《His Butterfly》Chapter 10


Amara was busy preparing for the launch of her spring collection the whole week. Today was the day for the gala she was sponsoring. Her mom, the Chairwoman of the Social Services Club planned the gala every year. Every year it raises plenty of sum to help the orphanage and old age houses. The club even helped students giving them scholarships. All the elite and wealthy people of New York came to the gala every year.

“Amara, baby explain it to your dad, he can’t go to the gala wearing jeans and t-shirt.”

“Daddy, you know it’s a black and white affair. You gotta wear your tux.”

“ Huh.. if I’ve had to wear the dress accordingly then what’s the advantage of being the husband of the Chairwoman.”



“ This is not fair. You guys always pair up against me. Both my girls against me, I’m so hurt. Amara you are supposed to be on my side.”

She smile at the antics of her father. Being the only child she got undivided attention from both her parents. She loved them with all their hearts. Her heart yearned for Ric. She had to make him confess he still loved her. Whatever the danger was , they can tackle it together. Her phone rang bringing her back.


“Miss Wesley, where shall I drop your dress? At your condo or your parents house?”

“Anna, bring it to my house. And you can also get ready there. I have Mac coming to do my makeup. So come over.”

“Okay ma’am.”

“Anna quit calling me ma’am. How many times I’ve told you to call me by my name”

“Okay Amara. I’ll be there in half an hour. ”

“Mom I have to go and get ready. I’ll see you there. Bye daddy.”


Disconnecting the call, she informed her parents. She reached her house in ten minutes. Getting a quick hot shower she began prepping herself. Yesterday her whole day had been spend at the salon. She wanted to look more than just good at the gala. She wasted four years hating Ric believing the bullshit he had spewed. Though she was angry at him, she missed and loved him every fucking day.


ON the other side, Ric was beating the shit out of traitor who was informing the clan of Connecticut. His hands were bruised with the force he was hitting. His eyes looked fierce with all the anger. There was a reason why everyone called him the VENOM OF DEATH. No one could tell he wasn’t trained for leading the gang.

“ I’m sorry sir. I’m sorry. Please spare me.”

“You are fucking sorry huh? You broke the oath of the brotherhood. You gave them information. All for what?? For the bloody money? You sold your life for a fucking piece of paper.”

“They promised to take me in. I’m sorry man.”

“No one would take a bloody traitor in their clan. They would’ve killed you once you inform them. Well I’ll be killing you too. But they would have given you an easy escape. I’ll make sure everyone knows the consequences of going behind my back. So tell me what the hell did you informed them?”

“ I didn’t tell them anything. He just wanted to know your weak point.”

“Well good for me I didn’t have one.”

Before he could further investigate Noah came barging in the room.

“Man you have a fucking gala to attend. I still don’t think you should go.”

“I have to make sure the man is right for her. She deserves the best. I can’t let her get hurt.”


“ She isn’t your responsibility anymore Ric, Leah is.”

“ She is my fucking first priority. She’ll always be. It doesn’t matter if she gets married or me. I’ll protect her till the last breath of my life. I’ll not let anyone tell me otherwise. Bestfriend or not.”

“As you wish. You should go and get ready. I’ll take it from here.”

Richard didn’t like the way Noah was getting attached to Leah. He trusted him but lately he seems to be different. Shaking his head, he went to get dressed. He just hoped Amara’s fiance was a nice and respectable man. Though it would be hard to watch her with another man, he was ready to see them. He needed to make sure she’ll be happy. He wasn’t sure he wouldn’t bash at his family the way he did last week.

Leah was happy to finally go somewhere with Ric as a couple. She knew Ric never looked her with glance full of love. She also knew he never slept with any other girls in the clan. Sometimes she thinks maybe he isn't interested in girls. She was brought up to rule the New York as a queen along with Arthur. But to her luck she got the more handsome brother. She had always liked the quiet and reserved Richard Black. Arthur in his bachelor days was a playboy who slept with anything who took a breath. Though he changed after he met his wife, she was never really attracted to him. But Richard has a sense of calmness attached to him. But above both of them was Noah who always looked after her in these four years. When Ric was silent, Noah filled the silence with his talks. He took her to shopping, asked her about her day and even knew about her favourite pizza topping. Though her heart liked him but her mind always brought her back to Richard.


Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great.

-Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

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