck . I have to go somewhere you know na what I mean?


Suddenly reality hit me he has to go. I smiled forcefully and said "of course kook I can go by myself you don't have to worry. You go meet with her and fix everything and lastly plzz don't fight anymore okey?"

He showed me his bunny smiled and nodded.


Thank you 💜

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