《His Butterfly》Chapter 29


Ric's blood boiled when he heard Leah's confession. They had enough of evidence to strip the Roscoes of their power. He waited in his office for Noah. He wanted to make sure the Chair were on his side. He hated to be away from his butterfly but this needed to be handled. He smiled as he remembered the way she pouted when he told her he had to meet Noah in his office. He wanted nothing more than keeping her in his arms.

Hearing a knock at the door, he said a quick come in to see Noah entering the room. He looked like shit. His eyes were bloody, his knuckles bruised and he seems to be the same Noah he helped years ago in high school .

"You are looking like someone ran a car over you."

"More like a truck. Did you listened to it? "

"Yeah. Its pretty clear who was behind the shooting. Angelo had already denied being a part of this."

"She's messed up pretty badly. She was smiling like crazy when she told me about how much they wanted you dead. "

"Noah. She doesn't deserve a single ounce of mercy. I am sorry man I know you like her and—"

"Liked. I liked her. She can act pretty well. If you wouldn't have told me to take my head out of my ass I'd be still thinking she is some scared poor woman."

"So what did Angelo tell you?"

" He'll be taking the evidences to the Chair. Once Roscoe's territories is confiscated by them, he'll hunt each one of them and you know the rest."

"I thought we'll be going after them."

"No. As much as I want to kill those rascals, I think Angelo really need to do it. It'll give him some type of closure knowing he killed the man responsible for his father's death. "

"Leah told William invited me to his mansion tomorrow."

"I don't trust this man Noah.., He is a snake."

Noah nodded as we both talk about the cons and pros of the situation we are in.


"Keep our men ready. Anything can go downhill. I want us to be prepared."

"Yess boss. "

Ric could see Noah was upset. Anybody in his place would be. Its not easy to find the person you like to be exactly opposite they apeared to be. Like any best friend would do, he decided to cheer him up.

"Wanna duel? "

"Some other time man.. "

"Scared that I'll whip your ass? "

" Definitely not. Its just—"

"No tantrums pretty boy. The first one to hold the opponent to the ground for five seconds wins. It'll distract you from other things. "

"Tell Amara I'm sorry. "

"And tell me again why? "

"She wouldn't like your face beaten to black amd blue. "

Ric smirked at him. Even though Noah is a tough fighter, he knows he can beat him if he wants.

"We'll see. "

Exiting his office, they both went to the gym. Few gang members were present in the gym when they entered. Both of removed their t-shirt as they prepared for the fight. It wasn't uncommon for them to duel with each other. Whenever they fight, the gym gets filled with members watching them, hollering and cheering them. Soon as the word got out,more members came to the gym to watch it.

Ric tuned out the crowd focusing solely on Noah. Eyeing him like a hawk, he waited for him to strike first. They circled each other and in a minute Noah threw a punch at him. Ducking himself, he caught his hand and twisted while kicking at his knees. Noah quickly got up and faking a punch at Ric's right side, he punched his chin with his other hand. Ric smirked as he tasted the metallic taste of his blood. Using his leg, he jumped and kicked Noah's face,making his nose bleed. Before he could recuperate, he again punched him at the stomach making him hiss in pain. Ric raised his hand to punch him again but Noah caught his hand and banged his face with his head. Groaning with pain, he hit him in his stomach as he turned to hold his neck in his tighthold. He choked Noah as the latter tried to gasp for air. Noah elbowed him in his stomach making Ric lose his hold. Coughing as he breathe in air, they both striked at each other. Noah gave blow after blow to his face. More punches and kicks flew. They both had a busted lip and a bleeding nose. Having had enough ,Ric caught his hand and twisted his fingers. He turned in a motion and kicked Noah in the back making him fall on the surface. Before Noah could comprehend, he was at the floor with Ric looming over. He kicked at his head almost knocking him out. Noah grunted in pain but didn't stood up. The crowd cheered crazily.


Ric gave him his hand and brought him up. They both were messed up pretty badly.

"Told ya.. I'll whip your ass. "

"Look at yourself, you look like shit. I'm sure Amara is going to throw you out of the room."

"She's asleep."

"Umm.. Ric thank you for this. It might sound crazy but I feel much better. Physical pain do numb out the emotional one."

"Experience, Noah. I've lot of experience in this."

He looked at him dead seriously before they both burst out laughing. Although he was telling the truth. In the last four years, Ric always escaped his reality by doing so. Saying goodbye they both went to their rooms.

Without making any noise, he went directly to the bathroom . The hot water relaxed his muscles. He hissed in pain as his face throbbed. That bastard did him good,so much for cheering him up. He wrapped the towel around him after the shower.

Amara woke up at the sound of water running in the bathroom. She was half sleepy but all her sleep vanished when he came out only in a towel. Water droplets were glistening on his body. His abs perfectly sculpted made her drool. The towel hanged just below his v-shape. The sight was delicious.

"I can practically feel your eyes on my back."

"You woke me up. "

Amara gasped when he turned to face her. He had bruises all over his face. His lips swollen and busted. She ran to him without sensing her lack of clothing.

"Oh my God.. Are you okay? Your face.. You need to see a doctor. Is it hurting? What am I even asking? Ofcourse it is. Will you tell me what happened? Why are you standing quietly? "

"My dear Amara, if only you'll let me speak. But then again I like the view in front of me."

" What view—"

Amara finally noticed she was naked in front of him. Feeling her cheeks heat up.. She turned to wear something when Ric caged her in his arms.

"You don't have to hide from me. And besides you were practically drooling over me . Shouldn't I get the same opportunity?"

She slapped his arms making him grunt in pain.

"Oh God.. I'm so sorry.. Please tell me how this happened? "

"I am fine, Love. Noah and I just practiced some kicks. It'll take more than some punches to hurt me. "

"Funny how you were crying in pain just seconds ago."

Ric looked at his fiesty woman. Only if words could tell how much he loves her.

"Close your eyes, love. I have something for you. "

"What is it Ric? "

"First close your eyes. "

She huffed but closed her eyes. She sensed him opening some drawer.

"I had this with me for four years. This was for your birthday but then everything changed. I never parted with it. It reminded me of you."

She felt him clasp a necklace at her neck. She opened her eyes and gasped as she took in the beautiful gift. It was a crystal blue butterfly pendant. It was simple but elegant. She couldn't stop herself from touching and admiring it. She looked in his eyes, love evident in it.

"Thank you, Ric. Its beautiful."

"It is. "

He hugged her tightly. He wanted nothing but to stop time and keep her in his arms forever.


Hello guys,

I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know what you think of the chapter. I'm sorry I couldn't update earlier, I had a shitty day.



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