《His Butterfly》Chapter 25


Noah was working out in the gym. He was disappointed in himself. He knew the pain and hurt Ric felt staying away from Amara. He also knew Amara was his only chance of happiness. Then why did he defended Leah? He have known Amara from the day she met his best friend. She was the sister he never had. He admits he feels something for Leah but what is it? Pity or Love? Maybe his past was clouding his judgement. Having a childhood as traumatic as his would surely make any person confusing. Was it because he felt Leah was being treated the same way as his mother? He let out a frustrated sigh.

Happy over the fact Noah was alone in the gym, Leah decided to pay him a visit. Wearing a sports bra and spandex shorts, Leah was out for hunt. It wouldn’t be wrong to say she looked sexy as hell.

“Hey! I didn’t knew you were here. I thought you went with Ric?”

“No. I wasn’t feeling well.”

“You seem upset. You know you can tell me anything.”


“what’s the matter?”

“Nothing, Leah. I had a headache. Ric told me to take some rest.”

“Well, This is how you take rest?Doing workout in gym?”

“Why are you here, Leah?”

“Same as you. I have my wedding soon. Just want to be in a good shape.”

Hearing about her wedding, it pained him why? He wasn’t sure.

“Oh… well I should get going.”

Leah wasn’t ready to end it so soon . She knew the exact words that’ll make him stay.

“Of course. Before I had my fiancé ignoring me. But now the only friend I have is doing the same. Sometimes I feel I’m going to die alone.”

“I am not ignoring you. I have some work to do.”

“Noah, No body understands me the way you do. My own father had never seen me as a human being. I was just an asset to him. He brought me up just to wed me off with some rich mafia. He never loved me. Ric doesn’t loves me. I had only you in my life and now you are also drifting away. I am lost without you Noah.”


It would’ve have fooled anyone. It seemed like she was genuinely depressed. Her voice wavered as her eyes filled with unshed tears. Unable to see her like that, Noah hugged her. He whispered affectionate words telling how amazing she was. He caressed her. Unknowing to him, it was all a façade. Leah smirked as he cooed her with loving words. She was beyond happy. Finally her plan was working.

“Noah, why are you so nice to me? I am bad. Everybody hates me. Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

Noah cupped her face in his hand and looking in her eyes he said, “ Trust me Leah. You are beautiful. You are beautiful inside out. In these four years, I have always seen you chirping and laughing. But I have never thought you were going through so much.”

As soon as he said those words, Leah captured his lips and kissed him slowly and sensually. Everything was going as she planned. It was evident she was designing a hurricane. One that’ll tear Ric and Amara apart.

On the other side of the city Ric was on his way to meet Johnny. He had left Amara in the security of his men. She was still at studio living their past through the pictures Ric had there. He had to meet him alone. Ric prayed everything goes on smoothly.

Reaching the location, he saw an old fashioned villa. As soon as he raised his hand to knock on the door, a man who looked over sixty opened the door.

Ric noticed how different he looked from the last time he met him. Johnny was Ric’s grandfather's younger brother. He got the news of his death in first year of university. He had access to his files after becoming the king .

“You are alive.”

“ Duh. You have been talking to me since last week. So how’s my grandnephew?”

“ I need your help.”

“I figured. You plan to talk everything on my doorstep?”

Ric followed him as they went inside. It was a big mansion for a single man. But it was evident from the pictures on his wall, he wasn’t alone. In each frame, a lady accompanied his grand uncle. Johnny noticed Ric’s gaze and decided to share his life in bits and pieces. Pouring two glass of whiskey, he talked about his life.


“ She’s Julie. My wife. She was 21 when we met. She was given to the gang to settle the debts her old husband was unable to pay.”

“She looks young.”

“I was 34 the first time she had seen me. I was beating the hell out of a gang member who assaulted our house help. Nobody had looked at me like that, a look full of respect. I never believed in love. But her innocence and selflessness moved my heart. My brother raised a hell when I asked him to let her go. But I had the same blood running in me. I didn’t backed down. We made a truce though. She would look at the accounts. She quickly won over the gang. I professed my love and we got married. She always wanted children. We tried but we never became parents. We adopted a girl. She was our universe. She had little blue eyes, red curly hairs. My daughter, Maria.”

“Where is she now?”

“In a better place. I lost my baby girl when the Russian gang attacked our house. We found her dead with a bullet wound near her heart. Julie was shattered. She went into shock. I was filled with rage. I was unhinged. I nearly destroyed the city. But my brother made me realized if I didn’t stopped and took care of Julie soon I would lose her too.”

“You don’t have to continue. John”

“I want to. It’s been years since I talked about it. My brother decided it was better if I retired from this mafia world. But I was still a member. If I leave, other would want exit too. After all its all about rules in our life. So we created a story about the Russian gang kidnapping me and my wife and torturing us. My brother acted to search for ten years. And then decided to declare me dead. All the funds he showed for my search was actually being sent to us as provisions. Became Johnny from John Downey Black. Your grandfather was the best brother.”

“Where happened to Julie?”

“She is sleeping. She doesn’t recognizes anyone beside me. She’s still in shock. But I love her the same."

“I am sorry.”

“ Don’t worry. Time teaches you to handle the pain. Now instead of fighting war, I arrange treaties between gangs. Just to save lives.”

“I want you to arrange a meeting with leader of a clan.”

“Okay. Which clan?”


“ He hates your fucking guts .If you come in front of him, I’m sure one will die. Do you even know him?”

“ Nicholas De Angelo, son of Ferdinand De Angelo. He took his father position last year when he died in a war.”

“ A war which was started by Blacks and Roscoes.”

“ Just arrange a meeting. I’ll handle Hades himself if that’s what it takes.”

“Why do you want to?”

“Just know we are more similar than you think. I’ve sent you a voice note. Forward it to Angelo. I’m sure he’ll be intrigued to know more.”

“Will do.”

“And Johnny, you can call me anytime you want. Just send the time and place I’ll be there. Remember you have a family.”


"Spin' is a polite word for deception. Spinners mislead by means that range from subtle omissions to outright lies. Spin paints a false picture of reality by bending facts, mischaracterizing the words of others, ignoring or denying crucial evidence, or just 'spinning a yarn' - by making things up." ~ Kathleen Hall Jamieson


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I hope you guys are doing well,eating healthy and staying happy. Have a happy reading. Do tell me what you think will happen next?

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