《His Butterfly》Last Chapter



Amara have never felt so at peace. Finally everything was at its right place. She moved in with Ric. Meeting her parents and explaining why she was away vacationing in an island had been a little hard. If they were still skeptical about it they didn’t show it. She was designing a thankyou dress for Jasmine. She was a strict guard but a lenient friend. She smiled as she remembered seeing Jamsine and Noah in a not so innocent-position.

Going back at work was something Amara never knew she needed. All the materials, pins ,scissors and mannequins reminded her the solace they provided when she threw herself in work after being heartbroken. She was picking up the pin that fell on the floor when Ric entered her office.

“That’s a view I wouldn’t mind looking at my deathbed.”

Rolling her eyes ,she turned to see him standing with both hands in his pocket.

“I don’t know whether to scold you or kiss you.”

“Definitely the second one. But you can scold me after I get my fix. I didn’t knew getting addicted to kisses were a thing.”

Amara shook her head at him as she smiled at him. Within seconds he had his hands on her waist and captured her lips.

“Definitely an addict.”

“What are you doing here? Didn’t you and Noah had an important thing to do?”

“Its done. And I was missing my butterfly. The boys think I’m less pleasant when you are not around.”

“I missed you too. Well you do grunt rather than answering.”

“I’m here to steal you. I want to show you something.”

“Nope. I’m busy I’ve like so many things to do. My clients don’t know I was kidnapped by a huge wall of muscles when I took a bullet for him.”

“Huge wall of muscles? I don’t hear you complaining when you climb this wall every night. And I’ve already told Anna to clear all your schedule. I don’t think your secretary likes me.”


“Babe I don’t think she’ll like you if you keep ordering her to clear my schedules. Give me a minute. I’ll wrap these up.”

Ric sat on the couch while Amara kept her things in their place. He was so proud of her. Her dedication and determination were one of the things that attracted him. He still remember the day when he met her. She was the one of the interns whose designs he was going to capture. She looked like an angel managing everything. And he knew this woman was one in million. He didn’t wasted a moment and asked her out. He couldn’t wait for the surprise he had planned for her.

“I’m done. Let’s go. Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“What kind of surprise?”

“A good one.”

“What.. Are you not going to tell me anything?”

“If you keep pouting your lips.. I doubt we’ll go anywhere.”

Amara rolled her eyes at his thoughts. She wonder what did he did all these four years.

“Keep rolling that eyes of yours, and I’ll fuck you right here in this elevator .”

“Is that a threat Mr. Black?”

“It’s a promise, love. We’ve had to make up for four years of missing sex.”

Amara laughed at his serious expression. Some times it was hard to remember they were on apart from each other for four years. But there’s never a morning without the night. Her office already had good security but Ric has doubled the protection. She was sure it was unnecessary but she didn’t said anything. If it’ll make him less worried she’ll endure these mountain of muscles in her store. The car drive was filled with laughter and kisses. Amara noticed it was his studio when he stopped the car.

“What are we doing here?”

“Patience. .my love.. Have some patience.”


Ric held her hand and took her to the gift he was preparing for her.

“Close your eyes and remember you have to pretend to like it even if you don’t.”

Amara smiled and closed her eyes. She felt them going up in the elevator. She was barely containing her excitement when she heard a soft music.

“Open your eyes.”

Amara gasped when she opened her eyes. There were about fifteen whochildren sitting in the middle of the floor. Ric had decorated the place above his studio in an ethereal dance studio. It was beautiful.

“Its beautiful. Will they dance?”

“ They will when you teach them.”

“What.. Ric.. How?”

“They are the children of some of my men. They want to learn dancing but their parents never sent them thinking it’ll be dangerous. I asked my men if they had any children in their house who wants to learn dancing. And here we are. I know how much you enjoy dancing “

“You want me to teach them?”

“If you want to. You can teach them in weekends—

“I love you Richard. Every day you make me fall in love with you more and more. I’d love to. Well this is happening, isn’t it? We are finally getting our happily ever after.”

“You have always been my happily ever after and you’ll always be.”

Amara smiled as he kissed her.

“You two really need to stop kissing everytime.”

“And you need to stop breathing.”

“RIC.. that’s so mean. Thank you for helping him put everything up Noah.”

“Are you sure you want to teach them? I mean they can be a lot. Children are devil in disguise.”

“I see why you two are friends. You guys talk I’ll go and meet the children.”

Ric stood beaming at himself. He knew she was going to love this.

“You are happy.”

“I am. This is what I’ve ever prayed for.”

“Well…I’m happy for you. There is a talk going on in the town. The Russians are going after Chicago. Angelo might need to do something sooner than he thought.”

“He’ll be fine. You don’t play with fire and Angelo is himself the fire. He’ll burn the whole city and make it a city again with the ashes. Just keep a watch on him. Its his story now.”

Ric went back t watching Amara as she talked with a girl not less than five years old. She looked so happy with her glowing cheeks. He couldn’t help but think of their own daughter. One day they’ll have their own children and Amara will teach them how to dance. They will have a choice. He’ll never do what his father did to him. He’ll teach them everything but he’ll let them decide. He was ready to face everything for his family. He finally had the future he always dreamt of and he’ll cherish it forever. Love her everyday more and more. He’ll fight for it everyday because love is the only thing which matters.


"Love always wins, no matter the weight or intent of the hatred.” ― Mitta Xinindlu



And the book is complete. It took me a year to complete this. It was a ride full of emotions. I had put so much work in this. I’ve met many beautiful people in this journey. Thank you so much for all of you. My readers are the only thing that kept me going. A little mention to my favourite @Nerdiest-of-them-all. You are great. And It’ll mean so much if you guys continue showing the same love to Angelo’s story. I’ll post the summary tomorrow. And I’ll be posting some bonus chapters this week because I love Amara and Ric.

Do vote and comment.

Love you guys.



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