《His Butterfly》chapter 34


Numb. Amara felt numb all again. She felt the fate hated them. Whenever she thought her sufferings were over, destiny seems to have different plans. She knew the exact moment Leah fired at her head she was going to die. But she didn’t knew to laugh at the situation or cry because her Ric had taken the bullet meant for her. Luckily the bullet grazed his shoulder due to his massive height.

What she did knew was she never want to be the person who has to face his wrath because the way he was walking towards Leah was scary . His eyes was so dark as if he has stored all the glory of hell in it. His lips pulled up in a maniac way with his face all red with anger and maybe pain. The veins in his forehead were threatening to pop out. So when he kneeled down to come face to face with Leah she knew at that moment this is how Lucifer must look reigning hell.

“I was going to go easy on you. I felt bad for you. But now I want to to drag you to the deepest pit of hell . And no I’m not killing you so soon. I’ll show you how hell looks while living.”

“Ri.. Ric I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please let me go.”

“Oh I will. I will let you go. I’ll let you go in the best way possible.”

The menace in his voice shook Amara to the core. She felt she was seeing him for the first time. The logical part of her head was warning her but the part who controlled her body made her warm. This Richard King was sexy as hell to say atleast . She scolded herself for the dirty thoughts that came in her mind. This was neither the place nor the time.


“Jasmine, take Leah to the thrill zone. Its been like forever since I used it. And you don’t have to be gentle.”

Jasmine grabbed Leah by her hair and dragged her to the back of the mansion. The back of the mansion had forest stretched over as far as one could see. Amara felt a bit bad for Leah but the blood stains on Ric’s shirt was enough to toughen her up. She was curious to see what this thrill zone was. But it seemed to be only and only forest. All the members present in the house followed them in the out.

“Leah, I’d like you to meet my dogs, Sniper and Rage. They are pure non-vegetarian. You know they are very faithful. They never bite the hands which feed them. But other’s hand it’s a different story.”

“Richard. .please let me go. I’m sorry. I’ll leave the states and never come back. I’ll even change my name. I’ll be a ghost. Please let me go. I beg you.”

“Okay. I’ll let you go.”

“You will? Oh my god. Thank you. I’ll never forget this. I owe you.”

“What’s the hurry? Let me finish. I’ll let you go. You can run as fast you can but you shot me. I’ll do the same. I’ll shoot you at the exact place. I’ll even give you three minutes to run as fast as you can. But as soon as those three minutes are over. I’ll set Sniper and Rage free. Run as fast as you can Leah because trust me they will show you hell.”

“R.. Ric.. I’ll die.”

“That’s exactly what I want. But the choice is yours. Die at the hand of me with zero chances of living or run and maybe you can save yourself.”


Leah seemed to made her mind cause she started running like a mad woman. But her run was soon cut short. Ric shot at her right leg making her scream as fell down.

“You said you would shoot me at my arm.. You are a liar.”

Leah screamed in pain.

“I did say that ..didn’t I? But what’s the fun in that? This is more fun. C’mon get up. You have two minutes left before I set my babies free.”

Amara shuddered at the thought of Leah’s pain. She was limping as she run. Her blood trickled down her feet. She could see how everyone was inwardly shivering at the punishment Ric gave Leah. This is what Venom of death meant.

Just as those two minutes were over, Ric set both of his dogs free. They were closing on Leah in no time. One can see this was not the first time they were doing this. They were the breed of strong hunting dogs and now they were hunting Leah. Amara knew she was not that strong to watch them maul Leah to death but she didn’t move. Maybe what Leah said stuck in her mind. She can’t appear weak in front of others. They will never approve her. Not that she needs their approval but she wants to be brave for Ric. She knew the world she was entering when she said she’d accept Ric as he was. Mafia or not she’ll do anything to be by his side.

Leah’s scream brought her out of her thoughts. Sniper, the biggest of the two had his teeth sunk in her calf while Rage bit her hand. She was screaming as they tore the flesh out of her skin.

“This is what will happen to anybody who tries to hurt my queen. She’s to be respected just like you respect me. Amara will rule beside me. You all will be answerable to her the same way you are all to me. IS THERE ANYBODY WHO DOESN’T AGREE TO IT? IF YES THEN PLEASE COME FORWARD AND JOIN THE FATE OF LEAH.”

His steel voice was enough for the people to understand what he was trying to say. This was his way of warning everyone who will come for me. My heart was beating furiously when he ran to where his dogs were still mauling Leah. He crouched down and spoke something to Leah.

“If you had enough of brain, you’d not be here. If it were for me I’d leave you to bleed out. But I know how much it is hard for my love to watch this. So I’m going to put you off of your misery.”

Ric aimed his gun at her head and shot her finishing the turmoil of his heart. Everything was fine. Amara was safe. But he could not let go of the guilt he felt. He was scared of looking at her. He doesn’t want her to be ashamed of him or worse scared of him. But for now he was content knowing she was safe.


"Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny."

-Charles Reade


Hey my fellow readers!!

I hope you all enjoyed new year. Have a happy year ahead.

Do tell me how was the chapter. I can't believe I've almost finished this book. Its bittersweet.

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