《TodoBaku, Destiny》Ch. 26


One week post the last chapter

Katsuki's POV:

I was nervously sitting in the kitchen, tapping my fingers on the kitchen island as I waited for the doorbell to ring.

It was finally time to break the news about the very eventful life I'd led the past almost two years. Up until now, I'd been excited to see my friends' reactions, but now I was starting to get cold feet.

The doorbell ringing brought me out of my thoughts, and I found myself sprinting towards the door. I hastily opened it, meeting a very familiar face in the doorway.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS, IDIOT?!" Eijirō shouted, unrestrainedly throwing his arms around me, almost making us fall to the floor in the process.

I returned his hug with a huge smile on my face.

"Sorry for making you worry, Eijirō. I promise I'll tell you all about what happened." I replied, but my voice almost broke as I tried to keep myself from crying.

He refused to let go of me for a good minute, but eventually he released me. He didn't even bother holding his tears back.

"You better have a really good explanation for this!" He paused for a moment. "Also, why is your scent kinda different..?"

I nervously scratched the back of my head.

"About that.. I'll get to it later when the whole bakusquad is here, alright?"

He analysed my expression with a suspicious glint in his eyes, raising one of his eyebrows.

"...Fine. However, you haven't sworn or yelled a single time yet; it's kinda scaring me.." He noted, blinking a couple of times in confusion.

I laughed, but just me laughing seemed to make him even more suspicious.

"Hey! Kirishima! Are you a monster or what?! Who runs that fast?!" I heard a familiar voice yell from outside.

The door which Eijirō had left ajar, was pushed open by none other than Denki; Mina and Sero standing closely behind him.

Mina and Denki rushed towards me as soon as they saw my face, attacking me with one hug each.. but at the same time.

This time I actually fell, but I didn't go down without dragging those two with me.

The whole hallway became full of laughter as I laid there on the floor, Denki and Mina on top of me.

After a while of uncontrollable laughing, the three of us stood back up. I walked up to Sero and we shared a typical bro-hug as he was the more composed of the four.

"Fuc-.. Wow, it's great to see you all again!" I exclaimed, very not smoothly trying to save myself from fucking up. I still hadn't gotten completely used to the non-swearing policy.

"Who are you, and what did you do to Bakugō..?" Denki asked, all four of them looking absolutely terrified.


"Also, your scent is totally different." Mina mentioned, just like Eijirō had done earlier.

With a nervous smile, I clapped my hands together.

"Shōto! It's showtime!" I shouted, causing my friends to flinch in surprise. I quickly earned a puzzled look from Eijirō as he definitely wondered who the hell "Shōto" was.

I heard the sound of Shōto's steps as he walked down the stairs, and for each step he took, the more fidgety I became.

Before I knew it, Shōto was downstairs and approached us, holding Akatsuki with one arm. He wrapped his free arm around my waist once he'd made his way to my side.

"This is Shōto Todoroki, my mate. The little one is Akatsuki, our.. daughter."

Shōto's lips curled into a polite smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you all." He calmly said.

All four of my friends were staring at us, Denki with his jaw almost dropping to the floor.

"First of all... You're that Shōto Todoroki, aren't you..? I'm not seeing things, right...?" Mina asked as it seemed she was shocked to the point where she didn't even trust her eyes anymore.

Shōto chuckled, nodding in reply.

"Second of all.. WHEN THE HELL DID YOU HAVE A KID?!" Eijirō shouted, but quickly realised he'd been too loud and cleared his throat.

"Did you-.. uh, you know.. g-give birth to her..?" He then asked, seeming a bit embarrassed about asking.

I had a feeling he'd ask that, knowing how aggressive, loud and prideful I used to be. Before I met Shōto, I always stubbornly stated that I'd never be swayed by an alpha, that no alpha would be able to tie me down, soulmate or not. However, back then I had no idea about how tremendously strong the soulbond actually was.

"Yeah. I gave birth to her. Ten out of ten wouldn't recommend though; that shit hurt like hell." I admitted, earning a quick glare from Shōto for swearing in front of Akatsuki. It seemed like he forgave me pretty quickly because my friends were here though.

Eijirō gasped, and I couldn't tell if he was amazed or terrified, but there literally was no reason for him to be terrified as it wasn't like he could give birth anyway, him being a beta.

"Oh my god.. for real, dude... Does it really hurt like a lot-lot?" Denki asked with a shaky voice.

He on the other hand, had a reason to be terrified. He was an omega too after all.

A playful grin took shape on my lips as I couldn't help but to tease him a little.

"Oh, it really did. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced." I answered, and I wasn't lying.


It really was the worst pain I'd been through, but the pain was all worth it in the end, and instantly forgotten once I saw Akatsuki's face for the first time.

Denki's face went pale.

"B-.. But I'm p-pre-..." He stuttered, leaving me to figure out what he was about to say on my own.


The hallway went completely silent. Apparently it wasn't just news to me. No one seemed to be aware as everyone's now had travelled to Denki rather than Akatsuki and Shōto.

"ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" Eijirō and I asked in sync.

Denki was quiet for a moment before opening his mouth to reply.

"Yeah... six weeks.." He replied, looking pretty scared.

I realised what I'd done. I'd made Denki doubtful and afraid because I was stupid enough to tease an omega like myself about childbirth of all things.. Of course he'd freak out!

"Hey, Denki. I was just kidding before; I'm sorry. It hurts, yeah, but that pain is nothing compared to what comes after. Thanks to that pain, I get to see the life I love and treasure the most in the entire world every day. She's truly a blessing."

I saw how a smile grew on Shōto's lips in the corner of my eye.

Denki relaxed with an exhale, then looked at me with a new more confident, but possibly a bit forced grin.

"I believe you, Baku-boo!" He exclaimed, teasing me back with a dumb pet name based on my last name, which unfortunately seemed to spark Shōto's interest.

"Wait..!" I said, pausing before continuing talking. "Who's the baby daddy? Do you have a mate? Your scent is the same.."

It looked like the other three already knew the answer to that question as they all averted their gazes. Meanwhile, Shōto was shivering as he had to hear the word 'daddy'.

"Don't freak out, okay?"

Well, the others certainly did, so why couldn't I? How bad was it?

"You know Shinsō Hitoshi from class B in high school? Yeah, it's him. And no, he's not my mate. Sure, he's an alpha, but for some reason he refuses to give into his instincts and make me his mate. Even though that's the case, he still sticks around like a mate, that weirdo." Denki explained with a conflicted expression on his face.

1. Wha-.. Denki's baby daddy was that introverted delinquent guy from class B? How the hell did that happen?!

2. The dude, Shinsō, obviously had issues with attachment. He was probably scared that Denki would become unhappy with him one day and if they were mated, Denki wouldn't be able to leave as he pleased without facing any physical problems.

I reached out and covered Akatsuki's ears with my hands.

"You know what? Let's go to the kitchen and make some damn tea, because it's time to have some serious fucking conversations." I stated before uncovering a very confused Akatsuki's ears.

"Mama..?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face.

That was the first time she'd opened her mouth ever since Shōto made an entrance, and it caused all four of my friends' hearts to melt.

"Yeah. Never mind the pain; I want one." Denki wailed, looking like he wanted to hold her really badly.

With an amused grin, I quickly snatched Akatsuki from Shōto without a warning, making him almost grasp after her out of reflex. I handed her over to Denki who despite his surprised and slightly panicked state, carefully accepted her into his arms. Not that I left him any other choice, really.

Akatsuki curiously met his gaze, analysing his features to the best of her ability.

"H-Hi there, Akatsuki!" He awkwardly greeted her. He pretty obviously didn't have much experience with toddlers.

"Aka-chan. What do you say when someone says hi?" I asked, catching her attention.

Her eyes shined up as she now understood what to do.

"Hi!" She merrily exclaimed.

She glanced over at me, waiting for me to praise her.

"Exactly! Well done! Why don't you tell him your name?"

She excitedly nodded.


I could see how absolutely enchanted Denki was by her as she spoke to him with barely understandable words.

"Aka-chan, huh? That's a lovely name! I'm Denki!"

He cheerfully introduced himself, not a trace of awkwardness left in his voice anymore.

"Deki! Deki!" She energetically chanted, making Denki more and more attached to her.

I chuckled at the sight. Denki would become a great mama, I could tell. I was more worried about that Shinsō guy. He'd better not have the balls to break Denki's heart, 'cuz I'd fuck him up if he did.

"Alright, enough talk about my child. More about yours!" I exclaimed, walking into the kitchen with the others behind me.

Denki cleared his throat. "Me having a kid is great and so, but I think we really should start talking about what you have been up to for so long. You have made us all worry way too much, so I think you owe us an explanation, dude."

I sighed and gestured for them to sit down as I indebted to brew tea, but Shōto was quick to stop me.

"You go sit down; I'll make the tea." He said and led me to the table.

I did as told and sat down together with my friends.

"Okay. This is a long and definitely complicated story..."


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