《TodoBaku, Destiny》Ch. 25


Shōto's POV:

Katsuki, Akatsuki and I had spent our first days in Kyoto sightseeing and eating a lot, but after having stayed two nights at the Hīragiya inn, Katsuki suddenly announced that it was time for us to move to another hotel where we'd be staying the last two nights we'd be spending in Kyoto.

This hotel, Kurama Onsen, was located in the mountains. The sumptuous Kurama-dera temple, which I couldn't wait to see with my own two eyes, only being a ten minute walk from the hotel.

Once again, most of the younger staff-members we came across, recognised me; both when we were checking in and on our way to our room. It simply never ceased to amuse me, because the majority of those who recognised me had a tendency to follow the same chain of reactions. They would start by casually glancing my way, but once they'd recognised my features, they had to look back at me twice, blink a couple of times and then gasp once they realised it was the real Todoroki Shōto they were looking at. It was also funny how it really got on Katsuki's nerves whenever I was admired by other people; it never failed to turn him on edge as it was his natural instinct as an omega to get the urge to mark his territory, which would be.. me.

I was the territory, but I understood him as I too, had the same instinct. To be brutally honest, I was happy their attention was on me rather than him. I'd hate it if people were staring and fawning over Katsuki like they did with me.

• • •

It was a beautiful evening. The colourful twilight, the many dim, warm streetlights and lanterns creating a truly exquisite scenery.

We'd all three been soaking in the open-air hot spring available at the hotel all day, until we had to get out of the perfectly hot water to be served an excellent four course Japanese dinner in our room.

After we'd had our impressive dinner, Katsuki suggested for us to take an evening stroll to visit the Kurama-dera temple together, which I'd been very much openly excited about visiting during the past few days we'd spent in Kyoto. So, there we were, walking towards the temple, getting to enjoy the gorgeous view.

I was carrying Akatsuki with my right arm, her head resting on my shoulder as she clung to my side. My left hand was wrapped in Katsuki's, our fingers intertwined as we made our way forward, steps in sync.

It was incredible how a simple evening stroll with my beloved partner and daughter could make me feel so utterly euphoric.

Soon enough, after having walked up the stairs consisting of countless steps, we were standing in front of the Kurama-dera temple, gazing upon its neatly decorated gate. The vermilion accents of the intricate, rectangular details on the building was amiably distinguished from its creamy white base.

I ripped my gaze away from the temple to take a peek at Katsuki.

A clement spring breeze managed to somewhat ruffle his blond hair as he was studying the beautiful building in awe. With a cheerful smile on his lips, he turned his body towards me, his crimson orbs meeting mine.

We shared a moment in silence, just looking into each other's eyes. The mood was great and definitely romantic.

Suddenly, he released his grip around my hand and buried his own in the pocket of his jacket, his previously joyful expression now exchanged for a nervous one.


"Uh.. I have something kinda important to ask..! I- I guess..." He bursted out, forcing himself not to avert his gaze from mine.

I blinked in confusion a few times.

"Alright? Well, go ahead. You can ask me anything."

A bright, rosy shade started to spread across his cheeks as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second to regain his composure.

He opened his eyes again, staring straight into mine.

Grabbing my free hand, he placed a small box in my palm. He opened it and went down on one knee.

"M-.. Marry me, won't ya? You were too slow, so I took it onto myself to ask..!"

Inside the box was a golden ring with our signatures written in cursive rōmaji on the inside of the ring.

I felt how my heart fluttered at the thought of marrying Katsuki. I definitely didn't expect him to go out of his way to propose though. He had a tendency to be very prideful and quite dishonest with his feelings as he got embarrassed really easily.

"Yes! Of course I'm going to marry you, Katsuki!" I exclaimed, not sure how to handle the overflowing happiness I was feeling.

Katsuki's face lit up as he listened to my reply, his eyes almost sparkling.

"For real..? Are you sure you really want to...?" He asked, making sure I was completely comfortable with my decision.

I nodded. "I can't wait to marry you, Katsuki Bakugō. I can't describe how much I look forward to the day I can refer to myself as all the three significant "your" terms; your husband, your mate and-"

"My baby daddy." Katsuki cut in with a playful grin, not phrasing it quite as I would've phrased it, but yeah.

I agreed with a chuckle, truthfully finding the term pretty unpleasant as I hated the word 'daddy', which Katsuki was fully aware of. My "fans" or whatever I could refer to them as, had changed, or rather ruined, my definition of that word tremendously. For me, the term 'daddy' no longer applied to being a father...

Katsuki picked the ring up from the box and closed it before putting the empty box in his pocket. Then he grabbed my hand, leading the ring to my finger. He glanced up at me with an excited smile, and I nodded as a sign for him to proceed.

With a deep breath, he slid the perfectly fitting ring down my finger, then stood back up once it was in place.

He dug through his pocket again, pulling out a matching ring without a box, displaying it to me.

"Do you wanna return the favour and put mine on?" He asked, looking way more confident than he did earlier.

I quickly agreed, and so he handed me his ring with a bright smile. I proudly managed to slide it down his ring finger despite only having one hand free.

Katsuki gently grabbed me by the collar, pulling me into an exceptionally passionate kiss, which lasted until Akatsuki woke up.

"Papa..?" She sleepily mumbled as she started to wriggle around in my grip, causing me to need both arms to hold her up, just to ensure her absolute safety.

She fell asleep about halfway to the temple, and thankfully, she was a heavy sleeper just like Katsuki.

"Hey, honey! You're awake!" I exclaimed, happy to see her in her awakened state again.

She nuzzled her face into my shoulder, messing her silky, crimson hair up, almost undoing her odango pigtails (which I'd worked my ass off in order to do) in the process.


"Aka-chan, darling; could it be you want to go night-night?" Katsuki asked our daughter, trying to somewhat fix her messy hair.

Akatsuki nodded. "Akacha go nai-nait, mama.."

Katsuki and I exchanged glances as we both were on the same page; it was time to head back to the hotel, even though we didn't get to see very much of the beautiful temple.

Well, thankfully the hotel was nearby, so it wouldn't take long before we'd be back.

Katsuki's POV:

The time was already past 2:30 AM. I was laying in our futon, sleepless, thinking about pretty much everything that'd happened today. I reflected on our engagement, trying to picture our future wedding inside my head.

Shōto and I had the futon for ourselves tonight as Akatsuki had a gotten a child sized one prepared for her, which was placed next to ours.

Assuming Shōto was asleep, I lifted my hand straight up in the air and observed the golden ring on my finger. It brought a warm smile to my lips.

"I'm gonna become Katsuki Todoroki soon enough, huh?" I whispered for myself.

A fit pair of arms were wrapped around me, and I was pulled into a sincere, comfortable embrace.

His scent was incredibly calming and he always smelled so damn good. I felt safer, warmer in his arms than anywhere else.

I snuggled up to his firm chest, feeling how his muscles worked under his skin with every movement he made. I could also hear his heartbeat. I had a tendency to use his chest as a pillow, and I always wanted to sleep with my ear over his heart. His heartbeats had the same effect on me as a lullaby had on a child.

"Katsuki Todoroki.. It's absolutely perfect.. I love it. You'll also be able to escape the clutches of the Fukisumi family once and for all if you're married into the Todoroki family..." Shōto groggily mumbled.

He was right... I'd never thought of that, but the Todoroki family was higher up and more powerful than the Fukisumi family. Mom, Akatsuki and I, all three of us with the stupid Fukisumi blood running through our veins, would finally be free..? Would I be able to leave the house alone? Be able to meet mom, Deku, Eijirō, Denki, Sero and Mina again? I'd asked Deku to tell them I was fine last year, so that they wouldn't have to worry, but I actually missed those four idiots I hadn't been able to meet in almost two years, the dumbasses I called my best friends.

I'd meet them again, and I was looking forward to seeing their reactions to Akatsuki and Shōto. Cracking it all to them in the future would be interesting. How would they react getting to know I had mated, probably gotten married at that point and had a kid during the time I was gone..? The thought of it made me excited.

"What are you thinking about?" Shōto asked, sounding more awake now.

I was thinking about how to formulate my thoughts and let out a somewhat extracted hum.

"I was thinking about my closest friends, Deku aside. It's been almost two years since I last saw their faces. My best friend, Eijirō, is definitely worrying about me every day, even now. He's an idiot, and so are all four of them, but they're amazing. I want you to meet them someday..."

I felt how the tears started to burn in my eyes, threatening to well over my waterline.

"You really treasure them, don't you? I admire that. I'd love to meet them; they're important to you after all. Actually.. how about we invite them to our house?" He suggested before elaborating by explaining his reasoning.

"I don't think your four closest friends will pose any threat to you, so I can't see a reason as to why we should keep you five apart. If you trust them, then so do I. So, what do you say?" He asked, the corners of his mouth curling into a warm smile.

I was speechless. I'd finally get to see them again.. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I was so incredibly ecstatic.

The tears that had threatened to escape my eyes, were now streaming down my cheeks.

"Yes-... Yes..! I'd love that! Thank you so much!"

I tried to express my words as quietly as possible, but it was hard to keep my voice down due to the highly emotional state I found myself in.

Shōto pulled me a bit closer, comforting me with his loving embrace as he pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Why are you thanking me, silly? I haven't done anything other than coming with a suggestion."

That wasn't true. He'd done so much more. I wasn't only thanking him for coming up with that incredible suggestion, but for everything.

Thanks to him, I'd become someone I was proud to be. I could with pride call myself a parent, mate and fiancé.

The only thing that worried me about going public after the marriage was Shōto's scary fan-base. Judging by what I'd already seen, some of them wouldn't be too happy about the news. It's not like I was even close to being as handsome as him; actually, I looked like a blob of some sort standing next to him. I had a mean-looking face, uncontrollable hair, a terrible attitude and I certainly wasn't pretty or delicate in any way. Before making my appearance known to the public eye, anyone who'd heard the news about Todoroki Shōto's wedding would imagine Shōto's spouse to be a petite, beautiful and dainty omega from a wealthy family, working for a huge modelling agency overseas or something.

Then there was me; an unusually tall and bulky omega with anger issues.

Unlike the imaginary me who went to a prestigious high school in France (Yep; he's starting to develop a backstory to his own imaginary self..), I was someone who got into a lot of fights in my mediocre high school and almost got expelled because I caused too much trouble. I did get really good grades though, always finding my name among the top five students when it was time for the rankings to be displayed.

Straight A's in high school wouldn't really help me much which Shōto's fans though. I would just have to ignore them, or at least try not to get into a physical fight with anyone when the time arrived. No promises made, however.

"Sleep, Katsuki. If you keep overthinking things so much, you'll go crazy." Shōto said, somehow knowing what I was up to.

"Yes, yes." I replied, waving my hand dismissively.

I took a deep breath and tried to let go of my worries, shifting my focus to Shōto's heartbeats.

As usual, the sound put me right to sleep.

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