《His Butterfly》Chapter 31


It was time to make things right. Ric wanted nothing more than to take Amara with himself but he knew it'll jeopardize his chances of getting the Chair agree to charge Leah. It'll look like she did everything because of her. He couldn't let it happen. But a sense of fear was gripping his heart. His instincts was telling him something. But being too engrossed in what could happen in the meeting, he didn't ponder over it.

"Michael, I want you and Chris to guard this wing from outside. ."

"Yes boss. "

"Robert, you and Ben will be situated inside. Allow no one to enter. I repeat trust no one."

"We wont boss. "

"And Jasmine you'll be accompanying Amara all the time. Don't let her leave the room. You know she's everything to me. "

"I'll be her shadow boss. But please get rid of Leah soon. She's a headache."

Ric smiled at her. It was good to know his people too felt the same about her. He went inside his room and saw her sitting on the bed. Just few hours and he'll make her his forever. She looked at him and he could feel her anxiousness.

"I'll be alright, love. Please don't worry about me."

"Easy for you to say. You won't know how I'm feeling."

"Babygirl, I'm this close to losing my shit. I don't want to leave you alone. I can't lose you, Amara. There's this sense of fear always in my mind. It's like you'll vanish any moment. It's ripping my heart open. I've loved you from the moment I saw you. And this four years just intensified my love for you. I know what you are feeling cause I feel it everyday."

Amara hugged him tightly. She would've stopped the time if she could. Ric kissed her forehead and sighed. Just few hours.

"I'll be back before you know."

"I love you Richard. "

His phone rang before he could reply to her. Noah was waiting for him in the car. He kissed her again and went outside. Little did he knew he should've replied to her.

His father was accompanying them to the meeting. Arthur was left in charge of the heavily guarded mansion. They reached the bungalow where the meeting was being held. He could see Nicholas standing with his cousin and his men outside. His cousin, Maria waved at them as they got out of the car.

"Why are you outside?"

"I thought it'll give them a heart attack seeing us going in together. New York and Connecticut together can be a pretty dangerous sight to the Chair."


"Ah.. Just like Ferdinand. He was a worthy opponent. I'm sorry for your loss,boy."

" He was. Funny how I was planning to kill you few days ago, Mr. Black. But lucky for you your son gave me someone more appropriate."

"Don't let this fire die. You are young. Make it your strength."

Ric could see his father getting along with Nicholas. He agreed with him though. Going in together will definitely create a storm in their mind. And he was in a mood to dominate them.They moved together. Fourty to fifty people dressed and ready to kill. With Ric and Nicholas leading them, it looked like a pack of wolves led by the alphas. They straight went to the conference room where the Chair always held the meeting.

Sebastian Matteo, the leader of Italy clan and one of the member of the Chair stood outside the room with his men. He narrowed his eyes for a second seeing them like this. His face was cold and emotionless. He had done unspeakable things without remorse.

"I didn't knew you had friends coming Angelo. "

" Though we are on good terms, Blacks are here as witness."

"Oh I see. What a sight! Venom of Death at our doorstep."

"Is the sight really pleasant for you, Matteo? "

"Richard Black.. Always Straight with the words. Lets get this thing started. "

Nicholas presented each and every video, audio, documents and proofs in front of them. It was enough to prove both William and Leah Roscoe responsible for his father's death and for the attacks on Richard.

" And from where did you got all this?" Dimitri, the Russian leader raised the first question.

"I planted a spy in Richard's gang. He informed me about everything. And when he told me Roscoe tried to kill Richard breaking his treaty, I thought it was the perfect time to meet him and get all the evidences he has against Roscoe."

"Its funny how you are going against Chicago, Black. "

" Yeah.. As an ally you shouldn't be against them but rather with them." Ju Long, the representative of Northern Asia further demanded.

" I think you guys are blind and deaf to not listen to Leah Roscoe accepting to kill Richard three times. One deadly attack is enough to break the treaty. " Elena Christwood, the only female in the Chair mocked them. It was enough to silence the useless questions.

"What are your demand against them Nicholas?"

"I want the Chair to declare Chicago a rogue territory. I'll hunt William down and give him a death so gruesome he'll regret being born. I would've done it before, if my father hadn't taught me to follow the Chair's laws. "


" I am intrigued by your involvement, Ric. What do you gain by helping poor Nicholas?"

"Miss.Christhood, I gain my freedom from a useless match and a traitor. The treaty is already broken. The Chair should announce what's best for us and themselves."

"Are you threatening us? "

"I don't believe in giving threats Elena, I directly do the work. Quick and swift. And It was a mere suggestion."

"It's a shame you still haven't fucked me, Ric. We'll be a great match. "

"Thanks but I'm good the way I am, Elena. "

With next few hours of further powerplay and the sexual innuendo by Elena, The Chair finally declared Chicago a rouge territory. All their assets and consignments were freezed. Leah was no longer in the protection of New York. Ric was free. He wasn't engaged to any maniac. Now He just wanted to go home and make love to his woman.

MEANWHILE back in the mansion, Leah could feel the change in everyone's behavior. She saw Arthur sending his wife and daughter somewhere. Half their men went with them. The sudden absence of Ric along with Noah and his dad was suspicious. She decided to talk to Arthur and get something out of him.

Knocking on his office door,he saw him busy checking his phone. She could make out his last words about how much he loves his wife and asking them to be safe. She could feel the old jealousy and heartbreak all over again.

"What are you doing here, Leah? "

"I came to ask you about Ric. He has been gone for quite long. Is he fine? I am worried about him. You know he doesn't share things with me. He used to before but now he doesn't even greet me good morning."

"You are worrying about him? "

"Why are acting surprised? He's my fiance.I love him and I'm about to marry him in few days. Obviously I'll be worried."

"You sound sincere."

"Is everything fine? You are scaring me Arthur."

Leah could feel him fighting within. She knew she was a sweet girl in front of Arthur who got her heart broken by him. He would always have that guilt and she'll feed on that guilt.

"I told him you weren't involved but that idiot wouldn't listen to me. "

"In what I'm not involved? You are scaring me Arthur. Please tell me what's going on?"

" Ric believes you and your father tried to kill him. I believe your father did it. But I doubted your involvement."


"I'm sorry Leah. But your father did attacked him three times."

"No.. No..This can't be happening. Ric wouldn't believe I am involved. He trusts me right? He knows I love him with all my heart. "

She knew she was in a grave danger. It'll be a matter of time she'll be thrown out of here. But she won't let Ric win. She'll destroy his fucking world. She'll kill everything dear to him. She'll do it now. She started crying to make Arthur believe her.

"Hey, I know you are a good girl, Leah. I don't know what had happened to Ric? He is not ready to listen to anyone not even me. He is hell bent on proving you a culprit."

"But I know why he is doing this."

"What do you mean? "

"Everything went down the moment that girl came in our life, Arthur. She took the bullet and tada she's the apple of his eyes. I think she's a spy. She's been sent by our rival. Fuck she's eliminating his strength one by one. "

"Leah I think you are wrong. She took a bullet for him and as far as I know—

"Don't you think it's suspicous how the bullet didn't hurt her as much as it should. She just got a minor wound. A perfect set up. She became the fucking hero and Ric got wrapped around her pinky finger. I am telling you it's a matter of time before it's you and your family. Now it's me but God knows who will be the next. "

"I'll fucking kill her before she touches my family."

"Ric would never let you do that. He'll come anytime now and throw me out. She'll have him as her sheild. If you want to do something, now is the right time."

"I need to think Leah. She doesn't seem like that."

"You think she'll show her bad side. She was taught and trained to act like this. She knows what to say and when to say. I am scared thinking of what she has in her mind. Save your family,Arthur. My fate has been already decided. There's no time left for me. But you still can save your family. Save them before she targets them. "

" You are right.I have to do something. "


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