《His Butterfly》Chapter 30


Ric wanted to support Angelo in front of the Chair. But before he did so ,he decided to inform his brother and father. It wasn't that he cared for their opinion. He wanted them to know the real face of William Roscoe. He needed his father and brother to be with Angelo rather than voting for the monster. He called them in as Noah brought them to his office.

"Good morning, brother."

"What is this all about boy? "

Ric nodded at his brother and ignored his father.

"I was investigating about the shootings and it opened doors of suspicion to many people around me. "

"If you're insinuating I was involved in harming you, I'll stop you right there. I'm your brother for god's sake. No matter how much you hate me I'll always look out for you."

"I didn't said you were involved."

"Stop blabbering, Arthur. If my son says it was the work of someone he knew ,he must have a very good reason. "

"I have evidence. Confessions of the person who tried to kill me more than once. "

"Who is that piece of shit?"

" I'll tell you soon. Before that answer me Mr. Black , are you involved anyway in Ferdinand's murder?"

"I've killed many Ferdinands, boy. Be specific."

"Ferdinand de Angelo."

"Sad to say but No. He hadn't given me any reason to kill him."

"Do you know who killed him Old man? "

"I'm not that old."

"I'm not a boy. "


" Any idea who could've murdered him?"

"No. "


"Well it's daddy's dearest best friend. William Roscoe. He and his daughter are the mastermind behind it. "

"Well It doesn't concern us. He can do whatever he wants."

"Arthur will it concern us if I said they were behind those attacks? They tried to kill me three times so they could have all our power to themselves."


The silence in the room gave away that no one expected it. Ric could feel the shock and surprise on their faces. Of course its not everyday you hear your alliance tried to kill your son or brother. Not only William sabotaged the treaty but also went against the words of the Chair.

"Whatever you do, just don't give him a quick death."

It was Ric's turn to be surprised. He never saw his father this angry. He was seething in rage. It reminded him of the times he ruled. He was a killing machine. He never displayed his emotions. It was hard to know what he was thinking.

"Are you sure? Leah seems to be in love with you. Maybe she's innocent in this. I mean maybe you got confused. "

"She loves the aspect of being married to the me,the power and the authority she gets with it. Not me. Maybe she loved you brother . Maybe you brought out her maniac side by ditching her. Maybe she was broken after you used her for your pleasure and married someone else."

"That was out of line, Ric."

"Yeah. Out of line my ass. I have more important things to do rather than playing blame games with you. The reason I called you is we'll be meeting the Chair. Lending our support to Nicholas as he brings Roscoe to dirt."

"What about the alliance we have with Chicago? "

"Arthur.. You know that if one tries to kill their allies... There's no treaty right? "

Arthur ignored Noah and continued questioning his brother.

"You know what you're doing right? Meeting the Chair is not a small thing. Just end the treaty. And let Nicholas do whatever he wants. Why are you involving our clan? "

"Arthur.. Stop speaking before I shoot you myself. Your brother just told you he tried to kill him."

"You are agreeing to this father? Didn't you taught me to always think of the gang first?"


"I did. But the circumstances are different here. "

"I wasn't asking for any suggestions. I was informing you my decision ,Arthur."

"I'm sorry man.I have a daughter. And seeing our family history I lost it. We are with you."

"I'll leave in an hour and I'll never let anything happen to my niece Arthur. I've already told my men to secure the building. Everything is being monitored. No body can get in. They all are ready to do everything to keep them safe. "

Ric could finally feel he was doing everything right. He would give everything he had in him to make Amara stay in his life. Even if it meant going against everyone including the Chair.

The Chair is the apex of mafia. It is a council of the gangs all around the world. They are the ultimate power. They can make or break anyone. America, Russia, Italy and Northern Asia are the ones consisting the Chair. They all are lethal ,emotionless and a killing machine. All the gangs in the country can vote for one king who gets to be in the council for a term of five years.

Ric knew firsthand how the Chair was because his father had enjoyed that power for ten years. He knew what a hound he was. But that doesn't meant he'll not fight for his love. He'll fight hard and this time he'll have his happily ever after. Smiling at the thought of her, he went to see her angelic face.

He knocked at the room but when he heard no response he couldn't stop the fear he felt. He rushed inside and heard the shower going on. He breathed a sigh of relief. This girl could make him lose his mind. Stripping of his clothes , he opened his bathroom door.

Hearing the glass door slide, Amara turned to find the man of her dreams looking all dreamy. She knew he was leaving in an hour.

"Everything's good? "

"Yep.. With this view in front, nothing could be wrong. "


He hugged her and the huge bathroom seemed a little small for her. She leaned into his body. Yearning for her taste, Ric kissed her passionately. He pulled her closer by her hair. Amara melted into his kiss. Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against her.

"Can you promise me something Amara? "

" What is it babe? "

"Promise me you'll not leave the room until I came back. My most trusted men are protecting this wing. Jasmine will be outside of this room till I come back. Though I doubt anything will happen but I want you to be safe nonetheless."

"You worry too much, Ric. But I promise I'll not go anywhere. But come fast. "

" Leah doesn't know anything. She'll be here only. Please don't be anywhere near her. She's too dangerous. The moment Chair declares Chicago a rouge territory she'll be out too. I've already told my brother. He'll take care of everything."

"I won't leave the room babe. So quit worrying about me. I can see you getting old with all this worry. "

"I'm anything but old , Love. You should know it better than anyone. "

"You are a dog. Dirty dog."


While on the other side, Nicholas De Angelo couldn't wait to destroy Roscoe and take his life. His anger and rage only grew since the last year. He was planning and waiting for the perfect opportunity to torture the shit out of that bastard. What he didn't expected was to be helped by the Blacks. Though he knew, Richard had his own motive behind it, he didn't care. He had already tons of problems to deal with.

"We'll be leaving in an hour, Angelo. "

"Is everything ready? Because you know if one thing goes wrong, you lose your life. "

"Jeez. Way to say thanks to your favorite cousin."

"You are my only cousin Maria. And Yes I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head."

"I didn't ask that?"

"Just giving information. In case you want to try talking nonsense."

Maria snorted and left the brooding man inside.


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